Arkansas Code
Subchapter 12 - Milk Production and Sale
§ 14-54-1202. Form of ordinance

Authority for the regulation authorized in § 14-54-1201 may be had by the passage of an ordinance in the following form:
“An ordinance to regulate the production, transportation, processing, handling, sampling, examination, grading, labeling, regrading, and sale of milk and milk products; the inspection of dairy herds, dairies, and milk plants; the issuing and revocation of permits to milk producers and distributors; the placarding of restaurants and other establishments serving milk or milk products; and the fixing of penalties.
“The city of ordains:
“Section 1. The production, transportation, processing, handling, sampling, examination, grading, labeling, regrading, and sale of all milk and milk products sold for ultimate consumption within the city of , or its police jurisdiction, the inspection of dairy herds, dairies, and milk plants, the issuing and revocation of permits to milk producers and distributors, the placarding of restaurants and other establishments serving milk or milk products, and the fixing of penalties, shall be regulated in accordance with the terms of the 1939 edition of the United States Public Health Service Milk Ordinance, a certified copy of which shall be on file in the office of the city clerk: Provided, That the blank spaces following the words “city of” in said Public Health Service Milk Ordinance shall be understood to refer to the city of ; Provided further, That in section 8 of said Public Health Service Milk Ordinance the alternative wording shall apply: Provided further, That sections 16 and 17 of said Public Health Service Milk Ordinance shall be replaced, respectively, by sections 2 and 3 below.
“Section 2. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall upon conviction be punished by
“Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed; and this ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication.