Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 6 - Banks and Financial Institutions
§ 6-709 - Requirements

6-709. Requirements
A. A licensee at all times shall maintain minimum liquid assets of at least $2, 500 in excess of the licensee's business liabilities and of the licensee's liabilities on account of monies received in the business of a debt management company. The deputy director may determine by general rule what assets are liquid assets within the meaning of this section and may determine by specific ruling or demand that a particular asset is or is not a liquid asset within the meaning of this section.
B. A licensee shall make a written contract between the licensee and a debtor and immediately furnish the debtor with a copy of the completed contract. The licensee shall concurrently furnish the debtor with a list of the creditors, as of the time of the signing of the contract, with whom the licensee agrees to manage the debtor's obligations. All contracts shall contain a provision allowing the termination of the contract by either party at any time. Such termination shall be without penalty, except that the licensee shall retain the retainer fee if the termination is by the debtor. Termination shall only be on a five-day notice to the other party.
C. The basis of fees charged to a debtor by a licensee for assuming the responsibility of debt management shall be agreed on in advance and clearly stated in the contract. The fees charged to a debtor shall not exceed:
1. A retainer fee of $39.
2. Three-quarters of one percent of the total indebtedness or $50, whichever is less, may be charged monthly and shall be due and payable at the time such deposited funds are remitted to the creditors. Unusual and necessary " out of pocket" expense items by the licensee may be charged to the debtor's account if the incurrence of the expense has advance written approval of the debtor and deputy director.
D. The total debt shall be calculated not less often than annually and the charges adjusted based on the new total debt. Any fees charged by the licensee shall not be based on a total debt which includes a mortgage on the residence or a rent payment as a liability or a debt.
E. A licensee shall not be entitled to any fee until the licensee has given notice of the debt management contract to all creditors listed in the application form.
F. A licensee shall make remittances to creditors within seven days after receipt of any funds, unless the reasonable payment of one or more of the debtor's obligations requires that such funds be held for a longer period so as to accumulate a certain sum.
G. A licensee shall on request furnish the debtor with a written statement of the debtor's account each month or a verbal accounting at any time the debtor may request it during normal business hours.
H. A licensee shall, if a compromise of a debt is arranged by the licensee with any one or more creditors, allow the debtor the full benefit of that compromise.
I. A licensee shall maintain a trustee checking account in a bank in this state for the benefit of debtors in which all payments received from the debtors shall be deposited and in which all payments shall remain until disbursed by the licensee in accordance with the terms of the contract.
J. A licensee shall keep and use in the licensee's business books, accounts and records that will enable the deputy director to determine whether such licensee is complying with this article and with the rules of the department. Each licensee shall preserve such books, accounts and records for at least three years after making the final entry on any transaction recorded in the books, accounts or records.
K. If a licensee desires to change the licensee's place of business or the name of the company under which the license is issued, the licensee shall give written notice of the change within fifteen days to the deputy director and shall submit the license to the deputy director who shall enter an order allowing the change and who shall amend the license accordingly.
L. A licensee shall, within fifteen days after termination of a debt management company, a branch office or an agency, inform the deputy director of the name and address of such company, branch office or agency and shall surrender the license to the deputy director.
M. A licensee shall annually on or before August 15 file a report with the deputy director giving such relevant information as the deputy director may require concerning the business and operations of each place of business during the preceding year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The deputy director may assess a penalty of $5 for each day the licensee fails to file such report.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 6 - Banks and Financial Institutions

§ 6-101 - Definitions

§ 6-110 - Financial institutions division; deputy director

§ 6-112 - Assistant director; examiners; personnel

§ 6-113 - Acts prohibited; officers; employees

§ 6-114 - Balloon payments prohibited; applicability; exemptions

§ 6-115 - Insurance premium transmitters; timely payment required; civil penalty

§ 6-116 - Sale of securities; disclosure

§ 6-117 - Assumed business name; trade name; notification; definition

§ 6-121 - Examination; supervision

§ 6-122 - Deputy director; authority; duties

§ 6-123 - Deputy director; powers

§ 6-123.01 - Fingerprint requirements; fees

§ 6-124 - Investigations; compelling testimony and the production of documents; self-incrimination

§ 6-125 - Annual examination assessment of financial institutions and enterprises; costs of foreign examination; payment

§ 6-126 - Application fees for financial institutions and enterprises

§ 6-127 - Disposition of revenue

§ 6-128 - Joint examinations; acceptance of federal regulatory and other authorized examinations

§ 6-129 - Records; disclosure and limitations on disclosure; evidentiary effect

§ 6-129.01 - Enterprise documents open to public inspection

§ 6-130 - Limitation of personal liability

§ 6-131 - Right to sue and defend in actions; liability limitation; award of fees and other expenses

§ 6-131.01 - Appointment of deputy director as receiver; award of property, fees and costs

§ 6-132 - Violation of title; civil penalty

§ 6-133 - Violations; classification

§ 6-134 - False statements as to financial condition; classification

§ 6-135 - Department revolving fund; use of fund

§ 6-135.01 - Department receivership revolving fund; use of fund

§ 6-136 - Violation of order or injunction; penalty

§ 6-137 - Cease and desist orders; injunctions; public inspection

§ 6-138 - Hearings

§ 6-139 - Judicial review

§ 6-141 - Definitions

§ 6-142 - Unlawful control

§ 6-143 - Exempt persons and transactions

§ 6-144 - Acquisition of control; approval of deputy director

§ 6-145 - Application for approval

§ 6-146 - Material change of fact; filing amended statements

§ 6-147 - Denial of application; grounds

§ 6-148 - Failure to act on application as approval

§ 6-149 - Determination of control of one person by another; hearing; notice

§ 6-150 - Appointment of deputy director as agent for service of process; forwarding of process; consent to jurisdiction

§ 6-151 - Injunctions

§ 6-153 - Acquisition of voting securities in violation of article; limitation on rights as shareholder; injunction

§ 6-161 - Suspension, removal or prohibition; hearing; notice

§ 6-162 - Temporary prohibition; injunction

§ 6-163 - Judicial review

§ 6-164 - Attorney fees and expenses

§ 6-165 - Enforcement of order

§ 6-181 - Declaration of purposes

§ 6-182 - Transition

§ 6-183 - Rights, powers and privileges of national banks

§ 6-184 - General corporate and banking powers; incidental powers; deposit insurance; federal reserve and home loan bank membership; agency relationship

§ 6-185 - Board of directors' meetings; review; report of failure of quorum to meet

§ 6-186 - Annual audit and report

§ 6-187 - Authority to declare dividends; limitation

§ 6-188 - Bonds and insurance; coverage

§ 6-189 - Capital obligations; approval; convertibility

§ 6-190 - Bank offices; standards and term of approval; closing; automated teller machines

§ 6-191 - Foreign banking offices; additional powers; separate accounts; additional offices; definition

§ 6-192 - Investments in international and foreign banking and financing corporations; limitation; consent; exceptions

§ 6-193 - Bank and holding company subsidiaries; powers

§ 6-201 - Authority to engage in banking business; exception

§ 6-202 - Existing banks

§ 6-203 - Application for banking permit; organizational application; final application

§ 6-204 - Issuance of banking permit; trust business; conditional approval; hearing; banker's bank; definitions

§ 6-205 - Term of permit; surrender; revocation

§ 6-211 - Definitions

§ 6-212 - Resulting national bank

§ 6-215 - Retention of nonconforming assets; permission; maximum value

§ 6-216 - Continuation of business and corporate entity

§ 6-217 - Emergency acquisition of in-state financial institution

§ 6-231 - Deposit accounts

§ 6-232 - Powers of attorney; notice of revocation; payment after notice

§ 6-233 - Adverse claim to bank deposit; court order required; definitions

§ 6-234 - Deposit of minor; school saving plan

§ 6-235 - Bank deposits in two or more names; payment to survivor

§ 6-236 - Payment of deposits in trust

§ 6-237 - Payment of deposit to foreign personal representative

§ 6-241 - Banking days; notice; closing

§ 6-242 - Preservation of bank records; regulations; disposal

§ 6-243 - Acquisition of property to satisfy or protect loans

§ 6-244 - Borrowing by bank; treatment as capital

§ 6-245 - Pledge of assets; rediscount; exception to requirement of security

§ 6-246 - Permitted investments; limitations

§ 6-271 - Reserves against deposits; rule; limitations

§ 6-272 - Deposits exempt from reserve requirement

§ 6-273 - Form of reserves; limitations

§ 6-275 - Computation of reserves

§ 6-321 - Definitions

§ 6-322 - Interstate acquisitions; approval of deputy director; exception

§ 6-324 - De novo entry by certain financial institutions

§ 6-325 - Failure to act on application as approval

§ 6-326 - Denial of application; grounds

§ 6-327 - Applicable laws and rules; cooperative agreements; contracting exemption

§ 6-328 - Deposit concentration limits

§ 6-329 - Deposit production offices

§ 6-330 - Rights, powers and privileges of out-of-state banks

§ 6-331 - Enforcement

§ 6-351 - Definitions

§ 6-352 - Limitations of obligations to a bank; exceptions; definitions

§ 6-353 - Obligations of directors, officers and employees; reports

§ 6-354 - Loans on capital stock or capital obligations of a bank

§ 6-355 - Change loans

§ 6-381 - Authority of bank to engage in the trust business

§ 6-382 - Powers of bank as fiduciary

§ 6-383 - Identification and segregation of fiduciary assets

§ 6-384 - Deposit of fiduciary funds

§ 6-385 - Substitution of corporate fiduciary

§ 6-386 - Investment by fiduciaries; governmental obligations

§ 6-391 - Unauthorized conduct of banking business; false representation

§ 6-394 - Prohibited ownership or control of a financial institution and interest in insurer insuring deposits; assets and reserves of insurer

§ 6-395 - Possession by deputy director and receivership

§ 6-395.01 - Powers of deputy director in possession

§ 6-395.02 - Federal deposit insurance corporation as receiver

§ 6-395.03 - Federal deposit insurance corporation power pending judicial proceedings

§ 6-395.04 - Right of subrogation of federal deposit insurance corporation

§ 6-395.05 - Effect of receivership proceedings on liens and limitations

§ 6-395.06 - Rights, powers and duties of a receiver

§ 6-395.07 - Sale of bank assets; authority to borrow monies; injunction; hearing

§ 6-395.08 - Rejection of contracts and leases on liquidation

§ 6-395.09 - Notice to claimants on liquidation

§ 6-395.10 - Disposition of unclaimed property

§ 6-395.11 - Priority of claims; interest

§ 6-395.12 - Payment of claims and distribution to stockholders on liquidation

§ 6-395.13 - Voluntary liquidation and dissolution

§ 6-395.14 - Voidable transactions

§ 6-395.15 - Notice of taking; effect

§ 6-401 - Definitions

§ 6-402 - Scope of chapter; application to federal associations and federal savings banks

§ 6-403 - Prohibitions

§ 6-404 - General corporate powers

§ 6-405 - Power to borrow

§ 6-405.01 - Capital notes and debentures

§ 6-406 - Incidental powers

§ 6-407 - Applicants and initial capital

§ 6-408 - Application for permit to organize

§ 6-409 - Findings and hearings

§ 6-410 - Deputy director's approval and issuance of permit to organize

§ 6-411 - Subscription to capital and temporary organization

§ 6-412 - Completion of organization

§ 6-413 - Contents of articles of incorporation

§ 6-414 - Members

§ 6-415 - Members' meetings

§ 6-416 - Record date for voting, dividend and other purposes

§ 6-417 - Directors

§ 6-418 - Waiver of notice

§ 6-419 - Officers

§ 6-420 - Bonds of officers and employees

§ 6-421 - Access to books and records; communication with members

§ 6-422 - Types of capital; personal property

§ 6-423 - Accounts

§ 6-424 - Shares of guaranty capital; nature; consideration

§ 6-425 - Shares of guaranty capital; authorization of issuance; minimum amount

§ 6-426 - Shares of guaranty capital; rights of existing shareholders

§ 6-427 - Shares of guaranty capital; advertisement; sales; collection of subscription

§ 6-428 - Retirement or reduction of shares of guaranty capital

§ 6-429 - Issuance, delivery, and transfer of certificates and account books

§ 6-430 - Who may hold capital and membership

§ 6-432 - Effect of payment to minor or fiduciary

§ 6-433 - Payment on disability or death of holder in his own right of account

§ 6-434 - Shares and accounts of certain associations as legal investments; deposit of fiduciary monies

§ 6-435 - Voluntary withdrawal of accounts

§ 6-436 - Maturity of shares

§ 6-437 - Enforced retirement of accounts

§ 6-438 - Authorized charges applicable to members

§ 6-439 - Accounts subject to liens

§ 6-440 - Apportionment of profits

§ 6-442 - Dividends and interest

§ 6-443 - Bonus plans

§ 6-444 - Promotional activities prohibited; definitions

§ 6-446 - Other investments and powers

§ 6-449 - General loan contract provisions

§ 6-450 - Modification agreements

§ 6-451 - Servicing of loans

§ 6-452 - Purchase of real or personal property at forced sale

§ 6-453 - Purchase of real estate for office and rental purposes

§ 6-454 - Appraisal of real estate owned

§ 6-456 - Effect of unauthorized investments and loans; liability of officers

§ 6-457 - Appraisals

§ 6-458 - Acknowledgments

§ 6-459 - Amendment of articles of incorporation

§ 6-460 - Procedure to amend articles of incorporation

§ 6-461 - Existing associations; adoption of articles and by-laws

§ 6-462 - Conversion from state to federal association

§ 6-463 - Conversion from federal to state association

§ 6-464 - Effect of conversion

§ 6-465 - Merger of associations or corporations

§ 6-466 - Effect of merger

§ 6-467 - Authority to liquidate

§ 6-468 - Decision to liquidate; adoption of plan

§ 6-469 - Election of liquidators; report; supervision

§ 6-470 - Protection and liquidation of assets

§ 6-471 - Filing and payment of claims

§ 6-472 - Final distribution and dissolution

§ 6-474 - Accounting practices and records

§ 6-475 - Branch office

§ 6-476 - Examination

§ 6-477 - Audit by public accountant

§ 6-478 - Reports to deputy director and members

§ 6-479 - Information to federal authorities

§ 6-482 - Receiver; appointment; transfer of assets; powers; liability

§ 6-483 - Procedure for liquidation; rights of share transferor

§ 6-484 - Illegal use of name; classification

§ 6-486 - Rehabilitation of associations; definition

§ 6-487 - Proposal of plan; petition; notice of hearing

§ 6-488 - Hearing; fairness of plan

§ 6-489 - Consents required for plan to operate; exceptions

§ 6-490 - Time of giving consents; jurisdiction of court

§ 6-491 - Effect of approval and consents

§ 6-492 - Appeals

§ 6-493 - Securities defined; power to issue under plan

§ 6-494 - Authority of fiduciaries

§ 6-495 - Reservation of powers to legislature

§ 6-496 - Applicability of other statutes

§ 6-497 - Effect on existing associations

§ 6-501 - Definitions

§ 6-502 - Reports and examinations

§ 6-503 - Accounting and records

§ 6-504 - Advertising

§ 6-505 - Declaration of purpose

§ 6-506 - Organization procedure

§ 6-507 - Certificate of approval; filing with corporation commission; certificate of incorporation

§ 6-508 - Certificate of organization and bylaws

§ 6-509 - Exclusive use of name; exception

§ 6-510 - Principal place of business; branch office; automated teller machines

§ 6-511 - Out-of-state credit union

§ 6-512 - Fiscal year

§ 6-516 - General powers

§ 6-517 - Federal parity

§ 6-521 - Membership

§ 6-522 - Organization members

§ 6-523 - Membership applications

§ 6-524 - Termination of membership

§ 6-525 - Meetings of members

§ 6-526 - Calling of special meetings

§ 6-527 - Liability of members

§ 6-531 - Authority and responsibility of directors; voting

§ 6-532 - Election of board

§ 6-533 - Compensation of officials

§ 6-534 - Conflicts of interest

§ 6-535 - Officers

§ 6-536 - Executive committee

§ 6-537 - Certain duties of directors; insurance

§ 6-538 - Credit committee

§ 6-539 - Credit manager

§ 6-540 - Loan officers

§ 6-541 - Audits

§ 6-542 - Suspension and removal of officials

§ 6-543 - Action without meeting

§ 6-551 - Share accounts

§ 6-552 - Dividends

§ 6-553 - Deposit accounts

§ 6-554 - Withdrawals

§ 6-555 - Minors' accounts

§ 6-556 - Multiple party accounts

§ 6-557 - Liens

§ 6-558 - Member account insurance

§ 6-559 - Savings promotion accounts

§ 6-561 - Purpose and conditions of loans; prepayment penalties

§ 6-562 - Interest rates and other charges

§ 6-563 - Other loan programs

§ 6-564 - Loans to officials

§ 6-571 - Insurance for members

§ 6-572 - Group purchasing

§ 6-573 - Money type instruments

§ 6-574 - Retirement accounts

§ 6-576 - Investment authority

§ 6-577 - Authorized investments

§ 6-581 - Transfers to regular reserve

§ 6-582 - Use of regular reserve

§ 6-583 - Special reserves

§ 6-584 - Voluntary dissolution

§ 6-585 - Involuntary dissolution

§ 6-586 - Distribution of assets of liquidating credit union

§ 6-587 - Merger or consolidation of credit unions

§ 6-588 - Conversion of credit union

§ 6-591 - Organization

§ 6-592 - Purposes; membership

§ 6-593 - Powers of corporate credit union; federal parity

§ 6-594 - Participation in central system

§ 6-595 - Reserves

§ 6-601 - Definitions

§ 6-602 - Exemptions

§ 6-603 - License; contents of application; fees; nontransferability

§ 6-604 - Issuance of license; license year; requirements

§ 6-605 - Denial of renewal; suspension; revocation

§ 6-606 - Business limited to licensed locations; restrictions

§ 6-607 - Books; accounts; records; access

§ 6-608 - Annual report of licensee; civil penalty for failure to file

§ 6-609 - Reporting rates; change in rates; quarterly report of deputy director

§ 6-610 - Effect of revocation, suspension or surrender on preexisting contract; impairment of contracts

§ 6-611 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-612 - Rules

§ 6-613 - Restrictions; voidable loans

§ 6-614 - Noncompliance

§ 6-615 - Foreign loans; reciprocity

§ 6-631 - Disclosures; penalty

§ 6-632 - Finance charges

§ 6-633 - Computation of finance charges

§ 6-634 - Precomputation of consumer loan

§ 6-635 - Other allowable fees; annual reporting

§ 6-636 - Insurance securing loan; cancellation; notice

§ 6-637 - Term; payments

§ 6-638 - Other insurance

§ 6-639 - Loans from theft or fraud; consumer not responsible; correction of credit information

§ 6-701 - Definitions

§ 6-702 - Exemptions

§ 6-703 - License required

§ 6-704 - Application for license; bonds; contract

§ 6-705 - Branch offices and agencies

§ 6-706 - Fees

§ 6-707 - Issuance of license; display; renewal

§ 6-708 - Denial; revocation or suspension of license

§ 6-709 - Requirements

§ 6-710 - Prohibitions

§ 6-714 - Advertising

§ 6-715 - Prohibitions

§ 6-716 - Fees collected

§ 6-801 - Definitions

§ 6-802 - Acknowledgment of report of examination; penalty

§ 6-811 - Exemptions

§ 6-812 - Foreign corporations

§ 6-813 - License of agent; nontransferable; posting

§ 6-814 - Procedure for licensing; surety bond

§ 6-815 - Renewal of license

§ 6-816 - Fees

§ 6-817 - Refusal to license; suspension; revocation

§ 6-831 - Records

§ 6-832 - Annual audit; report

§ 6-833 - Seizure of property of impaired escrow agent

§ 6-833.01 - Priority of distribution during receivership

§ 6-834 - Deposit of monies; definition

§ 6-835 - Limit of legal action

§ 6-836 - Commissions; other considerations prohibited

§ 6-837 - Duty of escrow agent to produce escrow records for inspection; violation; classification

§ 6-838 - Surrender of license

§ 6-839 - Continuing jurisdiction

§ 6-840 - Prohibitions; definitions

§ 6-841 - Internal control structure; definition

§ 6-841.01 - Fiduciary duty; notice of returned check

§ 6-841.02 - Liability of title insurer; closing protection letter; definition

§ 6-841.03 - Notice of uninsured monies; rules

§ 6-843 - Disbursements; applicability

§ 6-846 - Making of escrow rates

§ 6-846.01 - Filing of escrow rates

§ 6-846.02 - Justification for escrow rates

§ 6-846.03 - Disapproval of escrow filings

§ 6-846.04 - Deviations in escrow rates; civil penalty

§ 6-851 - Definitions

§ 6-852 - Exemptions and allowed activities

§ 6-853 - Certificate required; exceptions

§ 6-854 - Application for certificate

§ 6-854.01 - Articles of incorporation; approval; changes

§ 6-854.02 - Board of directors; number; bylaws

§ 6-855 - Fees

§ 6-856 - Minimum capital; dividends; other requirements

§ 6-857 - Issuance of certificate; hearing

§ 6-859 - Records; audits; preservation of records; protection; insurance; bond; contingency plan

§ 6-860 - Duty of trustee, escrow officer or agent to produce trust or escrow records for inspection; violation; classification

§ 6-861 - Reports

§ 6-862 - Trust funds

§ 6-863 - Suspension or revocation of certificate

§ 6-864 - Continuing jurisdiction

§ 6-865 - Unsafe condition; receivership

§ 6-866 - Limit of legal action

§ 6-867 - Trust company name

§ 6-868 - Fidelity bond; requirements

§ 6-869 - Meetings; reports; report of examination; response; penalties

§ 6-870 - Trust committee

§ 6-870.01 - Acceptance of other examinations; cooperative agreements

§ 6-870.02 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-871 - Establishment of common trust funds

§ 6-872 - Court accountings

§ 6-873 - Uniformity of interpretation

§ 6-874 - Short title

§ 6-881 - Definitions

§ 6-882 - Savings accounts and time deposits; insurance; withdrawal; notice

§ 6-901 - Definitions

§ 6-902 - Exemptions

§ 6-902.01 - Exemption; responsible individual; fees; revocation; rules

§ 6-903 - Licensing of mortgage brokers required; qualifications; application; bond; fees; renewal

§ 6-904 - Issuance of license; renewal; inactive status; branch office license; application; fee

§ 6-905 - Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses

§ 6-906 - Required accounting practices and records; escrow of monies; disclosure

§ 6-907 - Required disclosure to investors

§ 6-908 - Testing committee; testing of applicants; approval by deputy director; definition

§ 6-909 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-910 - Noncompliance not to affect validity of loan

§ 6-911 - Active military duty; compensation

§ 6-912 - Certificate of exemption

§ 6-913 - Conversion to commercial mortgage broker license

§ 6-941 - Definitions

§ 6-942 - Exemptions

§ 6-943 - Licensing of mortgage bankers required; qualifications; application; bond; fees; renewal

§ 6-944 - Issuance of license; renewal; branch office license; application; fee

§ 6-945 - Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses

§ 6-946 - Required accounting practices and records; refundable deposits; periodic impoundment payments; disclosure

§ 6-947 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-948 - Noncompliance not to affect validity of loan

§ 6-949 - Conversion to mortgage broker license

§ 6-971 - Definitions

§ 6-972 - Exemptions

§ 6-973 - Licensing commercial mortgage bankers required; qualifications

§ 6-974 - Application for license; issuance or denial; fees

§ 6-975 - Bond or other security

§ 6-976 - Responsible individual; employees

§ 6-977 - Displaying and using license number

§ 6-978 - Consent of deputy director for transferring, assigning or acquiring control of licensee; definition

§ 6-979 - Principal place of business; branch office license; change of address

§ 6-980 - Annual renewal; expiration on failure to renew

§ 6-981 - Inactive status

§ 6-982 - Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses

§ 6-983 - Required accounting practices and records; escrow of monies; disclosure

§ 6-984 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-985 - Noncompliance not to affect validity of loan

§ 6-991 - Definitions

§ 6-991.01 - Exemptions

§ 6-991.02 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-991.03 - Licensing; renewal; qualifications; application; fees

§ 6-991.04 - Issuance of license; notice from employing mortgage broker, mortgage banker or consumer lender or registered exempt person; renewal; inactive status; address change; fee

§ 6-991.05 - Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses

§ 6-991.07 - Examination; fee; definition

§ 6-991.08 - Reasonable efforts to secure advantageous loan for borrower

§ 6-991.09 - Mortgage recovery fund; liability limits

§ 6-991.10 - Payments to the mortgage recovery fund

§ 6-991.11 - Statute of limitations; service of summons; application for payment; insufficient monies; definition

§ 6-991.12 - Notice of claim to judgment debtor; response

§ 6-991.13 - Correction of deficiencies in the application

§ 6-991.14 - Investigation and discovery

§ 6-991.15 - Final decision and order on claim; notice

§ 6-991.16 - Claimant's right to appeal denial of claim; service of notice of appeal; response; failure to file response

§ 6-991.17 - Deputy director's standing in court

§ 6-991.18 - Subrogation of rights; collection

§ 6-991.19 - Waiver of rights

§ 6-991.20 - Effect of article on disciplinary action

§ 6-991.21 - Financial services fund; use of fund

§ 6-991.22 - Noncompliance not to affect validity of loan

§ 6-1001 - Definitions

§ 6-1002 - Legal relationship in use of safe deposit facilities

§ 6-1003 - Change of location of repositories

§ 6-1004 - Tenancy in two or more names

§ 6-1005 - Lease to a minor

§ 6-1006 - Adverse claims to repository; definitions

§ 6-1007 - Lessee's death or incompetency; revocation of power of attorney

§ 6-1008 - Procedure on death of lessee

§ 6-1009 - Lessor's lien; default of lessee; or failure to surrender

§ 6-1101 - Definitions

§ 6-1102 - Prohibitions

§ 6-1103 - Exempt persons and transactions

§ 6-1104 - Acquisition of control; approval by deputy director

§ 6-1105 - Application for approval

§ 6-1106 - Material change of fact; filing amended statements

§ 6-1107 - Denial of application; grounds

§ 6-1108 - Failure to act on application as approval

§ 6-1109 - Determination of control of one person by another; hearing; notice

§ 6-1110 - Appointment of deputy director as agent for service of process; forwarding of process; consent to jurisdiction

§ 6-1112 - Acquisition of voting securities in violation of article; limitation on rights as shareholder; injunction

§ 6-1113 - Reports; examination; costs

§ 6-1201 - Definitions

§ 6-1202 - Exemptions

§ 6-1203 - Implementation; fees

§ 6-1204 - Examinations; investigations; records

§ 6-1205 - Multistate supervision

§ 6-1206 - Relationship to federal law

§ 6-1207 - Licensure; prohibition; applicability

§ 6-1208 - Consistent licensure

§ 6-1209 - Application for licensure

§ 6-1210 - Information requirements for certain individuals

§ 6-1211 - License issuance

§ 6-1212 - License renewal

§ 6-1213 - License maintenance

§ 6-1214 - Acquisition of control

§ 6-1215 - Notice and information requirements for a change of key individuals

§ 6-1216 - Report of condition

§ 6-1217 - Audited financial statements; certificate of opinion

§ 6-1218 - Authorized delegate reporting

§ 6-1219 - Reports

§ 6-1220 - Bank secrecy act reports

§ 6-1221 - Records

§ 6-1222 - Relationship between licensees and authorized delegates

§ 6-1223 - Unauthorized activities

§ 6-1224 - Timely transmission

§ 6-1225 - Refunds; exceptions

§ 6-1226 - Receipts; requirements; exceptions; definition

§ 6-1227 - Net worth requirements; exemption

§ 6-1228 - Surety bond

§ 6-1229 - Maintenance of permissible investments

§ 6-1230 - Types of permissible investments

§ 6-1231 - License suspension and revocation

§ 6-1232 - Authorized delegate suspension and revocation

§ 6-1233 - Cease and desist order

§ 6-1234 - Uniformity

§ 6-1241 - Definitions

§ 6-1242 - Reports to the attorney general; investigation; violation; classification

§ 6-1243 - Investigations

§ 6-1301 - Definitions

§ 6-1302 - Scope of chapter; exemptions

§ 6-1303 - Application for registration

§ 6-1305 - Registration; renewal; reporting requirements

§ 6-1307 - Records

§ 6-1308 - Denial, revocation or suspension of registration

§ 6-1309 - Prohibited acts

§ 6-1310 - Noncompliance not to affect validity of loan

§ 6-1401 - Definitions

§ 6-1402 - Licensure required; contents of application; fees; nontransferable; branch office permit

§ 6-1403 - Exemptions

§ 6-1404 - Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses and branch office permits

§ 6-1405 - Issuance of license or branch office permit; license year; requirements

§ 6-1406 - Books and records of premium finance company; access to records

§ 6-1407 - Removal of place of business

§ 6-1408 - Annual report of licensee; civil penalty for failure to file

§ 6-1409 - Effect of revocation, suspension or surrender on preexisting contracts; impairment of contracts

§ 6-1410 - Form of premium finance agreement; notice

§ 6-1411 - Disclosure requirements

§ 6-1412 - Limitation on interest and other charges

§ 6-1413 - Other charges allowed

§ 6-1414 - Splitting of premium finance agreement prohibited

§ 6-1415 - Cancellation of insurance contract upon default

§ 6-1416 - Return premiums

§ 6-1417 - Servicing of premium finance agreements

§ 6-1418 - Exemption from any filing requirements

§ 6-1419 - Rules

§ 6-1501 - Method of taxing national banking associations

§ 6-1502 - Method of taxing banks, investment companies and savings and loan associations

§ 6-1601 - Financial institutions data match and data exchange; surrender of assets of delinquent taxpayer; nonliability

§ 6-1701 - Definitions

§ 6-1702 - Financial counseling; counselor requirements

§ 6-1703 - Required disclosures; counseling

§ 6-1704 - Reverse mortgage; provisions

§ 6-1705 - Prepayment; repayment conditions

§ 6-1706 - Borrower liability; prohibited practices; investments; annuities

§ 6-1707 - Enforcement

§ 6-1708 - Lien priority and validity