Arkansas Code
Chapter 11 - Agritourism Act
§ 2-11-105. Liability of agritourism activity operator

This chapter shall not prevent or limit the liability of an agritourism activity operator if the agritourism activity operator or an agent of the agritourism activity operator:
(1) Commits an act or omission of gross negligence concerning the safety of a participant that proximately causes injury, damage, or death to the participant;
(2) Has actual knowledge of a dangerous condition on the land, facilities, or equipment used in the activity or the dangerous propensity of a particular animal used in the activity that proximately causes injury, damage, or death to the participant and does not make the danger known to the participant that proximately causes injury, damage, or death to the participant;
(3) Intentionally injures a participant; or
(4) Commits other acts, errors, or omissions that constitute willful or wanton misconduct, gross negligence, or criminal conduct that proximately causes injury, damage, or death.