This subchapter may be cited as the “Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act”.
Structure Arkansas Code
Chapter 60 - Miscellaneous Proceedings Relating to Property
Subchapter 10 - Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act
§ 18-60-1003. Applicability — Relation to other law
§ 18-60-1004. Service — Notice by posting
§ 18-60-1006. Determination of value
§ 18-60-1008. Partition alternatives
§ 18-60-1009. Considerations for partition in kind
§ 18-60-1010. Open-market sale, sealed bids, or auction
§ 18-60-1011. Report of open-market sale
§ 18-60-1012. Uniformity of application and construction
§ 18-60-1013. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act