No obligation may be incurred by the municipality in the construction or acquisition of the works contemplated by this subchapter or in the condemnation of property in connection therewith, except as shall be payable solely from the funds to be acquired from the sale of revenue bonds of the character authorized by this subchapter. In view of this provision, the court, in condemnation proceedings instituted under this subchapter by the municipality, may make such requirements of security as will serve to protect the landowner.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 14 - Solid Waste Disposal, Waterworks, And Sewers Generally
Chapter 234 - Waterworks and Water Supply
Subchapter 2 - Purchase and Construction
§ 14-234-203. Authority of municipalities
§ 14-234-204. Authority of cities and towns — Use of revenues
§ 14-234-205. Ordinance for issuance of bonds — Contents
§ 14-234-207. Bonds — Amount — Negotiability — Execution — Sale
§ 14-234-208. Lien in favor of bondholders — Enforcement — Appointment of receiver upon default
§ 14-234-209. Accounts — Audit — Treasurer as custodian of fund — Fund separated from city funds
§ 14-234-210. Allocation of specific portion of issue of bonds to particular project
§ 14-234-211. Acceleration of maturities — Priorities between bond issues — Execution of indenture
§ 14-234-212. Issuance of bonds to construct improvements
§ 14-234-213. Exchange of unpaid water revenue certificates for refunding bonds
§ 14-234-214. Rates — Disposition of surplus funds