Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 48 - Special Taxing Districts
§ 48-1414 - Reimbursement for county services

48-1414. Reimbursement for county services
Services provided by a county to a special road district are subject to reimbursement pursuant to section 11-251.06.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 48 - Special Taxing Districts

§ 48-101 - State certification board

§ 48-102 - Findings of state certification board

§ 48-121 - Definitions

§ 48-122 - Extension of unexpired permits

§ 48-131 - Compromise of taxes

§ 48-141 - Definitions

§ 48-142 - Powers of district

§ 48-143 - Submission of question of issuance of bonds to electors

§ 48-144 - Resolution calling bond election; publication

§ 48-145 - Conduct of election

§ 48-146 - Ballots

§ 48-147 - Form of bonds

§ 48-148 - Charges for payment of undertaking

§ 48-149 - Covenants in resolution

§ 48-150 - Validity of bonds

§ 48-151 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 48-152 - Disposition of proceeds

§ 48-153 - Prior lien of bonds

§ 48-154 - Bonds payable only from revenue pledged; bonds not district indebtedness

§ 48-155 - Supplemental nature of article

§ 48-171 - Definitions

§ 48-172 - Power to contract with federal government; purposes of contract

§ 48-173 - District powers under federal contracts

§ 48-174 - Terms of contract relating to maintenance and operation of works

§ 48-175 - Approval of contract by real property taxpayers

§ 48-176 - Approval by state certification board

§ 48-177 - Issuance, sale and terms of bonds

§ 48-178 - Determination of validity of contract and bonds by attorney general

§ 48-179 - Proceedings to test validity of contracts and bonds; petition

§ 48-180 - Time for hearing; notice; summons; parties; pleadings

§ 48-181 - Hearing; determination of validity

§ 48-182 - Appeals

§ 48-183 - Use of proceeds of loan and grant; limitation

§ 48-184 - Proceedings cumulative

§ 48-185 - Purposes of article

§ 48-186 - Supplemental nature of article

§ 48-187 - Governing body; civil immunity; definition

§ 48-201 - Definitions

§ 48-202 - Approval of plans and specifications by the director of water resources

§ 48-203 - Estimated cost of work; application fees; exemption

§ 48-204 - Liability in actions for damages

§ 48-205 - Application of article

§ 48-221 - Definitions

§ 48-222 - District retirement plans authorized; benefits provided

§ 48-223 - Types of retirement plans; trust fund; insured plan

§ 48-224 - Eligibility and participation

§ 48-225 - Employee and district contributions; administration expenses

§ 48-226 - Retirement or advisory committee; qualifications; terms; powers

§ 48-227 - Exemption from taxation and execution; exceptions; nonassignability of benefits

§ 48-228 - Expenditure of district funds

§ 48-229 - Exclusion of existing retirement plans

§ 48-241 - Definitions

§ 48-242 - Voluntary contributions of district revenues; method of determining valuations; properties included; credits against gross payment; time of payment

§ 48-243 - Distribution of contributions

§ 48-244 - Right of appeal and civil action

§ 48-245 - Approval by the secretary of the interior

§ 48-246 - Powers of department of revenue and director

§ 48-247 - Exemption from antitrust statutes

§ 48-248 - Payment of outstanding taxes, penalties and interest on acquiring property

§ 48-251 - Annual report

§ 48-252 - District budgets

§ 48-253 - District audits and financial reviews

§ 48-254 - Truth in taxation notice and hearing; roll call vote on tax increase; definition

§ 48-261 - District creation; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions

§ 48-262 - District boundary changes; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions

§ 48-263 - Special taxing district impact statement; district creation; district boundary change; bond requirement

§ 48-264 - Dissolution of inactive special taxing districts; board of supervisors action; exceptions

§ 48-266 - Petitions of property owners; form; verification

§ 48-271 - Board of supervisors authority to approve or deny formation of special district

§ 48-272 - Special district boundary requirements; parcel splits prohibited; boundary modifications; consolidation; notice

§ 48-281 - Definitions

§ 48-282 - Alternative methods for procurement of professional services and construction services

§ 48-291 - Federal and state regulations; local coordination; standing; definitions

§ 48-301 - Antinoxious weed districts; formation; territorial limits

§ 48-302 - Petition to organize district; filing; contents

§ 48-303 - Bond for expenses; payment of expenses

§ 48-304 - Hearing; organizing procedure; notice of election; election procedure

§ 48-305 - Qualifications of electors

§ 48-306 - Change of types of weeds controlled; election

§ 48-307 - District officers; term of directors; recall; powers and duties

§ 48-308 - District inspector; appointment; report of presence of weeds; notice to landowner; classification

§ 48-309 - Quarantine; eradication of weeds; lien; enforcement

§ 48-310 - Alternative plan for eradication

§ 48-311 - Alternative plan; resolution; contents; limitation as to lands included

§ 48-312 - Alternative plan; notice of hearing; form and contents; posting

§ 48-313 - Alternative plan; hearing; jurisdiction; decision conclusive

§ 48-314 - Alternative plan; order for eradication; costs as claim against district

§ 48-315 - Alternative plan; right of owner to eradicate weeds

§ 48-316 - Alternative plan; accounting of costs of eradication by district; report

§ 48-317 - Alternative plan; hearing on report of costs; amendments or modifications; confirmation

§ 48-318 - Alternative plan; costs as special assessment and lien of district; collection

§ 48-319 - Tax for enforcement expenses; assessment and collection

§ 48-320 - Violations; classification

§ 48-321 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-322 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-401 - Definitions

§ 48-402 - Petition to form district; contents of petition

§ 48-403 - Notice of hearing on petition; certification of enumerated pest by state entomologist

§ 48-404 - Hearing; election; form of ballot; qualifications of electors

§ 48-405 - Canvass of election; order declaring formation of district

§ 48-406 - Amendment of district boundaries

§ 48-407 - Directors; term; qualifications; first meeting

§ 48-408 - Powers and duties of directors; compensation

§ 48-409 - Powers of district

§ 48-410 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-411 - Non-agriculture lands exempt

§ 48-412 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-501 - Definitions

§ 48-502 - Scope of article; acquisition of property by condemnation

§ 48-503 - Off-street parking sites in cities; acquisition of property; exceptions to acquisition of property

§ 48-504 - Exceptions to taking of property

§ 48-505 - Resolution or ordinance of intention to order improvement; petition

§ 48-506 - Notice of resolution

§ 48-507 - Protests; filing; presentation to council; hearing

§ 48-508 - Order for improvement; initiation of condemnation proceedings

§ 48-509 - Complaint in condemnation action

§ 48-510 - Choice between trial or appointment of referees to determine compensation

§ 48-511 - Referees; duties; report

§ 48-512 - Compensation and damages; date of accrual; apportionment

§ 48-513 - Referee's report; objections; notice of hearing; court action on report

§ 48-514 - Notice of trial; intervention; continuance

§ 48-515 - Judgment; fees

§ 48-516 - Appeals

§ 48-517 - Abandonment of proceedings; return of assessments paid

§ 48-518 - Diagram of improvement district

§ 48-519 - Delivery of diagram; assessment of expenses

§ 48-520 - Written assessment

§ 48-521 - Filing of assessment and diagram; notice

§ 48-522 - Objections to assessment; hearing

§ 48-523 - Delivery of assessment; recording; assessment roll; assessment as lien

§ 48-524 - Payment of assessment by setting off compensation

§ 48-525 - Notice that assessments are due; payment; delinquent assessments

§ 48-526 - Delinquent list; publication; notice of sale of delinquent property

§ 48-527 - Payment prior to sale

§ 48-528 - Sale of delinquent property; purchase by municipality

§ 48-529 - Certificate of sale; vesting and divesting of assessment lien; entry of sale on assessment roll

§ 48-530 - Redemption of property

§ 48-531 - Procedure for purchaser to obtain deed; evidentiary effect of superintendent's deed

§ 48-532 - Transmittal of assessment payments to treasurer

§ 48-533 - Payment of condemnation judgments; final judgment

§ 48-534 - Procedure to supply deficiency in fund; refund of surplus funds

§ 48-535 - Publication of notices by posting

§ 48-536 - Proof of publication or posting

§ 48-537 - Purpose of article; choice of method

§ 48-538 - Issuance of improvement bonds to represent assessments

§ 48-539 - Description of improvement bonds in resolutions and notices

§ 48-540 - List of unpaid assessments; issuance of bonds; denominations; coupons; due date

§ 48-541 - Certification of unpaid assessments; payments by installment; interest; payments in advance

§ 48-542 - Validity of bonds; priority of bond lien

§ 48-543 - Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds

§ 48-544 - Purchase of improvement bonds by city

§ 48-545 - Collection of assessment installments; notice of delinquent installment

§ 48-546 - List of delinquent installments; publication of notice; sale of delinquent property

§ 48-547 - Payment after delinquency and before sale

§ 48-548 - Sale of delinquent property; right of redemption; deed to purchaser; purchase by municipality

§ 48-549 - Resolution calling hearing when improvement bonds remain unsold; publication; determination of continuance or abandonment of project

§ 48-550 - Abandonment of project; continuance of project

§ 48-551 - Appointment of appraisers; revision of compensation and damages

§ 48-552 - Revision and reassessment of benefits

§ 48-553 - Hearing on reappraisal report; publication of notice; refiling report on approval

§ 48-554 - Publication of notice of right to review of reappraisal; judicial review; review of assessment; procedure to obtain review; trial

§ 48-555 - Appeals from assessment of benefits

§ 48-556 - Issuance of bonds on revised assessment; increase or decrease of amount assessed; invalid assessments

§ 48-557 - Deficiency in fund; temporary advancements

§ 48-558 - Providing for procedural rules relating to improvement bonds

§ 48-571 - Definitions; appointment of officer

§ 48-572 - Purposes for which public improvements may be undertaken; powers incidental to public improvements

§ 48-573 - Pedestrian malls

§ 48-574 - Improvement districts for operation, maintenance, repair and improvement of pedestrian malls, off-street parking facilities, retention and detention basins and parkings and parkways

§ 48-575 - Improvement districts for enhanced municipal services

§ 48-576 - Resolution or ordinance of intention to order improvement; petition

§ 48-577 - Plans; estimate of cost; limitation on assessment

§ 48-578 - Publication of resolution of intention; posting notice of resolution

§ 48-579 - Protest against proposed improvement; protest as bar to improvement proceedings; objection to extent of assessment district

§ 48-580 - Procedure for making and hearing protests and objections

§ 48-581 - Resolution ordering improvement; notice; bids

§ 48-582 - Assessment of public property

§ 48-583 - Payment of costs by city

§ 48-584 - Bids; bond; award of contract; entering into contract; liability on bond

§ 48-585 - Option of municipality to reject bids; municipality as contractor; limitation of assessment

§ 48-586 - Form and execution of contract; liquidated damages; supervision of performance; delivery of assessment

§ 48-587 - Bonds required from contractor

§ 48-588 - Cost of publication

§ 48-589 - Diagrams of property affected; estimate of benefits; assessment; warrant

§ 48-590 - Delivery of warrant and assessment to contractor; demand for payment; release of assessments; review of assessment

§ 48-591 - Action against property owner to collect assessment

§ 48-592 - Invalidity of liens or bonds; extent of validity; means to secure interest of persons damaged

§ 48-593 - Proportionate assessment; collection or issuance of bonds

§ 48-594 - Correction of assessment; reallocation of assessment

§ 48-595 - Issuance of improvement bonds; fund for payment of bonds

§ 48-596 - Description of improvement bonds in resolution and notices

§ 48-597 - List of unpaid assessments; issuance of bonds; denominations; due date

§ 48-598 - Form of bonds

§ 48-599 - Certification of unpaid assessments; payments by installment; interest; payments in advance

§ 48-600 - Collection of assessment installments; notice; delinquent installments

§ 48-601 - List of delinquent installments; publication of notice; sale of delinquent property

§ 48-602 - Payment after delinquency and before sale

§ 48-603 - Sale procedure; municipality as purchaser; disposition of property by municipality

§ 48-604 - Certificate of sale; lien

§ 48-605 - Redemption

§ 48-606 - Deed to purchaser; notice to owner; redemption after notice; effect of deed

§ 48-607 - Disposition of sale proceeds

§ 48-608 - Ordinance for collection of assessments by taxation

§ 48-609 - Deficiency in collections

§ 48-609.01 - Special provisions pertaining to loan agreements

§ 48-610 - Procedure when assessment declared void

§ 48-611 - Failure to hold or adjourn scheduled hearing; provision for subsequent hearing

§ 48-612 - Proof of publication and posting

§ 48-613 - Public records; duties of engineer

§ 48-614 - Improvement districts for providing off-street and improvement parking facilities; providing for the leasing and improvement of real property

§ 48-615 - Special provisions relating to improvement districts for purchasing electricity for lighting public streets or parks

§ 48-616 - Improvement districts for purchasing energy for lighting public streets and parks; consolidation

§ 48-617 - Special provisions relating to improvement districts for purchasing energy for lighting public streets or parks

§ 48-618 - Bond anticipation notes; form; procedures applicable

§ 48-619 - Revolving fund; lapsing provisions; separate fund

§ 48-620 - Improvement districts for underground utility and cable television facilities in public rights-of-way and easements; procedures; costs; definitions

§ 48-621 - Regulatory authority of utility undergroundings

§ 48-622 - Wastewater treatment or drinking water facility and nonpoint source projects; loan repayment agreements; definition

§ 48-631 - Authority to provide general improvement fund

§ 48-632 - Procedure for investment bond election

§ 48-633 - Publication and posting of resolution for bond election; form of bonds; payment and redemption

§ 48-634 - Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds

§ 48-635 - Disposition and investment of bond sale proceeds

§ 48-651 - Refunding bonds

§ 48-652 - Use of net proceeds; investment of proceeds; definition

§ 48-653 - Limitation on refunding bonds; notice and hearing; definition

§ 48-654 - Security; payment

§ 48-655 - Collection of assessments

§ 48-656 - Determination of governing body

§ 48-681 - Borrowing power of cities and towns

§ 48-682 - Vote on bond issues

§ 48-683 - Election resolution

§ 48-684 - Registration of voters

§ 48-685 - Ballots

§ 48-686 - Canvass of returns

§ 48-687 - Application of election laws

§ 48-688 - Form of bonds; interest rates; redemption; payment of principal and interest; additional security; definition

§ 48-689 - Issuance of bonds for public improvements; limitations of amount, successive borrowings; computation

§ 48-690 - Expansion of pledge; effect on prior elections; refunding bonds; conflict of interest

§ 48-691 - Separate fund to pay interest and principal upon maturing installment

§ 48-701 - Definitions

§ 48-702 - Resolution declaring intention to form district

§ 48-703 - Notice

§ 48-704 - Hearing on objections

§ 48-705 - Order forming district; election

§ 48-706 - Judicial review

§ 48-707 - Notice and conduct of elections; waiver

§ 48-708 - Formation; debt limitation; disclosure

§ 48-709 - Powers of a community facilities district

§ 48-710 - Perpetual succession

§ 48-711 - Records; district board; terms; vacancies; open meetings

§ 48-712 - Participation by municipality or county

§ 48-713 - Other districts or improvements

§ 48-714 - Change in district boundaries or general plan

§ 48-715 - Project approval

§ 48-716 - Budget

§ 48-717 - Finances

§ 48-718 - Recording documents

§ 48-719 - General obligation bonds; tax levy; security

§ 48-720 - Revenue bonds; fees and charges

§ 48-721 - Special assessments; special assessment bonds

§ 48-722 - Terms of bonds

§ 48-723 - District taxes; annual financial estimate and budget

§ 48-724 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-725 - Wastewater treatment or drinking water facility and nonpoint source projects; loan repayment agreements; definitions

§ 48-726 - Jurisdictional limitation; organizational documents

§ 48-727 - District website; district records database

§ 48-728 - Public infrastructure acceptance; bond

§ 48-729 - District board composition reconciliation; petition

§ 48-802 - Election procedures; qualifications

§ 48-803 - District administered by a district board; report

§ 48-804 - District administered by elected chief and secretary-treasurer

§ 48-805 - Fire district; powers and duties; definition

§ 48-805.01 - Separate legal entities; joint exercise of powers

§ 48-805.02 - Fire district annual budget; levy; requirements

§ 48-805.03 - Employment of relatives; violation; classification

§ 48-806 - Bond election; issuance and sale of bonds; security

§ 48-807 - County fire district assistance tax; annual budget; override; monthly financial reports

§ 48-812 - Disposition of fire district assets and relief and pension fund assets on annexation by or inclusion in a city or town

§ 48-813 - Deletion of annexed area from fire district territory; provision for continued protection; proposed annexation

§ 48-814 - Property located outside of fire district territory; reimbursement to fire district for cost of fire and emergency medical services

§ 48-815.01 - District dissolution; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions

§ 48-815.02 - Dissolution; petitions of property owners; form; verification

§ 48-816 - Election to reorganize district

§ 48-817 - Districts over twenty-five thousand population

§ 48-818 - Emergency medical aid or assistance to other public bodies; limitation on liability

§ 48-819 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-820 - Election to merge fire districts; notice; hearing; approval; joint meeting; merged district board

§ 48-821 - Disposition of assets on merger of fire districts

§ 48-822 - Election to consolidate fire districts; resolution; hearing

§ 48-823 - Disposition of assets on consolidation of fire districts

§ 48-824 - Firefighter; residency requirement; prohibition; exemption; definition

§ 48-831 - Exemption of fire fighters from military duty

§ 48-832 - Procedure to obtain exemption

§ 48-833 - Exemption based on length of service

§ 48-834 - Annual filing of exemption list; issuance of illegal certificate; classification

§ 48-851 - Noncontiguous county island fire district; formation; alternate formation; definition

§ 48-852 - District board governance; elections

§ 48-853 - District board; powers and duties; intergovernmental agreements; contract; administration; definition

§ 48-854 - Municipality as service provider; indemnity; intergovernmental agreement

§ 48-901 - Definitions

§ 48-902 - Authorization for improvement district; areas and lands excluded

§ 48-903 - Petition to establish district; elected board; verification; plat

§ 48-904 - Bond of petitioners; additional bond

§ 48-905 - Hearing on petition; summary establishment; notice

§ 48-906 - Establishment of district; dismissal of proceedings; costs; addition or elimination of certain areas

§ 48-907 - Review of action of supervisors

§ 48-908 - Board of directors; expenses

§ 48-909 - Purposes for which public improvements may be undertaken; powers incidental to public improvements

§ 48-909.01 - Wastewater treatment facility; waterworks; sewer collection system and nonpoint source projects; financial assistance loan repayment agreements; definition

§ 48-909.02 - Multijurisdictional entities; limitation of district liability and responsibility

§ 48-910 - Domestic water and domestic wastewater services; authority to set fees; liens; foreclosure

§ 48-911 - Rights of way within district; improvements and maintenance

§ 48-912 - Resolution of intention to order improvement

§ 48-913 - District engineer; appointment; compensation

§ 48-914 - Preliminary plans; estimate of cost; limitation on assessment

§ 48-915 - Petition to incur expense; sufficiency

§ 48-916 - Notice of resolution

§ 48-917 - Protest against proposed improvement; protest as bar to improvement proceedings; objection to extent of assessment district

§ 48-918 - Procedure for making and hearing protests and objections

§ 48-919 - Resolution ordering improvement; notice; bids

§ 48-920 - Assessment of public property; no rescission

§ 48-921 - Payment of costs from other sources

§ 48-922 - Bids; bond; award of contract

§ 48-923 - Notice of award; objection to proceedings; entering into contract; liability on bond

§ 48-924 - Form and execution of contract; supervision of performance; default; new bids; delivery of assessment

§ 48-925 - Bonds required from contractor

§ 48-926 - Cost of publications

§ 48-927 - Diagrams of property affected; estimate of benefits; assessment; warrant; lien

§ 48-928 - Delivery of warrant and assessment to contractor or treasurer; demand for payment; release of assessments; review of assessment; hearing

§ 48-929 - Action against property owner to collect assessment

§ 48-930 - Invalidity of liens and bonds; extent of validity; means to secure interest of persons damaged

§ 48-931 - Proportionate assessment; collection or issuance of bonds

§ 48-932 - Correction of assessment; reallocation of assessment

§ 48-933 - Issuance of improvement bonds; fund for payment of bonds

§ 48-934 - Description of improvement bonds in resolution and notices

§ 48-935 - List of unpaid assessments; issuance of bonds; denominations; coupons; due date; funds

§ 48-936 - Form of bonds

§ 48-937 - Certification of unpaid assessments; payments by installment; interest; payments in advance

§ 48-938 - Collection of assessment installments; notice; delinquent installments

§ 48-939 - List of delinquent installments; publication of notice; sale of delinquent property

§ 48-940 - Payment after delinquency and before sale

§ 48-940.01 - Notice to lien claimants; loans

§ 48-941 - Sale procedure; district as purchaser

§ 48-942 - Certificate of sale; lien

§ 48-943 - Redemption

§ 48-944 - Deed to purchaser; notice to owner; redemption after notice; effect of deed

§ 48-945 - Collections from sales; disposition of sale proceeds

§ 48-946 - Resolution for collection of assessment by taxation

§ 48-947 - Deficiency in collections; liability of district

§ 48-948 - Failure to meet and adjourn scheduled hearing; provision for subsequent hearing

§ 48-949 - Void assessments; new assessment; partial deficit

§ 48-950 - Proof of notice; definition

§ 48-951 - Public records; duties of engineer

§ 48-952 - General obligations of district

§ 48-953 - Irrigation assessments; collection

§ 48-954 - Annual statements and estimates

§ 48-955 - Levy and collection of district taxes

§ 48-956 - Maintenance of roads by county; cooperative expenditures

§ 48-957 - Charges for services of county employees

§ 48-958 - Disposition of surplus funds

§ 48-959 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-960 - Improvement districts for purchasing energy for lighting public streets and parks

§ 48-961 - Special provisions relating to improvement districts for purchasing energy for lighting public streets or parks

§ 48-961.01 - Transfer of county improvement district to purchase energy for lighting public streets and parks to municipal jurisdiction

§ 48-962 - Bond anticipation notes; form; procedures applicable

§ 48-963 - Revolving fund; lapsing provisions; separate fund

§ 48-964 - District revenues; payment for certain improvements

§ 48-965 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-966 - Refunding bonds

§ 48-967 - Alternate project delivery method; construction projects; definitions

§ 48-981 - In general

§ 48-982 - Protests; hearing; determinations

§ 48-983 - Payment of assessments; issuance and sale of bonds

§ 48-984 - Annual assessment installments

§ 48-985 - Prepayment of assessment

§ 48-986 - Advancing maturity of bonds

§ 48-986.01 - Limited infrastructure construction finance revolving fund; definition

§ 48-987 - Modifications

§ 48-988 - Application of article

§ 48-1001 - Fund transfers; successive levies excused

§ 48-1002 - Complete procedure

§ 48-1003 - Court proceedings and sale of delinquent property

§ 48-1004 - Limitation

§ 48-1011 - Definitions

§ 48-1012 - Elected board of directors; initial members; qualifications; terms; filling vacancy; chairperson; reorganization; qualifications of electors

§ 48-1013 - Compensation; expenses

§ 48-1014 - Powers and duties of an elected or appointed board of directors

§ 48-1015 - Financial transactions of elected board of directors; review; veto authority

§ 48-1016 - Revocation of authority of elected board of directors

§ 48-1017 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-1018 - Conversion of county improvement district to domestic water improvement district or domestic wastewater improvement district; notice; costs

§ 48-1019 - Drinking water facility and wastewater facility projects; financial assistance loan repayment agreements; definition

§ 48-1020 - Merger of domestic water improvement districts; petition or resolution; hearing; election; deposit

§ 48-1031 - Definitions

§ 48-1032 - Resolution declaring intention to form district

§ 48-1033 - Notice

§ 48-1034 - Objections; hearing on formation

§ 48-1035 - Order forming district; election

§ 48-1036 - Judicial review

§ 48-1037 - Notice and conduct of elections; waiver

§ 48-1038 - Formation

§ 48-1039 - Powers of a rural road improvement district

§ 48-1040 - Records; board of directors; open meetings

§ 48-1041 - Participation by county

§ 48-1042 - Other districts or improvements

§ 48-1043 - Change in district boundaries or plan

§ 48-1044 - Finances

§ 48-1045 - General obligation bonds

§ 48-1046 - Terms of bonds

§ 48-1047 - District taxes

§ 48-1048 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-1061 - Definitions

§ 48-1062 - Authorization and issuance of bonds; election

§ 48-1063 - Securing principal and interest; lien of pledge

§ 48-1064 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 48-1065 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 48-1066 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 48-1067 - Treasurer or fiscal agent; disposition of monies; investment

§ 48-1068 - Bond proceeds fund; investments; expenditures; audit

§ 48-1069 - Unlawful interest in real property by board member or employee; violation; classification

§ 48-1070 - Provisions cumulative

§ 48-1081 - Definitions

§ 48-1082 - Elected board of directors; initial members; qualifications; terms; filling vacancy; chairperson

§ 48-1083 - Compensation; expenses

§ 48-1084 - Powers and duties of an elected or appointed board of directors

§ 48-1084.01 - Petition for formation; alternate method for assessment of taxes; signatures

§ 48-1085 - Financial transactions of elected board of directors; review; veto authority

§ 48-1086 - Revocation of authority of elected board of directors

§ 48-1087 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-1088 - Conversion of road improvement and maintenance district; notice; costs

§ 48-1091 - Definitions

§ 48-1092 - Elected board of directors; initial members; qualifications; terms; filling vacancy; chairperson

§ 48-1093 - Compensation; expenses

§ 48-1094 - Powers and duties of an elected or appointed board of directors

§ 48-1095 - Financial transactions of elected board of directors; review; no veto authority

§ 48-1096 - Revocation of authority of elected board of directors

§ 48-1097 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-1098 - Conversion of road enhancement improvement  district; notice; costs

§ 48-1101 - Authorization to establish districts

§ 48-1102 - Procedure for formation of district

§ 48-1103 - Board of directors; powers and duties; fund

§ 48-1104 - Financial statement; levy and collection of taxes

§ 48-1105 - Division of county in which district is organized; dissolution of district

§ 48-1106 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-1201 - Definitions

§ 48-1202 - Establishment of community park maintenance district; territory; purpose; approval

§ 48-1206 - Establishment of community park maintenance district; denial of petition; costs

§ 48-1208 - Board of directors; qualifications; term; appointment; election; compensation; expenses

§ 48-1209 - Powers of community park maintenance district

§ 48-1210 - Tax levies; delinquency assessment

§ 48-1211 - Fees, rentals and service charges; reserve fund

§ 48-1212 - Dissolution of community park maintenance district; disposition of property; tax for outstanding indebtedness

§ 48-1213 - Alternative method of dissolution of community park maintenance district

§ 48-1214 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-1301 - Definitions

§ 48-1302 - Petition to form a district

§ 48-1303 - Contents of petition

§ 48-1304 - Notice of petition and hearing

§ 48-1305 - Hearing; approval or denial

§ 48-1306 - Board of directors; officers

§ 48-1307 - Administrative powers

§ 48-1308 - Financial report and budget

§ 48-1309 - Assessments and fees

§ 48-1310 - Right to enter property

§ 48-1311 - Enlarging district boundaries

§ 48-1312 - Dissolution

§ 48-1313 - Annual election to participate

§ 48-1401 - Validation of existing road districts

§ 48-1402 - Qualifications of voters

§ 48-1404 - Election of trustees; vacancies

§ 48-1405 - Powers and duties of trustees

§ 48-1406 - Special road tax; limitation on amount; election to exceed limits

§ 48-1407 - Road improvement bonds; call for special election

§ 48-1408 - Notice of election

§ 48-1409 - Conduct of election

§ 48-1410 - Issuance of bonds

§ 48-1411 - Payment of bonds; tax levy

§ 48-1412 - Effect of special road tax upon collection of general county tax within district

§ 48-1413 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-1414 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-1415 - Joint special road districts; trustees; authority; actions; bonds; approval

§ 48-1416 - Formation of overlay district; hearing; procedures; election

§ 48-1417 - Bonds; submittal to attorney general

§ 48-1501 - Powers of district; same general system of works defined

§ 48-1502 - Petition for organization; publication; notice; qualification of petitioners

§ 48-1503 - Hearings on petition; determination of boundaries

§ 48-1504 - Appeal from order establishing boundaries of district

§ 48-1505 - Division of district; number of directors

§ 48-1506 - Election upon question of organization; polling places; election officials

§ 48-1507 - Notice of election

§ 48-1508 - Qualifications of electors

§ 48-1509 - Ballots; manner of voting

§ 48-1510 - Opening and closing polls; determining and certifying result; powers of election judges

§ 48-1511 - Canvass of votes; order based on results; completion of district formation; qualification of directors

§ 48-1512 - Tie votes

§ 48-1513 - Contest of elections; appeal to supreme court

§ 48-1514 - Division of district subsequent to organization

§ 48-1515 - Limitation on subsequent formation of new district

§ 48-1516 - Districts organized under prior law

§ 48-1517 - Inclusion or exclusion of lands; procedure; costs

§ 48-1518 - Notice of hearing on inclusion or exclusion of lands; objections; failure to object

§ 48-1519 - Order granting or denying petition for inclusion or exclusion of land

§ 48-1520 - Rights of guardians, conservators, personal representatives or administrators relating to inclusion or exclusion of lands

§ 48-1521 - Effect of inclusion or exclusion of lands

§ 48-1522 - Procedure to dissolve district; disposition of assets

§ 48-1541 - Organization of board

§ 48-1542 - District office

§ 48-1543 - Meetings of board; inspection of records

§ 48-1544 - Compensation and expenses of directors and employees

§ 48-1545 - Administrative powers of board; limitations on contracting power

§ 48-1546 - Other board powers; judicial proceedings; validity of organization

§ 48-1547 - Exemption from antitrust statutes

§ 48-1548 - Rules for distribution of power; ratio of distribution; diversion

§ 48-1549 - Contract of district obligating owner of incompleted title to land to pay bonds and taxes

§ 48-1550 - Use of public rights of way

§ 48-1551 - Construction of works across private and public property

§ 48-1552 - Right of entry to survey; acquisition of property for works

§ 48-1553 - Title to property held in trust; procuring power from without the state

§ 48-1554 - Plans and specifications for construction; advertisement for bids; bid deposit; awarding contract; performance bond

§ 48-1555 - Conveyance or transfer to United States of irrigable lands within district included within federal reclamation project; election; terms of transfer

§ 48-1556 - Violations of duty by officer; classification

§ 48-1741 - Terms of directors; vacancies

§ 48-1742 - Annual election of directors; notice; qualifications of directors; voting place; expenses

§ 48-1743 - Increase or reduction in number of members on board; election

§ 48-1744 - Organization of board; officers; district office

§ 48-1745 - Bonds and oath of directors

§ 48-1746 - Compensation of directors

§ 48-1747 - Administrative powers of board

§ 48-1748 - Acquisition of tangible and intangible property; users in district dealing directly with suppliers

§ 48-1749 - Right to use public ways; nature of use

§ 48-1750 - Providing power for domestic use

§ 48-1751 - Restrictions on extension of power outside district; contracts with public bodies

§ 48-1752 - Federal reclamation act adopted; adoption by districts optional

§ 48-1753 - Exemption from antitrust statutes

§ 48-1754 - Supervisory powers of the director of water resources over district projects

§ 48-2331 - Organization of board; term of office; location of district office

§ 48-2332 - Compensation of directors

§ 48-2333 - Meetings of board of directors; minutes

§ 48-2334 - Definitions; procedures for participation by interested persons in proposed changes in electric rates

§ 48-2335 - Administrative powers of board

§ 48-2336 - General powers of board

§ 48-2337 - Additional power to make contracts and agreements; contents; effect of contract on landowners' rights

§ 48-2338 - Powers of board of directors relating to property

§ 48-2339 - Construction of works across private and public property

§ 48-2340 - Right of eminent domain

§ 48-2341 - Right of entry to survey; acquisition of property for works

§ 48-2342 - Effect of inclusion of drainage district within boundaries

§ 48-4831 - Permanent board of directors; qualification and organization; compensation

§ 48-4831; Version 2 - Permanent board of directors; qualification and organization; compensation

§ 48-4832 - Elections; nominating petitions

§ 48-4833 - Meetings; agenda

§ 48-4834 - Administrative powers and duties; division boundaries; executive director and employees; annual report

§ 48-4835 - Advisory council

§ 48-1571 - Election of directors; term of office

§ 48-1572 - Nomination procedure

§ 48-1573 - Notice of election; election officers

§ 48-1574 - Duties of election officers; opening and closing polls

§ 48-1575 - Canvass of returns; postponement; declaration of result

§ 48-1576 - Statement of results

§ 48-1577 - Issuance of certificate of election; vacancy in office

§ 48-1578 - Qualification as director

§ 48-1579 - Recall of director

§ 48-1591 - County treasurer; duties

§ 48-1592 - Annual estimate of taxes by board of directors

§ 48-1593 - Computation of tax rate; levy

§ 48-1594 - Entry of district assessment on tax rolls; classification of lands

§ 48-1595 - Tax levy on failure to certify estimates; levy for unpaid indebtedness

§ 48-1596 - Delinquent taxes; sale of property for taxes

§ 48-1597 - Payment of taxes by evidences of indebtedness; release of lands from bonded indebtedness

§ 48-1598 - Issuance of certificate of release upon payment of bonded indebtedness; exception

§ 48-1599 - Remittance of collections to district treasurer; division of collections into funds; disbursements; treasurer's report

§ 48-1600 - Use of tax funds; transfer of surplus funds

§ 48-1601 - District warrants

§ 48-1602 - Validity of liabilities incurred in excess of express authority

§ 48-1603 - Failure or neglect of officer to impress lien or collect taxes of district; remedy

§ 48-1604 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-3471 - District treasurer; district funds

§ 48-3472 - District property exempt from taxation; tax levy; service charges

§ 48-3473 - Estimate of expenses; levy and collection of taxes

§ 48-3474 - Credit on district taxes for irrigation project charges against lands within project

§ 48-3475 - Service charges payable other than by taxation

§ 48-3476 - Payment of district taxes required in advance

§ 48-3477 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-4501 - Annual replenishment tax; amount

§ 48-4502 - Exclusions from replenishment tax; exemption from groundwater withdrawal fee

§ 48-4503 - Certification and levy of ad valorem taxes; limitation

§ 48-4504 - Groundwater augmentation fees; transfer to district

§ 48-4505 - District funds; allocation of revenues; purposes

§ 48-4881 - Administrative and operation budgets

§ 48-4882 - Augmentation administration fee

§ 48-4883 - Water supply fees

§ 48-4885 - Accounting classifications; bond fund; general fund

§ 48-4886 - Receipt of monies; disbursements; operation of accounting system

§ 48-4887 - Payment of interest coupons; investment of bond fund monies

§ 48-4888 - Annual financial report and audit

§ 48-1611 - General plan for proposed works; engineering services

§ 48-1612 - Election to authorize issuance of bonds

§ 48-1613 - Issuance of series bonds; terms of payment; interest rate; denominations

§ 48-1614 - Issuance of bonds maturing in less than thirty years

§ 48-1615 - Issuance of additional bonds; priority of liens

§ 48-1616 - Action to determine validity of bonds

§ 48-1617 - Sale of bonds; notice

§ 48-1618 - Payment of bonds; release of lands from bond debt; exception

§ 48-1619 - District bonds as legal investment for certain funds

§ 48-1701 - Powers and duties of district

§ 48-1702 - Petition for organization

§ 48-1703 - Security for costs upon filing petition

§ 48-1704 - Notice of hearing on petition; publication; continuance of hearing

§ 48-1705 - Determination whether district constitutes public use; call for organizational election

§ 48-1706 - Application for inclusion of additional lands prior to organization of district; condition precedent to application

§ 48-1707 - Objections to inclusion in proposed district

§ 48-1708 - Order of board defining boundaries of district; name of district; appointment of election commissioners

§ 48-1709 - Appeal from order of board

§ 48-1710 - Service of notice of appeal; record on appeal

§ 48-1711 - Trial of appeal; bond; effect upon organization proceedings

§ 48-1712 - Nomination of candidates to board of directors; notice of election

§ 48-1713 - Qualifications of electors; acreage voting; definition

§ 48-1714 - Form of ballots

§ 48-1715 - Returns; canvass by election commissioners

§ 48-1716 - Examination of returns by board of supervisors; resolution of organization; recording

§ 48-1717 - Terms of initially elected directors

§ 48-1718 - Recording map of district

§ 48-1719 - Consolidation of districts; election; adjustment of finances

§ 48-1720 - Division of district; assignment of directors

§ 48-1721 - Inclusion of additional lands after organization

§ 48-1722 - Exclusion of lands or subdivision from district by petition; payment of expenses of publication of notice and of hearing

§ 48-1723 - Notice of hearing on petition for exclusion of lands; hearing

§ 48-1724 - Entry and filing of order excluding lands or subdivision upon petition

§ 48-1725 - Guardians, conservators, personal representatives or administrators as petitioners

§ 48-1726 - Appeal from final action of board on exclusion of lands; entry of final order of board

§ 48-1727 - Effect of exclusion of lands on district property and organization; powers of board

§ 48-1728 - Limitation on subsequent formation of new district

§ 48-1771 - Expenses of organizing district; issuance of time warrants

§ 48-1772 - Administration and general expenses defined; separate assessment and levy of taxes for each division of expense

§ 48-1773 - Annual estimate of expenses of district; certificate of expense

§ 48-1774 - Service charges; amount; limitation

§ 48-1775 - Taxes levied under federal law; apportionment; effect on inchoate titles

§ 48-1776 - Collection of taxes; delinquent taxes

§ 48-1777 - Limitation on district indebtedness

§ 48-1778 - Authority of directors to invest monies; approved investments

§ 48-1779 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-5561 - Deposit of district monies

§ 48-5561.01 - Special payments to a special health care district; transfers; county treasurer; state treasurer

§ 48-5562 - Disposition and use of rental receipts from facilities and equipment

§ 48-5563 - Budget and tax levy

§ 48-5564 - Ambulance service; financing

§ 48-5565 - Tax levy for district expenses

§ 48-5566 - Issuing bonds; election; security

§ 48-5567 - Reserves; tax to replenish reserve

§ 48-5568 - Limit of bonded indebtedness

§ 48-5569 - Investment and reinvestment of sinking fund

§ 48-5570 - Capital outlay fund

§ 48-5571 - County reimbursement; special health care districts

§ 48-6251 - Annual budget

§ 48-6252 - General fund; investments

§ 48-6253 - Transaction privilege tax; administration; expiration

§ 48-6254 - Voluntary payments in lieu of property taxes

§ 48-6255 - Audit; joint legislative budget committee

§ 48-6256 - Performance audit; bonds; dissolution of district

§ 48-1791 - Initial general plan of works for district

§ 48-1792 - Determination of amount of initial bond issue

§ 48-1793 - Bond election; notice; terms of bonds

§ 48-1794 - Notice of election; publication; appointment of election officers

§ 48-1795 - Returns of election; canvass of returns; issuance and sale of bonds

§ 48-1796 - Authentication of bonds and coupons

§ 48-1797 - Deposit of proceeds of bonds; bond of district treasurer; liability of directors

§ 48-1798 - Bond retirement fund; investment of fund

§ 48-1799 - Issuance of refunding bonds; terms of bonds

§ 48-1800 - Execution of refunding bonds; interest; sale or exchange of bonds; payment

§ 48-1811 - Financial powers of district; limitation; definition

§ 48-1812 - Revenue bonds

§ 48-1813 - Terms, conditions and forms of bonds

§ 48-1814 - Resolution and trust agreements; adoption

§ 48-1815 - Bond agreements; covenants

§ 48-1816 - Sale of bonds

§ 48-1817 - Refunding bonds

§ 48-1818 - Purchase of bonds by the district

§ 48-1819 - Validity of bonds; nonliability of officers and directors

§ 48-1820 - Bonds as legal investments

§ 48-1821 - Federal income tax considerations

§ 48-1822 - Application of bond proceeds

§ 48-4911 - Authority to issue revenue bonds

§ 48-4912 - Prerequisites to issuance

§ 48-4913 - Scope of resolution

§ 48-4914 - Hearing; findings

§ 48-4915 - Issuance of revenue bonds

§ 48-4916 - Provisions of revenue bonds; sale

§ 48-4917 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 48-4918 - Validity of bonds

§ 48-4919 - Water district revenue bonds as legal investments

§ 48-1901 - Definitions

§ 48-1902 - Publication of notices

§ 48-1903 - Establishment of a hospital district; approval

§ 48-1907 - Powers of hospital district

§ 48-1908 - Board of directors; members; qualifications; terms; organization

§ 48-1909 - Compensation of directors

§ 48-1910 - Powers of board of directors; transaction privilege tax; election

§ 48-1911 - Leases of hospital or urgent care center and equipment; provisions; cancellation for failure to pay rent; re-lease; auction; notice

§ 48-1912 - Bonds

§ 48-1913 - Limit of bonded indebtedness

§ 48-1914 - Budget

§ 48-1915 - Deposit and payment of district monies; investment and reinvestment of sinking fund

§ 48-1916 - Disposition and use of rental from hospital or urgent care center or medical clinic and equipment

§ 48-1917 - Capital outlays

§ 48-1918 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-1919 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2001 - Establishment of sanitary district; territory; purposes; change of name

§ 48-2001.01 - Merger of sanitary districts; hearing; election; joint meeting; resolution

§ 48-2002 - Annexation of noncontiguous property

§ 48-2003 - Annexation of all the territory within a city or town

§ 48-2010 - Board of directors; qualifications; term; appointment; election; conversion; reorganization; compensation; expenses

§ 48-2011 - Powers of sanitary district

§ 48-2011.01 - Wastewater treatment facility and nonpoint source projects; financial assistance loan repayment agreements; definition

§ 48-2011.02 - Wastewater treatment facility revenues; use

§ 48-2011.03 - Issuance of bonds; notice; hearing

§ 48-2012 - Rights of way

§ 48-2013 - Compulsory connection; financial assistance

§ 48-2014 - Lateral and collecting lines

§ 48-2015 - Sanitation survey, plan and report

§ 48-2016 - Sanitation survey report; hearings; approval

§ 48-2017 - Election to determine whether sewer service to be supplied other than by construction of facilities by district

§ 48-2018 - Performance of work; methods; calls for bids; modification of specifications

§ 48-2019 - Elections

§ 48-2020 - Bond election; subsequent bond election

§ 48-2021 - Issuance of bonds; subsequent bond issues

§ 48-2022 - Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds

§ 48-2023 - Lien of bonds

§ 48-2024 - Tax exemption of bonds

§ 48-2025 - Tax levy to pay principal and interest of bonds

§ 48-2026 - Tax levy for current expenses

§ 48-2027 - Fees, rentals and service charges; reserve fund; investments; lien

§ 48-2028 - Dissolution of sanitary district

§ 48-2029 - Alternate methods of dissolution of sanitary district

§ 48-2030 - Unauthorized use of sewer lines as public nuisance; abatement

§ 48-2031 - Failure to obtain required connection permit; violation of rule; classification

§ 48-2032 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2033 - Standards for adoption of moratorium; extensions; limitations; definitions

§ 48-2041 - Definitions

§ 48-2042 - Authorization

§ 48-2043 - Purposes for which public improvements may be undertaken; powers incidental to public improvements

§ 48-2044 - Resolution of intention to order improvement

§ 48-2045 - Plans; limitation on assessment

§ 48-2046 - Publication of resolution of intention; posting notice of resolution; mailing notice

§ 48-2047 - Protest against proposed improvement; protest as bar to improvement proceedings; objection to extent of assessment district; special action

§ 48-2048 - Qualifications and procedure for making and hearing protests and objections

§ 48-2049 - Resolution ordering improvement; notice; bids

§ 48-2050 - Assessment of public property

§ 48-2051 - Payment of costs by sanitary district

§ 48-2052 - Bids; bond; award of contract; entering into contract; liability on bond

§ 48-2053 - Option of sanitary district to reject bids; sanitary district as contractor; limitation of assessment

§ 48-2054 - Form and execution of contract; supervision of performance; delivery of assessment

§ 48-2055 - Bonds required from contractor

§ 48-2056 - Costs

§ 48-2057 - Diagrams of property affected; estimate of benefits; assessment; warrant

§ 48-2058 - Delivery of warrant and assessment to contractor; demand for payment; release of assessments; review of assessment

§ 48-2059 - Action against property owner to collect assessment

§ 48-2060 - Invalidity of liens or bonds; extent of validity; means to secure interest of persons damaged

§ 48-2061 - Proportionate assessment; collection or issuance of bonds

§ 48-2062 - Correctness of assessment; reallocation of assessment

§ 48-2063 - Issuance of improvement bonds; fund for payment of bonds

§ 48-2064 - Description of improvement bonds in resolution and notices

§ 48-2065 - List of unpaid assessments; issuance of bonds; denominations; due date

§ 48-2066 - Form of bonds

§ 48-2067 - Certification of unpaid assessments; payments by installment; interest; payments in advance

§ 48-2068 - Collection of assessment installments; notice; delinquent installments

§ 48-2069 - List of delinquent installments; publication of notice; sale of delinquent property

§ 48-2070 - Payment after delinquency and before sale

§ 48-2071 - Sale procedure; disposition of property by sanitary district

§ 48-2072 - Certificate of sale; lien

§ 48-2073 - Redemption

§ 48-2074 - Deed to purchaser; notice to owner; redemption after notice; effect of deed

§ 48-2075 - Disposition of sale proceeds

§ 48-2076 - Resolution for collection of assessments by taxation

§ 48-2077 - Procedure if assessment declared void

§ 48-2078 - Failure to hold or adjourn scheduled hearing; provision for subsequent hearing

§ 48-2079 - Proof of publication and posting

§ 48-2080 - Public records; duties of engineer

§ 48-2081 - Bond anticipation notes; form; procedures applicable

§ 48-2082 - Revolving fund; lapsing provisions; separate fund

§ 48-2083 - Deficiency in collections

§ 48-2084 - Improvement districts for enhanced sanitation services

§ 48-2085 - Reallocation of assessments in the event of land exchange for public property

§ 48-2091 - Refunding bonds

§ 48-2091.01 - Use of net proceeds of refunding bonds; authorized investments

§ 48-2091.02 - Modified assessment; notice and hearing

§ 48-2091.03 - Security for and payment of bonds; special fund

§ 48-2091.04 - Collection of assessments

§ 48-2091.05 - Determination of board of directors

§ 48-2101 - Definitions

§ 48-2102 - Petition to form district; contents of petition

§ 48-2103 - Exclusion of agricultural land

§ 48-2106 - Amendment of district boundaries

§ 48-2107 - Directors; terms; qualifications; first meeting

§ 48-2108 - Powers and duties of directors; assessments

§ 48-2109 - Powers of district

§ 48-2110 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-2111 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2202 - Establishment of health service district; purpose; limitations; definition

§ 48-2203 - Formation of district; district impact statement; petition; hearing; notice; definition

§ 48-2204 - Bond of petitioners

§ 48-2205 - Hearing on petition

§ 48-2206 - Election to determine organization of district; notice of election; qualifications of voters

§ 48-2207 - Declaration of election result and recording order

§ 48-2207.01 - Territory of health service district; additions and deletions; notice and hearing

§ 48-2208 - Board of directors; selection; qualifications; terms; compensation; expenses; restrictions

§ 48-2209 - Powers of health service district

§ 48-2210 - Health services survey and report; review by department

§ 48-2211 - Health services survey report; hearings; approval

§ 48-2212 - Construction of facilities; provision of services; methods; contracting for services

§ 48-2213 - Elections; qualifications of voters; affidavit; challenges

§ 48-2214 - Bond election; subsequent bond election

§ 48-2215 - Issuance of bonds; subsequent bond issues

§ 48-2216 - Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds

§ 48-2217 - Limit of bonded indebtedness

§ 48-2218 - Tax exemption of bonds

§ 48-2219 - Bonds

§ 48-2220 - Tax levy to pay principal and interest of bonds

§ 48-2221 - Rentals and service charges

§ 48-2222 - Leases of medical clinic and equipment; provisions; cancellation for failure to pay rent; release; auction; notice

§ 48-2223 - Tax levy for current expenses

§ 48-2224 - Dissolution of health service district

§ 48-2225 - Jurisdiction of the department of health services

§ 48-2226 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2227 - Incorporated area in the district; withdrawal

§ 48-2301 - Definitions

§ 48-2302 - District as municipal corporation

§ 48-2303 - Purposes for which district may be organized

§ 48-2304 - Petition for organization; notice; bond

§ 48-2305 - Qualifications of petitioners

§ 48-2306 - Hearing on petition

§ 48-2307 - Appeal from order of board of supervisors

§ 48-2308 - Election upon question of organization; notice

§ 48-2309 - Qualifications of electors

§ 48-2310 - Ballots; manner of voting

§ 48-2311 - Canvass of votes; declaration of results

§ 48-2312 - Completion of district organization; limitation on inclusion of certain lands

§ 48-2313 - Contest of election or organization; appeal

§ 48-2314 - Qualification of initial directors; term of office

§ 48-2315 - Organization of initial board of directors; appointment of officers

§ 48-2361 - Power of certain districts to change form of governing body

§ 48-2362 - District council; powers; meetings

§ 48-2363 - Board of directors; qualifications; election; powers and duties

§ 48-2364 - President and vice-president; election; term of office

§ 48-2365 - Terms of office; elections

§ 48-2366 - Vacancies in office

§ 48-2367 - Limitation on powers of council and board of directors

§ 48-2368 - Limitation on effect of article

§ 48-2381 - Election of directors and president; number of directors; division of district

§ 48-2382 - Election where number of members of board increased

§ 48-2383 - Acreage system of voting

§ 48-2384 - Designation of election precincts and voting places; notice of election; election officers; polling places

§ 48-2384.01 - Alternative election process

§ 48-2385 - Duties of election officers; time of election; form of ballots

§ 48-2386 - Counting votes; election returns; recount

§ 48-2387 - Applicability of general election laws

§ 48-2388 - Canvass of election returns; declaration of result

§ 48-2389 - Statement of results of election; certificate of election

§ 48-2390 - Qualification of directors; bond; appointment to fill vacancy

§ 48-2391 - Affidavit of electors

§ 48-2392 - Tie vote; primary and general election

§ 48-2681 - Election of directors; qualification; vacancies

§ 48-2682 - Change in number of directors; petition

§ 48-2683 - Notice of election; election officers; polling places

§ 48-2684 - Duties of election officers; time of election; form of ballots

§ 48-2685 - Counting votes; election returns; recount

§ 48-2686 - Applicability of general election laws

§ 48-2687 - Canvass of returns; declaration of result

§ 48-2688 - Statement of results of election; certificate of election

§ 48-3011 - Election of directors; term; qualifications; vacancies

§ 48-3012 - Division of district into divisions; representation of district; redivision

§ 48-3013 - Election of directors in a district not divided into divisions

§ 48-3014 - Election in district having nine-member board

§ 48-3015 - Registration of voters

§ 48-3016 - Notice of election; polling places; election judges

§ 48-3017 - Time of election; duties of election judges

§ 48-3018 - Number of votes to which elector entitled

§ 48-3019 - Counting votes; election returns

§ 48-3020 - Canvass of returns; declaration of results; failure to make returns

§ 48-3021 - Limitation upon rejection of ballots or declaring election void

§ 48-3022 - Statement of result of election

§ 48-3023 - Filing certified statement of result; qualification of directors

§ 48-3024 - Recall of directors

§ 48-2411 - Annual estimate of district expenditures

§ 48-2412 - Proportionate division of estimate if district lies in more than one county

§ 48-2413 - Failure of district to provide estimate

§ 48-2414 - Computation of tax rate; levy

§ 48-2415 - Entry of tax on roll; collection

§ 48-2416 - Applicability of state tax laws; duty of county officers

§ 48-2417 - Payment of district taxes without paying other taxes

§ 48-2418 - Transmittal to district treasurer of monies collected by county treasurer

§ 48-2419 - Apportionment of funds

§ 48-2420 - Payment of interest coupons; redemption of unmatured bonds

§ 48-2422 - Payment of warrants; reports of district treasurer

§ 48-2423 - Annual financial report by board of directors

§ 48-2424 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2701 - District treasurer

§ 48-2702 - Annual estimate of expenditures by board of directors

§ 48-2703 - Apportionment of annual estimate among counties in which district is located

§ 48-2704 - Computation of tax rate; levy

§ 48-2705 - Entry of tax on roll; collection of taxes and assessments

§ 48-2706 - Applicability of state tax laws; duties of county officers

§ 48-2707 - Payment of district taxes without paying other taxes

§ 48-2708 - Levy of special assessment; election; collection; disbursement

§ 48-2709 - Levy of assessments for completion of drainage works; election

§ 48-2710 - Liability of state for assessments against state lands included within district; effect of sale to private owner

§ 48-2711 - Apportionment of funds

§ 48-2712 - Disbursements; report by treasurer

§ 48-2713 - Payment of claims

§ 48-2714 - Payment of interest coupons; redemption of unmatured bonds

§ 48-2715 - Disbursements from construction fund

§ 48-2716 - Annual financial report by board of directors

§ 48-2717 - Exemption from taxation of bonds and certain property of district

§ 48-2718 - Limit of indebtedness; exception

§ 48-2719 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2441 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued

§ 48-2442 - Bond election; results

§ 48-2443 - Form of bonds; interest rate; record of sales

§ 48-2444 - Sale of bonds; notice

§ 48-2445 - Lien of bonds; payment of bonds

§ 48-2461 - Construction of article

§ 48-2462 - Definitions

§ 48-2463 - Purposes for which revenue bonds may be issued

§ 48-2464 - Powers of district

§ 48-2465 - Revenue bonds

§ 48-2466 - Forms of bonds

§ 48-2467 - Adoption of resolution; trust agreement

§ 48-2468 - Covenants in resolution or trust agreement

§ 48-2469 - Form of notes

§ 48-2470 - Sale of bonds

§ 48-2471 - Refunding bonds

§ 48-2472 - Purchase of bonds by districts

§ 48-2473 - Disposition of proceeds and other monies

§ 48-2474 - Validity of bonds; nonliability of officers and directors

§ 48-2475 - Bonds; legal investments

§ 48-2601 - Definition of same general system of works

§ 48-2602 - Organization of district

§ 48-2603 - Petition for organization; notice; bond

§ 48-2604 - Qualifications of petitioners

§ 48-2605 - Hearing on petition

§ 48-2606 - Appeal from order of board of supervisors

§ 48-2607 - District divisions; number of directors; exception

§ 48-2608 - Election upon question of organization; notice

§ 48-2609 - Qualifications of electors; exception

§ 48-2610 - Ballots; manner of voting

§ 48-2611 - Canvass of votes; declaration of results

§ 48-2612 - Completion of district organization; organization of another district including lands of district

§ 48-2613 - Contest of election or organization; appeal

§ 48-2614 - Qualification of initial directors; term of office

§ 48-2615 - Organization of initial board of directors; secretary

§ 48-2631 - Change of boundaries of divisions

§ 48-2632 - Change of boundaries of district; effect

§ 48-2633 - Petition for change of boundaries; costs

§ 48-2634 - Personal representatives as petitioners

§ 48-2635 - Notice of petition and hearing

§ 48-2636 - Hearing on petition for inclusion of lands; order changing boundaries when petition unopposed; effect of failure to protest

§ 48-2637 - Order for election upon opposed petition; notice and conduct of election; ballots

§ 48-2638 - Results of election; order changing boundaries

§ 48-2639 - Recording order for change of boundaries; effect of inclusion of lands

§ 48-2640 - Entry of petition in board minutes; effect

§ 48-2641 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-2941 - Petition for inclusion of lands; notice of hearing; payment of expenses of publishing notice

§ 48-2942 - Hearing on petition for inclusion of lands; liability of petitioners for pro rata share of district indebtedness; acceptance or rejection of petition; order of inclusion

§ 48-2943 - Completion of inclusion of lands; terms and conditions of inclusion for certain lands; amendment of terms

§ 48-2944 - Appeal from denial of protest against inclusion; apportionment of new lands into divisions of district; effect of inclusion upon district rights and obligations

§ 48-2945 - Exclusion of lands from district by petition; payment of expenses of publication of notice and of hearing

§ 48-2946 - Notice of hearing on petition for exclusion of lands; hearing

§ 48-2947 - Entry and filing of order excluding lands upon petition

§ 48-2948 - Personal representatives as petitioners

§ 48-2949 - Exclusion of unproductive lands from district by resolution; notice

§ 48-2950 - Hearing on resolution for exclusion of lands; action of board

§ 48-2951 - Appeal from final action of board on exclusion of lands; entry of final order of board

§ 48-2952 - Effect of exclusion of lands on district property and organization; powers of board

§ 48-2953 - Concurrent exclusion and inclusion of land

§ 48-2954 - Dissolution of district; disposition of assets

§ 48-2661 - Organization of board of directors; term; district office

§ 48-2662 - Compensation of directors

§ 48-2663 - Meetings of board of directors; minutes

§ 48-2664 - Powers of board of directors

§ 48-2665 - Plan for construction of works; notice; bids; award of contract; bond

§ 48-2666 - Construction of works across public or private property

§ 48-2667 - Right of eminent domain

§ 48-2668 - Title to property held by district; enforcement of property rights by board

§ 48-2971 - Officers; office of district

§ 48-2972 - Organization of board

§ 48-2973 - Form of official oath and bond of directors

§ 48-2974 - Compensation of directors; petition to submit schedule of salaries and fees

§ 48-2975 - Meetings of board of directors; records

§ 48-2976 - Publication of minutes; effective date of by-laws, rules, regulations and resolutions

§ 48-2977 - Administrative powers of board of directors

§ 48-2978 - General powers of board of directors

§ 48-2979 - Investment and reinvestment of sinking fund

§ 48-2980 - Powers of district vested with power of drainage

§ 48-2981 - Powers of district serving municipal and industrial waters on June 12, 1980

§ 48-2982 - Powers of board in legal proceedings; judicial notice of district; exception

§ 48-2983 - Acquisition of existing irrigation or drainage works by district; approval by state certification board

§ 48-2984 - Contract for purchase, enlargement and completion of existing irrigation system; approval of state certification board

§ 48-2985 - Plans and specifications for construction; advertisement for bids

§ 48-2986 - Award of contract; bond; letting of work without advertising for bids

§ 48-2987 - Supervisory powers of director of water resources over district projects

§ 48-2988 - Entry upon lands for district purposes

§ 48-2989 - Construction of works across public or private property

§ 48-2990 - Pro rata distribution of water subject to priorities; payment of water tax

§ 48-2991 - Distribution of water when supply insufficient

§ 48-2992 - Construction and maintenance of levees to control overflow

§ 48-2993 - Power of district to hold and use property; tax exemption of property

§ 48-2994 - Conveyance or transfer to United States of irrigable lands within district included within federal reclamation project; election; terms of transfer

§ 48-2995 - Limitation on power of board to incur district indebtedness

§ 48-2996 - Violation or neglect of duty by district officer; classification

§ 48-2997 - Eradicating noxious plants

§ 48-2998 - Alternative plan to eradicate noxious plants

§ 48-3441 - Board of trustees; compensation; employment of personnel; quorum

§ 48-3442 - Bond of trustee

§ 48-3443 - Term of office; vacancies

§ 48-3444 - Biennial election of trustees

§ 48-3445 - Secretary of board; board minutes

§ 48-3446 - Powers and duties of board; issue of time warrants

§ 48-3447 - Operation and maintenance of water delivery works by district; right of eminent domain

§ 48-3448 - Use of roads and streets as right of way

§ 48-3449 - Irrigation service to nondistrict lands

§ 48-3450 - Restrictions upon delivery of water by district

§ 48-3451 - Suspension of district functions

§ 48-2731 - Petitioning for subdivision of district into forty-acre units upon organization

§ 48-2732 - Proceeding on presentation of petition requesting subdivision; purpose of subdivision

§ 48-2733 - Division of district into subdivisions and apportionment of benefit units

§ 48-2734 - Estimate of expenditures

§ 48-2735 - Tax levy; entry on assessment roll; collection of tax and assessments

§ 48-2736 - Apportionment of assessments levied among subdivisions on unit basis

§ 48-2751 - Bond election; results

§ 48-2752 - Action to determine validity of bonds; appeal

§ 48-2753 - Action to test validity of bonds on failure of board to commence action

§ 48-2754 - Extent of hearing; consolidation of actions

§ 48-2755 - Rules of procedure applicable in contests

§ 48-2756 - Terms of bonds; form; interest rate; record of sales

§ 48-2757 - Sale of bonds; notice

§ 48-2758 - Lien of bonds; payment of bonds

§ 48-2771 - Authority to refund indebtedness

§ 48-2772 - Petition requesting issuance of refunding bonds

§ 48-2773 - Election to authorize issuance of refunding bonds

§ 48-2774 - Terms of refunding bonds; interest rate; form

§ 48-2775 - Sale of refunding bonds; disposition of proceeds

§ 48-2776 - Exchange of refunding bonds for bonds, coupons or evidences of indebtedness; report of cancellations

§ 48-2777 - Minimum rate of exchange

§ 48-2778 - Unlawful sale or exchange of refunding bonds

§ 48-2791 - Proposal to destroy unsold bonds; call for election; destruction of bonds

§ 48-2792 - Election on proposal to destroy unsold bonds

§ 48-2793 - Order for destruction of unsold bonds

§ 48-2794 - Authority to reduce bonded indebtedness

§ 48-2795 - Election to reduce bonded indebtedness; notice and conduct of election

§ 48-2796 - Effect of reduction of bonded indebtedness on validity of other bonds authorized

§ 48-2811 - Organization of flood protection district; limitation on lands to be included; powers of district

§ 48-2812 - Cooperation with state and municipalities

§ 48-2813 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-2814 - Transfer of lands; procedure; limitations; definition

§ 48-2816 - Flood protection districts; directors; qualification of electors

§ 48-2831 - Definitions

§ 48-2832 - Authorization

§ 48-2833 - Purposes for which public improvements may be undertaken; powers incidental to public improvements

§ 48-2834 - Petition; resolution of intention to order improvement

§ 48-2835 - Preliminary plans

§ 48-2836 - Notice of intent to construct and to levy assessment

§ 48-2837 - Objection to extent of assessment district; hearing; modified assessment district; special action

§ 48-2838 - Resolution ordering improvement; notice; proposals; alternative procurement methods

§ 48-2839 - Assessment of public property

§ 48-2840 - Payment of costs by flood protection district

§ 48-2841 - Proposals; bond; award of contract; entering into contract; liability on bond

§ 48-2842 - Form and execution of contract; supervision of performance; surety

§ 48-2843 - Bonds required from contractor

§ 48-2844 - Diagrams of property affected; estimate of benefits; assessment; warrant

§ 48-2845 - Delivery of warrant and assessment to contractor; demand for payment; release of assessments; review of assessment

§ 48-2846 - Action against property owner to collect assessment

§ 48-2847 - Invalidity of liens or bonds; extent of validity; means to secure interest of persons damaged

§ 48-2848 - Correctness of assessment; reallocation of assessment

§ 48-2849 - Issuance of improvement bonds; fund for payment of bonds

§ 48-2850 - Description of improvement bonds in resolution and notices

§ 48-2851 - List of unpaid assessments; issuance of bonds; denominations; due date; certificate of completion

§ 48-2852 - Form of bonds

§ 48-2853 - Certification of unpaid assessments; payments by installment; interest; payments in advance

§ 48-2854 - Collection of assessments by taxation

§ 48-2855 - Procedure if assessment declared void

§ 48-2856 - Failure to hold or adjourn scheduled hearing; subsequent hearing

§ 48-2857 - Proof of publication and posting

§ 48-2858 - Public records; duties of engineer

§ 48-2859 - Bond anticipation notes; form; procedures applicable

§ 48-2860 - Deficiency in collections

§ 48-2861 - Reallocation of assessments; public land exchange

§ 48-2901 - District as municipal corporation

§ 48-2902 - Taking of waters without compensation prohibited

§ 48-2903 - Organization of district

§ 48-2904 - Name of district; change of name

§ 48-2905 - Petition for organization; inclusion of power of drainage

§ 48-2906 - Bond required upon filing petition; payment of costs of organization

§ 48-2907 - Time of hearing petition; notice of hearing

§ 48-2908 - Proof of publication of notice of hearing; veracity of signatures on petition

§ 48-2909 - Hearing; determination of district boundaries

§ 48-2910 - Hearing on vesting proposed district with power of drainage

§ 48-2911 - Denial of petition or application

§ 48-2912 - Remedy of persons aggrieved by board order

§ 48-2913 - Order of election; contents

§ 48-2914 - Nine member board of directors in certain districts; adoption of nine member board after organization

§ 48-2914.01 - Additional directors in certain districts

§ 48-2915 - Election of all directors at large in certain districts

§ 48-2916 - Notice of election

§ 48-2917 - Qualifications of electors; definitions

§ 48-2918 - Ballots; manner of voting

§ 48-2919 - Conduct of election; return

§ 48-2920 - Early voting

§ 48-2921 - Canvass of votes; declaration of result; organization of another district including lands of district

§ 48-2922 - Completion of district organization; qualification of directors; determination of term of initial directors

§ 48-2923 - Testing validity of organization of district by quo warranto

§ 48-3041 - Adoption of acreage system of voting

§ 48-3042 - Forms of election materials; applicability of general election laws

§ 48-3043 - Qualifications of electors

§ 48-3044 - Election register

§ 48-3045 - Handling and distribution of ballots

§ 48-3046 - Marking and checking of ballots

§ 48-3047 - Mistake in marking ballot

§ 48-3048 - Manner of marking ballot; determining right to vote

§ 48-3049 - Absent voters or voters with disabilities

§ 48-3050 - Determination of election result

§ 48-3051 - Conveyance of property for voting purposes; voting by corporation

§ 48-3071 - State lands subject to irrigation district laws

§ 48-3072 - Irrigation assessments as lien on state lands within district; enforcement

§ 48-3073 - Notification to state land department of state lands included within district; sale or lease of land subject to irrigation assessments

§ 48-3074 - Validation of prior assessments against state lands

§ 48-3075 - Sale of state land; lessee on land credited with water right acquired by payment of district assessments

§ 48-3076 - Nonliability of state

§ 48-3077 - Assessment of United States lands within district; status of entrymen

§ 48-3091 - Organization of district for purpose of cooperating with United States under reclamation laws; power of districts to contract

§ 48-3092 - General powers of board; terms of contract with United States

§ 48-3093 - Bonds deposited with United States; collection of monies

§ 48-3094 - Election upon question of contract; judicial determination of validity of contract and proceedings

§ 48-3095 - Conveyance of district property to United States

§ 48-3096 - Payments due under contract with United States; district assessments; determination of rate

§ 48-3097 - Powers of district and United States for purpose of carrying out contract

§ 48-3098 - Consent of secretary of interior required to dissolve or change boundaries of district or release lands from bonded indebtedness

§ 48-3111 - District treasurer

§ 48-3112 - Estimate of annual financial requirements

§ 48-3113 - Estimate by board of supervisors upon failure of district board to provide estimate

§ 48-3114 - Determination of tax rate; fiscal year

§ 48-3115 - Entry of district taxes and assessments upon assessment roll

§ 48-3116 - Manner of assessment and levy

§ 48-3117 - Acceptance of warrants of district in payment of district taxes

§ 48-3118 - Payment of district taxes without paying other taxes

§ 48-3119 - Applicability of state tax laws; exemption of state lands

§ 48-3120 - Sale of delinquent lands by district secretary upon failure of treasurer to act

§ 48-3121 - Purchase by district of lands sold at tax sale; resale by district

§ 48-3122 - Payment of bonded indebtedness; release of lands

§ 48-3123 - Issuance of certificate of release upon payment of bonded indebtedness

§ 48-3124 - Remittance of collections to district treasurer; division of collections into funds; disbursements

§ 48-3125 - Application of tax monies; exceptions as to surplus

§ 48-3126 - Payment of claims; imprest fund; purpose

§ 48-3127 - Warrant register; form of warrant

§ 48-3128 - Issuance of warrants or promissory notes for loans

§ 48-3129 - Monthly financial report by district treasurer

§ 48-3131 - Failure of officials to create lien or collect taxes; remedy by mandamus

§ 48-3132 - Cash basis operation

§ 48-3133 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-3151 - Authority to levy district assessments; contents of resolution; terms as to delinquencies

§ 48-3152 - Landowner defined; effect of service of notice on married person, guardian, administrator or attorney-in-fact

§ 48-3153 - Limitation on amount of assessment; special election on assessment in excess of limitation

§ 48-3154 - Filing copy of resolution; lien of assessment; payment of assessment

§ 48-3155 - Notice of sale of lands for failure to pay installment or assessment

§ 48-3156 - Sale of lands; redemption

§ 48-3157 - Issuance of certificate of redemption; issuance of deed upon failure to redeem; enforcement of right to possession

§ 48-3158 - Action to recover assessment

§ 48-3159 - District tax and assessment as first lien

§ 48-3160 - Conversion of defaulted assessment into first mortgage lien

§ 48-3161 - Order of conversion; notice to landowners

§ 48-3162 - Authority of district secretary to execute notes and mortgages upon failure of landowner to do so; effect

§ 48-3163 - Enforcement of liens against state or United States

§ 48-3164 - Priority of mortgage liens

§ 48-3165 - Conversion of district taxes into mortgage liens; priority

§ 48-3166 - Enforcement or foreclosure of other liens or demands subject to prior converted mortgage liens; exception; limitation on issuance of district bonds

§ 48-3167 - Agreement by board to guarantee payment of converted liens

§ 48-3168 - Tax lien for payment of bonds as superior to mortgage lien

§ 48-3169 - Rule making powers of board

§ 48-3181 - General plan for proposed works; engineering services

§ 48-3182 - Filing of maps and lists by board of directors prior to bond issue, construction contract or assessment; notice; submission of maps and lists to state certification board

§ 48-3183 - Hearing; exclusion or inclusion of lands; acceptance of map and list

§ 48-3184 - Contents of resolution of exclusion when water supply insufficient for district lands

§ 48-3185 - Conveyance of land to district upon adoption of resolution of exclusion; mortgages by owners of inchoate titles; approval by state certification board

§ 48-3186 - Sale of lands under resolution of exclusion; disposition of proceeds; execution of mortgage by entrymen or lessees of state lands

§ 48-3187 - Refund by district of taxes paid by owner of excluded lands

§ 48-3188 - Examination of engineer's report by state certification board; authority of board

§ 48-3189 - Resolution adopting plan and calling for issuance of bonds; call for bond election

§ 48-3190 - Election to authorize issuance of bonds

§ 48-3191 - Incomplete title owners; liability for indebtedness

§ 48-3192 - Form of bonds; record of sales

§ 48-3193 - Authorization of additional bonds; priority of liens

§ 48-3194 - Limitation on bonded indebtedness

§ 48-3195 - Power of board to enter into contract with United States for construction or purchase of works

§ 48-3196 - Special election on question whether bond issue should be cancelled and general plan abandoned; cancellation of certain unsold bonds by resolution

§ 48-3197 - Action to determine validity of bonds; hearing; judgment

§ 48-3198 - Sale of bonds; notice; minimum price; use of unsold bonds

§ 48-3199 - Application of article; other methods of financing; prohibition

§ 48-3200 - Certified bonds as legal investment for savings bank or as security for public funds

§ 48-3201 - Resolution to make bonds available as legal investment; filing with state certification board

§ 48-3202 - Investigations and findings of state certification board upon certifying bonds

§ 48-3203 - Authorization of expenditures from proceeds of certified bonds by state certification board

§ 48-3204 - Issuance of certificate; form

§ 48-3205 - Payment of expenses of state certification board

§ 48-3206 - Payment of bonds and interest

§ 48-3207 - Water, wastewater infrastructure projects; loan repayment agreements; definitions

§ 48-3211 - Construction of article

§ 48-3212 - Definitions

§ 48-3213 - Purpose for which revenue bonds may be issued

§ 48-3214 - Powers of district

§ 48-3215 - Revenue bonds

§ 48-3216 - Forms of bonds

§ 48-3217 - Adoption of resolution; trust agreement

§ 48-3218 - Covenants in resolution or trust agreement

§ 48-3219 - Bond anticipation notes

§ 48-3219.01 - Sale of bonds

§ 48-3219.02 - Purchase of bonds by districts

§ 48-3219.03 - Disposition of proceeds and other monies

§ 48-3219.04 - Validity of bonds; nonliability of officers and directors

§ 48-3219.05 - Bonds; legal investment

§ 48-3221 - Refunding bonds authorized

§ 48-3222 - Issuance of refunding bonds

§ 48-3226 - Payment of matured refunding bonds or coupons; cancellation of redeemed bonds

§ 48-3227 - Powers of board relating to refunding bonds; applicability of certain public finance laws

§ 48-3228 - Refunding of warrants and other indebtedness of district

§ 48-3241 - Petition for hearing where district in default on financial obligations; notice of hearing

§ 48-3242 - Meeting of bondholders with board of directors; selection of committee; voting

§ 48-3243 - Bondholders' agreement; failure to agree within one year

§ 48-3244 - Submission of bondholders' agreement to superior court by petition

§ 48-3245 - Publication of bondholders' agreement; filing of dissents to agreement

§ 48-3246 - Failure to file dissent deemed acceptance of agreement

§ 48-3247 - Hearing; judgment

§ 48-3248 - Procedure in court action; appeal to supreme court; costs

§ 48-3249 - Abrogation of agreement by failure to deposit fifty-one per cent of bonds

§ 48-3250 - Change in terms of agreement; effective date

§ 48-3251 - Permissive deposit of bonds with treasurer

§ 48-3252 - Expenses of committee; payment

§ 48-3253 - Powers of committee in enforcing agreement

§ 48-3254 - Abrogation of agreement and discharge of committee when bond obligations discharged; discharge of individual from tax liability by payment of proportionate liability

§ 48-3255 - Partial payment of bonds and interest

§ 48-3256 - Acceptance of bond interest coupons by committee

§ 48-3401 - Owner defined

§ 48-3402 - Rights and powers of district

§ 48-3403 - Water rights on unirrigated areas

§ 48-3404 - Effect of chapter

§ 48-3421 - Authority to organize district; purposes

§ 48-3422 - Petition to organize district; inclusion of lands within another district

§ 48-3423 - Notice of hearing; bond for expenses of organization

§ 48-3424 - Hearing; order of board; completion of district organization

§ 48-3425 - Immediate organization of district on filing petition signed by all landowners

§ 48-3426 - Time limitation upon filing action attacking validity of district organization

§ 48-3427 - Inclusion or exclusion of lands; consolidation of districts

§ 48-3428 - Dissolution

§ 48-3601 - Definitions

§ 48-3602 - Organization of county flood control district

§ 48-3603 - Powers, duties and immunities of district and board; exemptions

§ 48-3604 - Establishing zones in the district

§ 48-3605 - Assistance for floodplain delineations; duties of director

§ 48-3606 - Assistance for topographic mapping

§ 48-3607 - Director may contract for work

§ 48-3608 - Assistance in flood insurance program

§ 48-3609 - Floodplain delineation; regulation of use; federal requirements and definitions

§ 48-3609.01 - Watercourse master plans; definition

§ 48-3609.02 - Adoption of rules; procedures; exemptions; definition

§ 48-3610 - Assumption of powers and duties by cities and towns; resolution; definitions

§ 48-3611 - Citizens' flood control advisory board; qualification; functions

§ 48-3612 - Board of review

§ 48-3613 - Authorization required for development in watercourses; exceptions; enforcement

§ 48-3614 - Declaration of public nuisance; abatement

§ 48-3615 - Violation; classification; civil penalties; strict liability

§ 48-3615.01 - Notice of violation; hearing; final decision; civil penalty; injunctive relief

§ 48-3615.02 - Judicial review; remedies

§ 48-3616 - Survey and report of flood control problems and facilities; comprehensive program; adoption by board; hearing

§ 48-3617 - Development of flood control plan by director of water resources

§ 48-3618 - Resolution calling for bond election; notice; manner of conducting election

§ 48-3619 - Form, issuance and sale of bonds; limitation on bonded indebtedness; payment of bonds and interest

§ 48-3620 - Certification and levy of taxes; limitation

§ 48-3620.01 - Joint projects by zones

§ 48-3620.02 - Authority for zone projects

§ 48-3621 - Right-of-way

§ 48-3622 - Permission required to connect to storm water drain; fee; violation; classification

§ 48-3623 - Authority to issue refunding bonds; procedure; disposition of proceeds

§ 48-3624 - Cooperation in flood control projects

§ 48-3625 - Limitation on powers

§ 48-3626 - Compliance; enforcement

§ 48-3627 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-3628 - Condemnation actions; interest

§ 48-3641 - Definitions

§ 48-3642 - Regulatory bill of rights

§ 48-3643 - Inspections; applicability

§ 48-3644 - Prohibited acts by district and employees; enforcement; notice

§ 48-3645 - Licensing time frames; compliance; consequence for failure to comply with time frame; exemptions; definitions

§ 48-3646 - License application process

§ 48-3647 - Directory of documents

§ 48-3648 - Complaints; procedures

§ 48-3649 - Clarification of interpretation

§ 48-3650 - Exemptions

§ 48-3701 - Definitions

§ 48-3702 - District as municipal corporation

§ 48-3703 - Purposes for which district may be organized

§ 48-3704 - Petition for formation of district

§ 48-3705 - Notice; hearing on petitions; transcript

§ 48-3706 - Establishment of district; appeal

§ 48-3707 - Areas outside of district; inclusion of additional counties

§ 48-3708 - Board of directors; weighted voting; members; term; compensation

§ 48-3709 - District elections; nominating petitions

§ 48-3710 - Organization of board; oath; Arizona water banking authority

§ 48-3711 - Meetings of the board

§ 48-3712 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 48-3713 - Powers of district

§ 48-3713.01 - Additional authority and limitations regarding water storage

§ 48-3713.02 - Additional authority regarding water storage

§ 48-3713.03 - Lower Colorado river multispecies conservation program; definition

§ 48-3714 - Authority of political subdivisions to enter into long-term contracts

§ 48-3715 - Tax levy

§ 48-3715.01 - Fund for acquiring and conserving supplemental water

§ 48-3715.02 - Tax levy for water storage

§ 48-3715.03 - Arizona water banking fund; disbursement of monies

§ 48-3715.05 - Contribution for water protection

§ 48-3716 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-3717 - Construction and limitation of chapter

§ 48-3718 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-3731 - Proceedings to test validity of contracts; petition

§ 48-3732 - Time for hearing; notice; summons; parties; pleadings

§ 48-3733 - Hearing; determination of validity

§ 48-3734 - Review; res judicata

§ 48-3751 - Ordinances; revenue bonds

§ 48-3752 - Terms, conditions and forms of bonds

§ 48-3753 - Resolution and trust agreements; adoption

§ 48-3754 - Resolution and trust agreements; covenants

§ 48-3755 - Sale of bonds

§ 48-3756 - Refunding bonds

§ 48-3757 - Purchase of bonds by the district

§ 48-3758 - Validity of bonds; nonliability of officers and directors

§ 48-3759 - Bonds as legal investments

§ 48-3760 - Federal income tax considerations

§ 48-3761 - Application of bond proceeds

§ 48-3762 - Limitation on amount, rates, fees and charges

§ 48-3771 - District replenishment obligations; replenishment location; source of replenishment; exception

§ 48-3772 - Duties and powers of district regarding replenishment

§ 48-3773 - Additional duties; special fund; revolving fund

§ 48-3774 - Qualification as member land

§ 48-3774.01 - Category 1 member lands; category 2 member lands; fees

§ 48-3775 - Reports

§ 48-3776 - Storage and recovery outside the district

§ 48-3777 - Municipal provider reporting requirements

§ 48-3778 - Annual assessment; general revenue law

§ 48-3779 - Annual membership dues

§ 48-3780 - Qualification as a member service area; termination

§ 48-3780.01 - Member service area; replenishment reserve

§ 48-3781 - Annual replenishment tax; contract replenishment tax

§ 48-3782 - Delinquent taxes; interest; failure to file report; civil penalties; violation; classification

§ 48-3783 - Inspections, investigations and audits

§ 48-3901 - County free library district; notice of proposed establishment; board of directors

§ 48-3902 - Powers and duties; contracts between counties for use of library

§ 48-3903 - Tax levies

§ 48-3904 - Bonds; issuance

§ 48-3905 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-3906 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-4001 - Establishment of district

§ 48-4002 - Board of directors; administrative powers, duties and immunities

§ 48-4003 - Functional powers and duties

§ 48-4004 - Juvenile detention facilities

§ 48-4005 - Management of juvenile detention facilities

§ 48-4021 - Community corrections taxes; election

§ 48-4022 - Excise tax

§ 48-4023 - Property tax levy

§ 48-4023.01 - Property tax levy for juvenile detention facilities

§ 48-4024 - County maintenance of effort

§ 48-4024.01 - County alternative maintenance of effort

§ 48-4025 - County jail district general fund; annual audit

§ 48-4026 - Adjustment of municipal expenditure limitation

§ 48-4231 - County stadium district fund

§ 48-4231.01 - Financial and performance audits of districts owning multipurpose facilities; appearance before joint committee on capital review

§ 48-4231.02 - Financial reports; database of expenditures

§ 48-4232 - Annual budget

§ 48-4234 - Car rental surcharge for major league spring training; rate; administration; credit; definition

§ 48-4235 - Assessment in lieu of property tax; rate; administration

§ 48-4236 - Transaction privilege tax; spring training; rate; administration

§ 48-4237 - Transaction privilege tax; multipurpose facilities; rate; administration

§ 48-5931 - Sources of revenue

§ 48-5932 - Revenue bonds; authorization

§ 48-6021 - Special assessments; assessment lien bonds

§ 48-6022 - Terms of bonds

§ 48-6023 - Annual financial estimate and budget

§ 48-6431 - Financial authority of district

§ 48-6432 - Transaction privilege tax; administration; hearing; notice

§ 48-6433 - Revenue bonds; issuance; hearing; notice

§ 48-6434 - Administrative and operations budgets; annual statement and audit

§ 48-6435 - Annual report

§ 48-6436 - Special audit; report

§ 48-4201 - Definitions

§ 48-4202 - Formation of district; termination

§ 48-4203 - Powers and duties of board of directors; report; conflict of interest

§ 48-4204 - Constructing and operating a stadium and other structures; regulating alcoholic beverages

§ 48-4205 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-4251 - County stadium district bonds

§ 48-4252 - Bond obligations of the district

§ 48-4253 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 48-4254 - County stadium district bonds as legal investments

§ 48-4255 - Agreement of state

§ 48-4401 - Definitions

§ 48-4402 - Purposes

§ 48-4403 - District as municipal corporation; exemption from taxation; judicial review

§ 48-4404 - Effect on vested water rights

§ 48-4431 - Establishment; petitions; notice; hearing; determination by county board of supervisors; boundaries; preliminary expenses

§ 48-4432 - Board; members; term; compensation

§ 48-4433 - District elections; nominating petitions

§ 48-4434 - Board; organization; oath; bond

§ 48-4435 - Meetings of the board

§ 48-4461 - Duties of the board

§ 48-4462 - Powers of the district

§ 48-4463 - District member's replenishment obligation; accounting rules

§ 48-4464 - District member's replenishment account; statements; credits

§ 48-4465 - Transfer of credits

§ 48-4466 - Settlement of replenishment accounts

§ 48-4467 - Drought relief account

§ 48-4468 - Measuring requirements

§ 48-4469 - Direct delivery of water

§ 48-4470 - Contracts for replenishment services

§ 48-4471 - Acquiring water from district members

§ 48-4471.01 - Aquifer replenishment projects in Phoenix active management area

§ 48-4472 - Demand replenishment services

§ 48-4473 - Water storage for district members; accounting; fees and charges

§ 48-4474 - Storage and recovery outside of district

§ 48-4475 - Using public rights-of-way; definition

§ 48-4851 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 48-4852 - Limitation on powers

§ 48-4853 - Functional powers of board

§ 48-4854 - Planning

§ 48-4855 - Acquisition of water

§ 48-4856 - Acquisition of property; limited eminent domain authority; survey rights

§ 48-4857 - Construction work and purchases by bid only; exceptions; award of contract; bond

§ 48-4541 - Definitions

§ 48-4542 - Issuance of bonds

§ 48-4543 - General obligation bond election; results

§ 48-4544 - Securing principal and interest; lien of pledge

§ 48-4545 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiable; exemption from taxation; obligation; legal investments

§ 48-4546 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 48-4547 - Validity of bonds; certification by attorney general

§ 48-4548 - Treasurer or fiscal agent; disposition of monies; investments

§ 48-4549 - Bond fund; investments; expenditures; audit

§ 48-4571 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 48-4572 - Reporting requirements

§ 48-4573 - Liens for delinquent taxes or fees

§ 48-4574 - Delinquent taxes or fees; interest; failure to file report; civil penalties; violation; classification

§ 48-4575 - Unlawful interest in real property by board member or employee; violation; classification

§ 48-4801 - Definitions

§ 48-4802 - Formation

§ 48-4803 - Initial board of directors; qualification and organization

§ 48-4804 - Contest of formation; appeal

§ 48-4805 - Corporate existence; rights and immunities; official name

§ 48-4806 - Powers and duties of initial board; recommendation as to permanent organization or dissolution

§ 48-4807 - Dissolution

§ 48-4971 - Undertaking of replenishment obligation

§ 48-4972 - Groundwater replenishment obligation; replenishment location; source of replenishment; exception

§ 48-4973 - Duties and powers of district regarding replenishment

§ 48-4974 - Additional duties; special fund; revolving fund

§ 48-4975 - Qualification as water district member land

§ 48-4976 - Reports

§ 48-4977 - Storage and recovery outside the district

§ 48-4978 - Municipal provider reporting requirements

§ 48-4979 - Assessment levy

§ 48-4980 - Liens for delinquent assessments

§ 48-4981 - Qualification as a water district member service area

§ 48-4982 - Annual replenishment tax; contract replenishment tax

§ 48-4983 - Delinquent assessments and taxes; interest; failure to file report; civil penalties; violation; classification

§ 48-4984 - Inspections; investigations and audits

§ 48-5101 - Definitions

§ 48-5102 - Regional public transportation authority in counties with population of one million two hundred thousand or more persons; establishment

§ 48-5103 - Public transportation fund

§ 48-5104 - Municipality and county participation; withdrawal

§ 48-5105 - Board of directors

§ 48-5106 - Budget process

§ 48-5107 - Utility relocation reimbursement; definition

§ 48-5121 - Public transportation element of the regional transportation plan

§ 48-5122 - Board powers and duties

§ 48-5123 - Contracts; eminent domain

§ 48-5141 - Regional bus system

§ 48-5161 - Definitions

§ 48-5162 - Bond authority

§ 48-5163 - Bond requirements

§ 48-5164 - Bond payment; security

§ 48-5165 - Pledges; liens

§ 48-5166 - Liability; bond validity

§ 48-5167 - Bond purchase; cancellation

§ 48-5168 - Financial interest prohibited; violation; classification

§ 48-5169 - Public transportation bond proceeds fund

§ 48-5170 - Regional public transportation authority monies; treasurer; investments

§ 48-5171 - Agreement of state

§ 48-5172 - Taxation exemption

§ 48-5173 - Attorney general bond certification

§ 48-5174 - Bond obligations of the board

§ 48-5175 - Bonds; legal investments

§ 48-5301 - Definitions

§ 48-5302 - Regional transportation authority; establishment

§ 48-5303 - Board of directors; executive director

§ 48-5304 - Board duties

§ 48-5305 - Board powers

§ 48-5306 - Court; fees

§ 48-5307 - Regional transportation fund

§ 48-5308 - Distribution from regional transportation fund

§ 48-5309 - Regional transportation plan; definitions

§ 48-5310 - Five year transportation facilities construction program update

§ 48-5311 - Transportation corridor priority

§ 48-5312 - Highway construction and maintenance

§ 48-5313 - Eminent domain

§ 48-5314 - Election on regional transportation plan and excise tax

§ 48-5315 - Utility relocation reimbursement; definition

§ 48-5341 - Bonds payable from transportation excise taxes

§ 48-5342 - Bond requirements

§ 48-5343 - Bond payment; security

§ 48-5344 - Pledges; liens

§ 48-5345 - Liability; bond validity

§ 48-5346 - Bond purchase

§ 48-5347 - Notice; bond issuance

§ 48-5348 - Bond proceeds; distribution; expenditures

§ 48-5349 - Agreement of state and county

§ 48-5350 - Taxation exemption

§ 48-5351 - Attorney general bond certification

§ 48-5352 - Bond obligations of the board

§ 48-5353 - Bonds; legal investments

§ 48-5354 - Federal income tax considerations

§ 48-5501 - Definitions

§ 48-5501.01 - Establishment of special health care district

§ 48-5502 - Board of directors; elections; officers

§ 48-5503 - Term of office; election

§ 48-5504 - Officers of the board

§ 48-5505 - Compensation of directors

§ 48-5506 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-5507 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-5541 - Powers of special health care district

§ 48-5541.01 - Additional powers and duties of certain special health care districts

§ 48-5542 - Purchasing and leasing property and equipment

§ 48-5543 - Lease provisions

§ 48-5544 - Cancellation of lease for failure to pay rent; authority to lease again; auction

§ 48-5701 - Definitions

§ 48-5702 - Agriculture preservation district; purpose

§ 48-5703 - District establishment; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions

§ 48-5704 - Establishment of agriculture preservation district; denial of petition; costs

§ 48-5705 - Board of directors; qualifications; term; appointment; election; compensation; expenses

§ 48-5706 - Powers of agriculture preservation district

§ 48-5707 - Expansion of district; petition; election

§ 48-5708 - Fees, rentals and service charges

§ 48-5709 - Dissolution of agriculture preservation district; disposition of property; tax for outstanding indebtedness

§ 48-5710 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-5801 - Definitions

§ 48-5802 - Formation of district; election

§ 48-5803 - Board of directors

§ 48-5804 - Powers and duties

§ 48-5805 - Transaction privilege tax; property tax

§ 48-5901 - Definitions

§ 48-5902 - Preliminary general plan; initial costs

§ 48-5903 - Resolution of intent; hearing

§ 48-5904 - Requirements for formation of the district; approvals required

§ 48-5905 - Election procedure; costs; ballot questions; qualified electors

§ 48-5906 - Formation of district; legal status of district

§ 48-5907 - District board of directors; term; vacancy; expenses

§ 48-5908 - Election of board; eligible voters; recall

§ 48-5909 - General plan

§ 48-5910 - Powers of the district

§ 48-5911 - Project approval; resolution of project intent

§ 48-5912 - Modification of boundaries; impact statement; hearing;recording

§ 48-5913 - Public records; open meetings

§ 48-5914 - Annual report

§ 48-5915 - Dissolution of district

§ 48-5951 - Private water company actions; corporation commission approval

§ 48-6001 - Definitions

§ 48-6002 - District establishment; memorandum of intent; petition; hearing

§ 48-6003 - Design concept report; watercourse, land, financial and governance plans; board

§ 48-6004 - Report submittal; petition; formation of district

§ 48-6005 - Board of directors; qualifications; expenses

§ 48-6006 - Powers and duties of recreational corridor channelization district

§ 48-6007 - Dissolution of recreational corridor channelization district; disposition of property; tax for outstanding indebtedness

§ 48-6008 - Reimbursement for county services

§ 48-6009 - Termination of formation authority; existing districts; effect on financial provisions

§ 48-6201 - Definitions

§ 48-6202 - Formation of district

§ 48-6203 - Board of directors

§ 48-6204 - Administrative powers and duties

§ 48-6205 - Conflicts of interest

§ 48-6231 - Constructing and maintaining theme parks; limitation on retail sales

§ 48-6232 - Operational powers of district

§ 48-6233 - Site host relations

§ 48-6234 - Regulating sale, use and consumption of alcoholic beverages

§ 48-6271 - Definitions

§ 48-6272 - Authorization of revenue bonds; conditional expiration

§ 48-6273 - Issuance and sale of bonds

§ 48-6274 - Bond proceeds account

§ 48-6275 - Debt service account

§ 48-6276 - Securing principal and interest

§ 48-6277 - Lien of pledge

§ 48-6278 - Bond purchase; cancellation

§ 48-6279 - Payment of bonds

§ 48-6280 - Use of surplus monies

§ 48-6281 - Investment of monies in the bond proceeds account

§ 48-6282 - Investment of monies in debt service account

§ 48-6283 - Authorized investments of monies

§ 48-6284 - Deposit and disbursement of monies

§ 48-6285 - Characteristics of bonds; negotiability; obligation; legal investments; exemption from taxation

§ 48-6286 - Effect of changing circumstances on bonds; agreement of state

§ 48-6287 - Validity of bonds; legal opinion

§ 48-6401 - Findings; purpose

§ 48-6402 - Definitions

§ 48-6403 - Establishment of upper San Pedro water district; map; goal; decreed and appropriative water rights

§ 48-6404 - District as municipal corporation; exemption from taxation; judicial review

§ 48-6405 - Board; members; terms; compensation

§ 48-6406 - Formation election; tax authorization; election of board members

§ 48-6407 - Board meetings; notice

§ 48-6408 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 48-6409 - Water development and management; technical assistance and review by director of water resources

§ 48-6410 - Limitation on powers

§ 48-6411 - Adequate water supply requirements; notice; objections

§ 48-6412 - Exemption from adequate water supply requirements based on substantial capital investment; application; criteria; expiration

§ 48-6413 - Exemption from adequate water supply requirements based on an adequate water supply within twenty years; criteria; application

§ 48-6414 - Inapplicability of other adequate water supply provisions to proposed subdivisions in the district

§ 48-6415 - District and municipal water delivery systems in the district eligible to receive financial assistance from water supply development revolving fund

§ 48-6416 - Organizing board; upper San Pedro water district; membership; authority; formation election

§ 48-6801 - Definitions

§ 48-6802 - Resolution of intent; eligible participants; district board

§ 48-6803 - Notice

§ 48-6804 - Hearing on objections

§ 48-6805 - Resolution forming district

§ 48-6806 - Judicial review

§ 48-6807 - Formation

§ 48-6808 - Powers of a revitalization district

§ 48-6809 - Perpetual succession

§ 48-6810 - Records; board of directors; open meetings

§ 48-6811 - Participation by municipality

§ 48-6812 - Finances

§ 48-6813 - Budget

§ 48-6814 - Revenue bonds; fees and charges

§ 48-6815 - Special assessments; assessment lien bonds

§ 48-6816 - Terms of bonds

§ 48-6817 - District taxes; annual financial estimate and budget

§ 48-6818 - Notice and conduct of elections; eligible voters

§ 48-6819 - Dissolution of district