Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 37 - Public Lands
§ 37-175 - Information; cost

37-175. Information; cost
The division shall make information available to any person requesting such information at a uniform rate adequate to cover the cost of providing such information.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 37 - Public Lands

§ 37-101 - Definitions

§ 37-102 - State land department; powers and duties

§ 37-103 - Seal of state land department

§ 37-104 - Power to make and accept conveyances of real property

§ 37-105 - Inclusion of state lands under reclamation projects and irrigation districts; assessments and charges

§ 37-106 - Federal reclamation trust fund

§ 37-106.01 - Power to contract for central Arizona project water for use on state lands; payment of costs; selling unallocated water; disposition of revenue from sale of central Arizona project water and water rights

§ 37-107 - Fees; accounts

§ 37-108 - Court actions related to natural resources projects; remedies; account; definition

§ 37-109 - Alternative payment methods

§ 37-110 - Due diligence fund; exemption; reversion

§ 37-131 - State land commissioner; appointment; term; removal; compensation

§ 37-132 - Powers and duties

§ 37-132.01 - Performance and restoration account; agreements with public and private entities

§ 37-133 - Decisions of commissioner; filing; notice to persons in interest

§ 37-171 - Definitions

§ 37-172 - Resource analysis division; administrator; employees; compensation; state cartographer

§ 37-173 - Duties

§ 37-174 - Powers

§ 37-175 - Information; cost

§ 37-176 - Revolving fund; source of monies; claims

§ 37-177 - Arizona geographic information council

§ 37-178 - Geospatial data sharing

§ 37-201 - Examination and selection duties of commissioner

§ 37-202 - Selection board; powers and duties; distribution of central Arizona project water to state trust lands

§ 37-203 - Selection of lands; designation of land to institution or purpose; credit of receipts to specific funds

§ 37-204 - Advances for survey; repayment

§ 37-205 - Due diligence costs related to disposition of land

§ 37-211 - Investigations of and experiments on state lands to determine possible uses; reclassification

§ 37-212 - Classification of lands selected; reclassification

§ 37-213 - Board of appeals

§ 37-214 - Board of appeals; approval of participation contracts; appeal

§ 37-215 - Appeal from decision of commissioner or board of appeals

§ 37-221 - Sale or lease of state lands for public education purposes

§ 37-231 - State lands subject to sale; rights reserved in lands sold; state lands not subject to sale; development agreements

§ 37-232 - Application to purchase state lands or for reimbursement for improvements; deposit

§ 37-233 - Sale of state lands; restriction on sale of timber land; expense of sale

§ 37-234 - Sale of agricultural lands without application; limitation on sales of agricultural lands

§ 37-235 - Subdivision of state lands for sale; size and price limitations

§ 37-236 - Order by department of sale of lands; sale at auction; cancellation of sale; appeal

§ 37-236.01 - Sale of lands suitable for conservation purposes and other purposes at single auction

§ 37-237 - Notice required for sale of lands or lands and improvements; publication

§ 37-238 - Procedure for sale; report of sale

§ 37-239 - Participation contracts; planning and disposition proposals

§ 37-240 - Limitations on amount of land one person may purchase

§ 37-241 - Terms of sale of state land; payment; interest rate

§ 37-243 - Payment of rent in arrears; payment for use of land

§ 37-244 - Certificate of purchase; conditions

§ 37-245 - Rights conferred by certificate of purchase; recording of certificate

§ 37-246 - Sale of natural products of lands by purchaser under certificate of purchase; disposition of proceeds; violation; classification

§ 37-247 - Purchaser's default; forfeiture and cancellation of certificate of purchase; extension of time for payments

§ 37-249 - Actions to rescind sales

§ 37-250 - Replacement of lost or destroyed certificate of purchase

§ 37-251 - Issuance of patents for state lands

§ 37-252 - Taxation of lands sold

§ 37-253 - Report to assessor

§ 37-254 - Cancellation of tax assessment on lands reverting to state

§ 37-255 - Sale of or mortgage or other lien on interest of lessee or holder of certificate of purchase

§ 37-256 - Application of provisions; east half of dry bed of Colorado river

§ 37-257 - Application for sale

§ 37-258 - Sale of rights in dry riverbed

§ 37-258.01 - Sale of development rights

§ 37-259 - Application as offer to settle dispute

§ 37-260 - Selling and administrative expenses

§ 37-261 - Authority to auction reversion rights

§ 37-281 - Lease of state lands for certain purposes without advertising; terms and conditions

§ 37-281.01 - Lease of state lands for grazing purposes; notice

§ 37-281.02 - Leasing state lands for commercial purposes for more than ten years

§ 37-281.03 - Leasing land along Colorado river from United States; subleasing requirements; limitations

§ 37-281.04 - Default of lease of state land; assignment to cities and towns

§ 37-282 - Duty of lessees to cooperate with state land department in making classifications and appraisals

§ 37-282.01 - Mass appraisals; notice; procedure; definitions

§ 37-283 - Subleases by grazing lessee; limitation upon grazing use; sublease surcharge

§ 37-284 - Conflicting short-term lease applications; preference rights

§ 37-285 - Rental rates for grazing and other lands; grazing land valuation commission; reclassification and reappraisal; definitions

§ 37-286 - Execution of leases by land department; covenants; assignment of lease by lessee

§ 37-286.01 - Duty to exclude unauthorized livestock bond; damages; injunction

§ 37-287 - Reservation of rights in state land leases

§ 37-287.01 - Default on long-term lease; forfeiture and cancellation of lease; extension of time for payments; penalty and interest on delinquent rent

§ 37-288 - Default on short-term lease; forfeiture and cancellation of lease; extension of time for payment; penalty and interest on delinquent rental; automatic termination for arrearage

§ 37-288.01 - Disposition of personal property abandoned by lessee at the end of the lease; definitions

§ 37-289 - Procedure on cancellation of lease; notice, default, hearing and appeal

§ 37-290 - Cancellation of lease on reclassification of lands; preferred right to lease reclassified land; refund of advance rental payments

§ 37-291 - Preferred rights to renewal of lease; exceptions; notification

§ 37-294 - Recovery of lands unlawfully held

§ 37-295 - Disposition of long-term commercial lease prepayments; prepayment fund

§ 37-301 - Procedure for protesting auctions

§ 37-311 - Definitions

§ 37-312 - Nominating and classifying trust land as suitable for conservation purposes

§ 37-312.01 - Access to and use and enjoyment of private lands

§ 37-313 - Conservation lease of trust lands suitable for conservation; definition

§ 37-314 - Conveyance of title to trust lands suitable for conservation purposes

§ 37-315 - Withdrawing trust lands suitable for conservation purposes by department without lease or sale

§ 37-317 - Subordination to constitution and enabling act

§ 37-321 - Permission required for person other than holder of certificate of purchase to make improvements; forfeiture for failure to obtain permission; report of improvements

§ 37-321.01 - Rights to water used on state land; definition

§ 37-322 - Basis for appraisal of improvements; reimbursements; amortization; reimbursement for irrigation or district assessments and levies; limitation

§ 37-322.01 - Reimbursement for nonremovable improvements by succeeding lessee of lands not subject to auction; failure to pay; penalty

§ 37-322.02 - Payment by purchaser or succeeding lessee for improvements on auctioned land

§ 37-322.03 - Improvements on state lands; taxation; disposition on termination of lease; statement of improvements

§ 37-322.04 - Accounting for improvements which become property of state

§ 37-323 - Permission required for construction on floodplains; criteria

§ 37-324 - Development or secondary plan; effect

§ 37-331 - Definitions

§ 37-331.01 - Designation of state lands as urban lands on request

§ 37-331.02 - Urban land planning oversight committee

§ 37-331.03 - Conceptual urban state trust land use plans; five year state trust land disposition plans; definitions

§ 37-332 - Urban lands; notice; hearing; requirements; classification; state general plan

§ 37-334 - Designation of lands; development or secondary plan; requirements; approval

§ 37-334.01 - Development plan for a master plan area

§ 37-335 - Sale or lease of state lands for development

§ 37-335.01 - Compensation and reimbursement of lessee upon cancellation of lease

§ 37-335.02 - Off-site improvement of urban lands

§ 37-335.03 - Assessment district assessments and city improvement plan assessments as lien on urban lands within district; enforcement

§ 37-335.04 - Liens not liabilities of state

§ 37-335.06 - Agreements to fund, install and reimburse costs of infrastructure on trust lands

§ 37-336 - Rules; review and approval by legislature; duties of commissioner

§ 37-338 - Selection of application for development planning permit or secondary permit

§ 37-341 - Preliminary investigation of projects for reclamation of state lands

§ 37-342 - Acquisition by land department of rights necessary or advisable for reclamation or irrigation of state lands

§ 37-343 - Investigation of adverse claims upon state lands; protection of equities of persons appropriating water prior to reservation of land for the state

§ 37-371 - Definition of acquired entitlement land

§ 37-372 - Payments to local governments with respect to acquired entitlement lands

§ 37-411 - Rights of entrymen under federal laws to possession and enjoyment of land

§ 37-412 - Limitation on claims; marking boundaries of claim; notice; recording of notice

§ 37-441 - Taking by state of state lands and improvements; reimbursement of owners for improvements; lease by department or institution

§ 37-442 - Application by department or institution to take over state lands; approval by governor; compensation of lessee for improvements and damages resulting from termination

§ 37-443 - Improvements as state property

§ 37-444 - Offset against rent due from trust beneficiaries; substituting trust designations

§ 37-461 - Grants of rights-of-way and sites for public uses

§ 37-481 - Conservation and administration of products of state lands

§ 37-482 - Contracts for sale of timber; limitations; universities timber land account; composition; use

§ 37-483 - Program to remove vegetative natural products; hazardous vegetation; definition

§ 37-501 - Trespass on state lands; classification

§ 37-502 - Damages in civil action for trespass on state lands; seizure of products; report of trespasses

§ 37-503 - Disposition of personal property unlawfully abandoned on state land

§ 37-521 - Permanent state school fund; composition; use

§ 37-522 - Universities land fund; composition; use

§ 37-523 - Normal schools land fund; composition; use

§ 37-524 - Agricultural and mechanical colleges land fund and school of mines land fund; composition; use

§ 37-525 - Other land funds; composition; use

§ 37-526 - Central Arizona project municipal and industrial repayment fund

§ 37-527 - Trust land management fund

§ 37-601 - Authorization to exchange

§ 37-602 - Notice

§ 37-603 - Method of exchange; appraisal

§ 37-604 - Exchange of state land; procedure; limitation and exceptions; definition

§ 37-604.01 - Exchange of state subsurface rights and interests

§ 37-605 - Title; reservations, restrictions and encumbrances

§ 37-606 - Protest; public hearing; judicial review

§ 37-607 - Method of exchange; valuation

§ 37-608 - Supplemental authority

§ 37-609 - Exchange of sovereign lands

§ 37-610 - Disposition of surplus floodplain lands

§ 37-611 - Acquisition of lands by United States for penal purposes

§ 37-612 - Concurrent jurisdiction of the United States over lands acquired for penal purposes; termination of jurisdiction

§ 37-613 - Power of state to serve process upon land ceded United States for penal purposes

§ 37-615 - Exchange of road rights-of-way on state land; procedure; limitation and exceptions

§ 37-616 - Protest; public hearing; judicial review

§ 37-617 - Method of exchange; valuation

§ 37-618 - Supplemental authority

§ 37-620 - Vesting of concurrent criminal jurisdiction in the United States over certain lands and areas

§ 37-620.01 - Concurrent jurisdiction over veterans administration properties; acceptance

§ 37-620.02 - State consent to acquisition of land by the United States for exclusive jurisdiction

§ 37-620.03 - National monuments; catalog; attorney general; litigation

§ 37-620.11 - Enactment of compact

§ 37-620.21 - Holistic resource management program

§ 37-620.31 - Arizona resource advisory council; membership; duties; report

§ 37-701 - Acceptance of Carey land acts; state agency

§ 37-702 - Application for selection of arid lands for irrigation projects or reclamation projects; proposal; deposit

§ 37-703 - Processing of proposal by land department; processing by director of water resources; approval or disapproval of application

§ 37-704 - Contract; contents; bond of contractor

§ 37-705 - Contract provisions as to beginning and completion dates; forfeiture for failure to prosecute work

§ 37-706 - Persons eligible to apply for entry; limitation on area; contents of application; price of lands; disposition of monies received

§ 37-707 - Procedure upon completion of project by settler; application for federal patent; grant of state patent to settler

§ 37-708 - Water rights appurtenant to lands; lien; foreclosure and redemption

§ 37-709 - Maps of project; right of easement reserved

§ 37-710 - Reservation of mineral rights in school lands sold

§ 37-721 - Acceptance of Taylor grazing act, amendment of enabling act and other federal laws relating to exchange of lands

§ 37-722 - Authority of land department and selection board to make exchanges of state owned for federally owned land

§ 37-723 - Distribution of money received from United States; appropriations to counties

§ 37-724 - Receipts from lease of public lands

§ 37-725 - Receipts from grazing district fees; district treasurer; duties

§ 37-726 - Expenditure of grazing fees of district; purposes authorized

§ 37-741 - Public roads and public education fund; purposes; approval of expenditures by legislature; distribution

§ 37-801 - Duty to disclose names of persons having a beneficial interest in real property

§ 37-802 - Disposition of real property by state agency; alternative fuel delivery systems; definition

§ 37-803 - Disposition of real property by state agency

§ 37-804 - Payment of outstanding taxes, penalties and interest on acquiring property

§ 37-901 - Definitions

§ 37-902 - Public lands; public policy; state land department

§ 37-903 - State land commissioner; powers; duties

§ 37-904 - Public lands board of review; members; powers and duties; staff and officers; service of process

§ 37-905 - Appeal of commissioner's decision; board of review; procedures; decision; further appeal

§ 37-906 - Public lands; disposal; use; written authorization required

§ 37-907 - Federal lands acquired without legislative consent; placement on tax rolls

§ 37-908 - Powers and duties of attorney general

§ 37-909 - State payments to counties

§ 37-931 - Claims of right-of-way under revised statute 2477

§ 37-1001 - Declaration of policy

§ 37-1002 - Definitions

§ 37-1011 - Division of natural resource conservation

§ 37-1012 - State natural resource conservation commissioner

§ 37-1013 - Powers and duties of commissioner

§ 37-1014 - State financial assistance; application; criteria

§ 37-1015 - Environmental special plate fund; distribution

§ 37-1031 - Petition for creation of district

§ 37-1032 - Hearing on petition; notice

§ 37-1033 - Determination by commissioner

§ 37-1034 - Referendum; election of supervisors

§ 37-1035 - Proclamation of result of referendum and election; terms of supervisors

§ 37-1036 - Proceedings to organize district; certificate of organization

§ 37-1037 - Addition of territory

§ 37-1038 - Dissolution of district

§ 37-1039 - Status following dissolution

§ 37-1040 - Change in boundaries; combination or division of districts; change in name of districts

§ 37-1051 - District supervisors; term of office; biennial election

§ 37-1052 - Organization of supervisors; vacancies

§ 37-1053 - Powers and duties of supervisors

§ 37-1054 - Powers of district

§ 37-1055 - Limitation of powers

§ 37-1056 - Cooperation between districts

§ 37-1057 - Cooperation by state agencies

§ 37-1101 - Definitions

§ 37-1102 - Trust advocate

§ 37-1121 - Arizona navigable stream adjudication commission

§ 37-1122 - General powers and duties of the commission

§ 37-1123 - Receiving and compiling evidence and records

§ 37-1124 - Compiling evidence and records by department

§ 37-1126 - Hearings; notice

§ 37-1128 - Determination of navigability

§ 37-1129 - Judicial review

§ 37-1130 - Title to bed of nonnavigable watercourse; appropriation of waters for public trust values

§ 37-1131 - Notice to landowners; quiet title action

§ 37-1132 - Refunds to record title owners

§ 37-1151 - Petition to release public trust status

§ 37-1152 - Auction and sale of released public trust lands

§ 37-1153 - Permit to use public trust lands

§ 37-1154 - Public improvements in beds of navigable watercourses; definition

§ 37-1155 - Prior use of public trust lands

§ 37-1156 - Riparian trust fund; acquisition and management of riparian lands

§ 37-1201 - Declaration of policy

§ 37-1202 - Definitions

§ 37-1221 - Military airport land exchange section; purpose; employees; compensation

§ 37-1222 - Military airport land exchange proposal application; agreement

§ 37-1223 - Powers and duties of the section; limitations

§ 37-1224 - Military airport land exchange fund

§ 37-1301 - Arizona department of forestry and fire management; state forester; appointment; qualifications

§ 37-1302 - Powers and duties of state forester; rules; legislative presentation; acceptance of federal law

§ 37-1303 - Suppression of wildfires; powers and duties of state forester; entry on private lands

§ 37-1304 - Forestry administrative districts; equipment and personnel

§ 37-1305 - Emergencies; prohibiting fireworks; liabilities and expenses; fire suppression revolving fund

§ 37-1306 - Cooperative forestry fund; purpose; exemption

§ 37-1307 - State fire safety committee; members; terms; powers and duties; compensation; fire watch requirements

§ 37-1308 - Fire detection, prevention and suppression training for ranchers and landowners; immunity

§ 37-1309 - Nonnative vegetation species eradication fund; department duties; grants; annual report

§ 37-1310 - Emergency medical services on federal lands; payment; requirements; definition

§ 37-1361 - Enactment of compact

§ 37-1381 - Office of the state fire marshal; purpose; assistant director; qualifications

§ 37-1382 - Deputy fire marshals and assistants; appointment; duties; recovery of costs

§ 37-1383 - Powers and duties; arson investigators

§ 37-1384 - Inspection; consent; search warrant

§ 37-1385 - School protection; definition

§ 37-1386 - Construction of article; hazardous materials; electronic filing

§ 37-1387 - Arson detection reward fund; administration; purpose; receipts and disbursements

§ 37-1388 - Fire protection systems; definitions

§ 37-1389 - Substitute refrigerants; approval by administrator

§ 37-1390 - Safety standards in fire training

§ 37-1391 - Cease and desist order; law enforcement procedures; violation; civil penalty

§ 37-1401 - Definitions

§ 37-1402 - Test method and performance standard; civil penalty; reports

§ 37-1403 - Certification; product change; fee

§ 37-1404 - Markings; requirements; office of the state fire marshal approval

§ 37-1405 - Civil penalties; seizure

§ 37-1406 - Implementation; rulemaking; inspection of cigarettes; definitions

§ 37-1407 - Inspection

§ 37-1408 - Sale outside of state

§ 37-1409 - State preemption

§ 37-1421 - Definition of trampoline court

§ 37-1422 - Duties; fund

§ 37-1423 - Registration; renewal

§ 37-1424 - Trampoline court owners and operators; requirements; denial of entry; rules

§ 37-1425 - Enforcement

§ 37-1426 - Trampoline court regulation; state preemption