Any municipality shall have the power, subject to the provisions of this act, to acquire by purchase or otherwise or construct and operate a public utility plant and equipment, or any part thereof, for the production, transmission, delivery, or furnishing of any public service.
Structure Arkansas Code
Subtitle 12 - Public Utilities Generally
Chapter 200 - Municipal Authority over Utilities
§ 14-200-101. Jurisdiction over utilities — Appeal — Definition
§ 14-200-102. Violation of municipal franchise — Penalty — Damages
§ 14-200-103. Duration of permits granted by municipalities
§ 14-200-104. Continuation of existing franchises and permits
§ 14-200-105. Acceptance of permit as consent to future sale
§ 14-200-106. Municipal power to acquire, construct, or operate public utility plant
§ 14-200-107. Election to authorize purchase by municipality
§ 14-200-108. Compensation and damages for purchase
§ 14-200-109. Municipal power to finance electric facilities system
§ 14-200-110. Municipal access to utility records
§ 14-200-112. Exemption from regulation by state commissions