Arkansas Code
Chapter 206 - Acquisition Of Utilities By Municipalities
§ 14-206-103. Confirmation by electors

(a) Any municipality may determine to seek approval from the commission to acquire the property of a gas or electric public utility as authorized under the provisions of this chapter by the vote of the municipal council, city commission, or governing body taken after a public hearing, of which at least thirty (30) days' notice has been given by publication in newspapers having a general circulation within the municipality. This vote shall have been ratified and confirmed by a majority of the electors voting thereon at any special election held in accordance with § 7-11-201 et seq.
(1) In the event the vote of the municipal council, city commission, or governing body is ratified and confirmed by a majority of the electors voting thereon, the clerk of the municipality shall notify the commission of the results of the election within ninety (90) days thereafter.
(2) Within one (1) year after the election, the municipality may file with the commission an application for approval of a certificate for the acquisition or purchase of the property of a gas or electric public utility as provided in this chapter.