(a) Any city or town, or any board thereof, may operate a program of public recreation and playgrounds independently; they may cooperate in its conduct and in any manner in which they may mutually agree, including with counties or school districts; or they may delegate the cooperation of the program to a recreation board created by one (1) or more of them and appropriate money voted for this purpose to the board.
(b) In the case of school districts, the right to enter into such agreements with any other public corporation, board, or body or the right to delegate power to a board for operating a program of recreation shall be authorized only by a majority vote cast at an annual school election.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 3 - Municipal Government
Chapter 54 - Powers of Municipalities Generally
Subchapter 13 - Public Recreation and Playgrounds
§ 14-54-1301. Authority to operate
§ 14-54-1302. Operation of programs generally
§ 14-54-1304. Use of school funds
§ 14-54-1305. Gifts and bequests
§ 14-54-1306. Property used for activities