Arkansas Code
Subchapter 3 - Regulation of Operation
§ 11-7-301. Penalty for endangering mine or miners

(a) Any miner, workman, or other person who shall knowingly injure any water gauge, barometer, air course, or brattice or shall obstruct or throw open any airway, or carry any open flame lamp, or matches, into any mine or shall handle or disturb any part of the machinery of the hoisting engine or open a door to a mine, and not have the door closed again, whereby danger is produced, either to the mine or to those who work therein, who shall enter any part of the mine against caution, who shall disobey any order given in pursuance of this chapter, or who shall do any willful act whereby the lives and health of the persons working in the mine, or the security of the mine or miners or the machinery thereof is endangered, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) Upon conviction, the miner, worker, or other person shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the court or jury hearing the case.