(a) The ordinance or trust indenture authorizing or securing any bonds issued under this chapter may impose a foreclosable mortgage lien upon all or any part of the electric system of the municipality.
(b) The nature and extent of the mortgage lien may be controlled by the ordinance or trust indenture including, without limitation, provisions pertaining to the release of all or part of the electric system from the mortgage lien and the priority of the mortgage lien in the event of the issuance of additional bonds.
(c) Subject to such terms, conditions, and restrictions as may be contained in the ordinance or trust indenture, any holder or registered owner of bonds issued under this chapter, or of any coupon attached thereto, may, either at law or in equity, enforce the mortgage lien and may, by proper suit, compel the performance of the duties of the officials of the municipality set forth in the ordinance or trust indenture authorizing or securing the bonds.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 12 - Public Utilities Generally
Chapter 203 - Municipal Electric System Financing
§ 14-203-103. Scope of chapter
§ 14-203-104. Authorization to finance electric system
§ 14-203-105. Bonds — Issuance generally
§ 14-203-106. Bonds — Terms and conditions
§ 14-203-107. Bonds — Trust indenture
§ 14-203-109. Bonds, coupons — Execution — Seal
§ 14-203-110. Bonds — Priority among issues
§ 14-203-111. Bonds — Nature of indebtedness — Surplus revenues
§ 14-203-113. Bonds — Mortgage lien
§ 14-203-114. Bonds — Default — Receiver
§ 14-203-115. Rates, fees, and charges — Disposition — Pledges
§ 14-203-116. Rights of holder or owner of bonds