Arkansas Code
Chapter 204 - Municipal And County Hydroelectric Power Development
§ 14-204-107. Nature of bond indebtedness — Payment from revenue of project — Use of excess revenue

(1) Revenue bonds shall not be general obligations of the municipality or county but shall be special obligations, and in no event shall the revenue bonds constitute an indebtedness of the municipality or county within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation.
(2) It shall be plainly stated on the face of each bond that the bond has been issued under the provisions of this chapter and that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the municipality or county within any constitutional or statutory limitation.

(b) The principal of and interest on the revenue bonds, with trustee's and paying agent's fees and similar servicing charges, shall be payable from revenues derived from the hydroelectric project or projects acquired, constructed, reconstructed, extended, or improved, in whole or in part, with the proceeds of the bonds.
(c) Revenues derived from the operation of hydroelectric power projects in excess of the revenues necessary to provide for the operation, maintenance, depreciation, and debt service requirements in connection with such hydroelectric power projects, as determined by the municipality or county, may be used for any lawful municipal or county purpose and may be pledged by the municipality or county issuing revenue bonds under this chapter to the payment of principal and interest on indebtedness incurred by the municipality or county, or by a nonprofit corporation with the approval of the municipality or county, for financing the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, extension, equipment, or improvement of waterworks facilities, of sanitation and solid waste facilities, of facilities for the securing or developing of tourism, or of community recreational facilities.