Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 30 - Power
§ 30-121 - Acquisition and encouragement of development of electric power

30-121. Acquisition and encouragement of development of electric power
A. The authority shall bargain for, take and receive, in its own name on behalf of the state, electric power developed from the waters of the main stream of the Colorado river by the state or the United States or any agencies thereof which by provisions of state or United States law, agreement or regulation may be made available, allotted or allocated to the state in its sovereign capacity.
B. The authority shall encourage activities deemed by it to be feasible for the production of electric power or energy from solar energy, nuclear energy or geothermal energy, and may bargain for, take and receive such energy or the electrical power generated therefrom in its own name on behalf of the state.
C. For the purpose of making such power available to marketing areas of the state, the authority may acquire or construct and operate electric transmission systems, standby or auxiliary plants and facilities and generate, produce, sell at wholesale, transmit and deliver such electric power to qualified purchasers, and if conducive to efficiency and convenience, may enter into agreements for interconnection or pooling with projects, plants, systems or facilities of other distributors of electric power. The authority shall not by definitive contract or agreement obligate or bind itself to take or purchase power from any source until it has previously or simultaneously procured purchasers therefor.
D. All rights of persons and operating units under contracts existing on March 27, 1944, or any renewals thereof or supplements thereto, with the United States or any agency thereof, to power generated, or which may be developed or generated, at Parker dam or at any other point below Hoover Dam on the main stream of the Colorado river are preserved, and such rights shall not be impaired or modified by any provisions or powers granted by this chapter.
E. In addition to the power provided for under subsections A, B, C and D of this section, the authority may purchase, transmit or deliver for the state, or any person or operating unit, power generated or produced from projects or works owned or operated by the United States or any agency thereof, or any state, person or operating unit, and for the purpose of delivering such power to available marketing areas the authority shall have the powers provided for by subsections A, B, C and D of this section. No person or operating unit in the state shall become a purchaser of electrical power under this subsection unless a power purchase certificate is obtained as provided in article 3 of this chapter.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 30 - Power

§ 30-101 - Definitions

§ 30-102 - Arizona power authority; powers and jurisdiction

§ 30-103 - Administrative powers of authority; compensation of assistants

§ 30-104 - Cooperation with land department and director of water resources

§ 30-105 - Arizona power authority commission; membership; terms of office

§ 30-106 - Organization of commission; compensation; oath

§ 30-107 - Meetings of commission; executive session

§ 30-108 - Powers and duties of commission; annual report

§ 30-109 - Powers and duties formerly held by Colorado river commission

§ 30-110 - Appealable agency actions; office of administrative hearings; exception; definition

§ 30-121 - Acquisition and encouragement of development of electric power

§ 30-122 - Cooperation with public agencies; limitations upon powers of authority

§ 30-123 - Development programs for utilization of power; use of state property; right of eminent domain

§ 30-123.01 - Construction, operation and maintenance of dams; generation of electrical energy; construction of storage and diversion facilities; limitations

§ 30-124 - Disposition of electric power; limitations; establishment of power rates

§ 30-125 - Preferences when power supplies insufficient

§ 30-126 - Designation of transmission lines upon which uniform transmission voltage rate applicable

§ 30-127 - Uniform transmission voltage rate; wholesale power rates; limitations

§ 30-127.01 - Water rights

§ 30-128 - Construction work and purchases by bid only; exceptions; award of contract; bond

§ 30-129 - Cooperation with operating units

§ 30-151 - Certificate prerequisite to purchase of power

§ 30-152 - Application for certificate; hearing; multiple applications

§ 30-153 - Issuance of certificate; conflicting applications

§ 30-154 - Certificates granted as matter of right

§ 30-155 - Rights of certificate holders; cancellation or amendment of certificate

§ 30-191 - Indemnity or performance bonds as security; collateral security in lieu of bond

§ 30-192 - Authorization for bond or collateral security

§ 30-193 - Provisions of bonds; powers of operating unit

§ 30-201 - Administrative and operation budgets

§ 30-202 - Appropriated and operation funds defined; debt reserve fund; application of general fiscal laws

§ 30-203 - Receipt of monies; disbursements; operation of accounting system; annual audit

§ 30-204 - Audit of operation funds and collateral deposits

§ 30-221 - Authority to issue revenue bonds

§ 30-222 - Prerequisites to issuance

§ 30-226 - Issuance of bonds; provisions of bonds

§ 30-227 - Additional provisions of bonds; certification by attorney general; sale

§ 30-228 - Validity of bonds

§ 30-651 - Definitions

§ 30-652 - Duties of the director

§ 30-654 - Powers and duties of the department

§ 30-656 - Authority for governor to enter into agreements with federal government; effect on federal licenses

§ 30-657 - Records

§ 30-671 - Radiation protection standards

§ 30-672 - Licensing and registration of sources of radiation; exemptions

§ 30-672.01 - Registration of persons who install or service radiation machines; exception; roster of registrants

§ 30-673 - Unlawful acts

§ 30-681 - Inspections

§ 30-683 - Intergovernmental agreements; inspections; training programs; mammography facilities

§ 30-684 - Conflicting ordinances by municipality or county

§ 30-686 - Appeal; hearing

§ 30-687 - Assessment; civil penality; enforcement; appeals; collection

§ 30-688 - Emergency action

§ 30-689 - Violation; classification

§ 30-691 - Definition; limitation

§ 30-692 - Acquisition of lands, buildings and grounds

§ 30-693 - Financial qualifications; exemptions; financial security; release

§ 30-694 - Radiation regulatory and perpetual care fund; investment; purposes; exemption

§ 30-695 - Deposits in radiation regulatory and perpetual care fund; reimbursements

§ 30-696 - License application; review requirements

§ 30-701 - Adoption of compact; text of compact

§ 30-702 - Board member

§ 30-703 - Filing of bylaws

§ 30-704 - Applicability of workers' compensation and occupation disability laws

§ 30-705 - Finances

§ 30-721 - Adoption and text of compact

§ 30-722 - Administration

§ 30-801 - Definitions

§ 30-802 - Coordinated scheduling of generation or transmission

§ 30-803 - Consumer protection; unfair practices; policies; ombudsman; cities and towns

§ 30-804 - Distribution service areas; alteration

§ 30-805 - Confidential customer information; protection

§ 30-806 - Consumer choice

§ 30-807 - Application for rehearing; effect; decision

§ 30-808 - Action to set aside or modify certain orders or decisions of public power entities; filing; limitation; superior court

§ 30-809 - Action to set aside or modify certain governing body of public power entity orders or decisions; limitation; court of appeals

§ 30-810 - Buy-through program; terms, conditions, limitations; definition