Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 34 - Public Buildings and Improvements
§ 34-223 - Payment bond provisions

34-223. Payment bond provisions
A. Every claimant who has furnished labor or material in the prosecution of the work provided for in a contract for which a payment bond is furnished under section 34-222, and who has not been paid in full for the labor or material for the work before the expiration of a period of ninety days after the day on which the last of the labor was done or performed by the claimant or material was furnished or supplied by the claimant for which the claim is made, shall have the right to sue on the payment bond for the amount, or the balance of the amount, unpaid at the time of institution of the suit and to prosecute the action to final judgment for the sum or sums justly due the claimant, and have execution thereon, provided however that any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship with a subcontractor of the contractor furnishing the payment bond but not a contractual relationship express or implied with the contractor has a right of action on the payment bond on giving the contractor the following notices:
1. A written preliminary twenty-day notice, as provided for in section 33-992.01, subsection C, paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and subsections E, F and H.
2. A written ninety-day notice given within ninety days after the date on which the claimant performed the last of the labor or furnished or supplied the last of the material for which the claim is made, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the material was furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed. The ninety-day notice shall be given by any means that provides written, third-party verification of delivery to the contractor at any place the contractor maintains an office or conducts business, or at the contractor's residence.
B. Every suit instituted under this section shall be brought in the name of the claimant but no such suit shall be commenced after the expiration of one year after the date on which the last of the labor was performed or materials were supplied by the person bringing this suit.
C. On written application, the contracting body and the agent in charge of its office shall furnish to any person that states the person has supplied labor or materials for the work, and payment for the labor or materials for the work has not been made, or is being sued on the bond, or is the surety on the bond, a certified copy of the bond and the contract for which the bond was given. The copy is prima facie evidence of the contents, execution and delivery of the original. Applicants shall pay for the certified copies and the reasonable fees that the contracting body or the agent in charge of its office fixes to cover the actual cost of preparation of the certified copies.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 34 - Public Buildings and Improvements

§ 34-101 - Definitions

§ 34-102 - Multiple contracts; professional services

§ 34-103 - Employment of technical registrants for work on public buildings and structures; direct selection; final list selection; public competition

§ 34-104 - Contract with architect; proprietary specifications; penalty; compensation

§ 34-105 - Guaranteed energy cost savings contracts; definitions

§ 34-201 - Notice of intention to receive bids and enter contract; procedure; doing work without advertising for bids; county compliance

§ 34-202 - Bids by contractors; estimates when work not done by contract

§ 34-203 - Failure to comply; civil penalty

§ 34-221 - Contract with successful bidder; payments to contractor and design professional; security; recovery of damages for delay; progress payments; changed or additional work; attorney fees; definitions

§ 34-222 - Surety bond required; suit on bond; limitations

§ 34-223 - Payment bond provisions

§ 34-224 - Effect of article on prior contracts

§ 34-225 - Governmental mall; private and public development; construction contracts; limitations

§ 34-226 - State preemption; indemnity agreements in construction and design professional services contracts void; definitions

§ 34-227 - Construction contracts; design professional services contracts; void provisions

§ 34-241 - Eligibility of contractors on public works; preferred contractors; eligibility of subcontractor; definitions

§ 34-242 - Preference for locally manufactured materials in awarding contracts for furnishing materials

§ 34-243 - Preference for materials supplied by resident dealers in awarding contracts for furnishing materials

§ 34-243.01 - Effect of transaction privilege and use taxes in awarding contracts for furnishing any kind of equipment or materials or construction

§ 34-244 - Provisions inapplicable to federal aid contracts when federal law conflicts

§ 34-245 - Provisions inapplicable to irrigation districts

§ 34-246 - Violations; classification

§ 34-251 - Definitions

§ 34-252 - Contract, combination or conspiracy to restrain trade or commerce; violation; classification

§ 34-253 - Noncollusion affidavits

§ 34-254 - Civil damages; limitation

§ 34-255 - Convicted persons; contracting employment; prohibition

§ 34-256 - Persons convicted; service prohibition

§ 34-257 - Suspension from bidding

§ 34-258 - Enforcement jurisdiction

§ 34-301 - Employment of aliens on public works prohibited

§ 34-302 - Residence requirements for employees

§ 34-321 - Public policy; prevailing wage contract; prohibited agreements; definitions

§ 34-401 - New and renovated state buildings; automated external defibrillators

§ 34-451 - Energy conservation standards for public buildings

§ 34-452 - Solar design standards for state buildings; energy life cycle costing

§ 34-453 - Energy performance goals for state buildings

§ 34-454 - Establishment and use of life cycle cost methods and procedures; definition

§ 34-455 - Performance contracting; definitions

§ 34-456 - Use of energy savings; definitions

§ 34-461 - Applicability of local codes; exceptions; definition

§ 34-462 - Community college buildings; exemption from building codes

§ 34-471 - Lighting standards for state and community college buildings; life cycle costing; evaluation standards; shielding

§ 34-472 - Exemptions

§ 34-501 - Definitions

§ 34-502 - Computer access; child pornography; visual depictions harmful to minors; obscene; procedures

§ 34-601 - Definitions

§ 34-602 - Project delivery methods for design and construction services

§ 34-603 - Procurement of professional services and construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting construction services; definition

§ 34-604 - Procurement of multiple contracts for certain job-order-contracting construction services and certain professional services; definition

§ 34-605 - Requirements applicable to construction services and professional services and to contracts for construction services and professional services; definition

§ 34-606 - Emergency procurements

§ 34-607 - Multiterm contracts for job-order-contracting construction services

§ 34-608 - Bid security for design-build and job-order-contracting construction services

§ 34-609 - Contracts for construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting construction services; payments to contractor; security; recovery of damages by contractor for delay; progress payments; changed or additional work; attorne...

§ 34-610 - Construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting construction services surety bond required; suit on bond; limitations

§ 34-611 - Payment bonds for construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting construction services

§ 34-612 - Accounting standards; statutory applicability

§ 34-613 - Failure to comply; civil penalty