Arkansas Code
Subchapter 1 - Intent and Definitions
§ 14-144-102. Legislative intent

(1) It is the intent of the General Assembly to maximize the benefits to be derived from Arkansas's institutions of higher education. Therefore it is necessary to provide an environment conducive to the creation and retention of businesses that develop through Arkansas's colleges and universities.
(2) In many instances, these businesses are founded by entrepreneurs engaged in research, and it is imperative that research facilities be made available in the State of Arkansas to encourage, house, and support these developing entrepreneurs and businesses.
(3) This chapter is intended to provide a mechanism by which appropriate research facilities may be developed, funded, and operated for the purpose of supporting and retaining Arkansas entrepreneurs and businesses dependent upon research for their further development.

(b) It is further intended that the research parks created under this chapter shall serve as a catalyst for community growth and transformation and as centers for community planning and improvement.