Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 26 - Military Affairs and Emergency Management
§ 26-123 - Maintenance of private troops prohibited; violation; classification

26-123. Maintenance of private troops prohibited; violation; classification
A. No person, partnership or corporation shall maintain troops under arms, but this section shall not be deemed to prohibit a business, plant or firm from maintaining armed guards for protection of their property from damage or loss, or formation of a state police or highway patrol, or the existence of county and municipal police forces and sheriff's posses.
B. Any person violating this section is guilty of a class 5 felony.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 26 - Military Affairs and Emergency Management

§ 26-101 - Department of emergency and military affairs; organization; adjutant general; qualifications

§ 26-102 - Powers and duties of the adjutant general

§ 26-103 - Department of emergency and military affairs  employees; fingerprints; exemptions; definition

§ 26-104 - Assistant adjutants general; appointment; qualifications

§ 26-105 - Border security fund; exemption; reimbursement

§ 26-106 - Anti-human trafficking grant fund

§ 26-121 - Composition of militia; persons exempt

§ 26-122 - Components of militia

§ 26-123 - Maintenance of private troops prohibited; violation; classification

§ 26-124 - Service by members of unorganized militia; volunteers during emergency; enrollment; selection; organizing selectees

§ 26-125 - Procedure to claim exemption from service; duty of county recorder; review by adjutant general

§ 26-126 - Violations; classifications

§ 26-127 - Discharge

§ 26-151 - Acceptance of national defense act; adoption of other federal acts and regulations pertaining to national guard

§ 26-152 - National guard fund; camp Navajo fund

§ 26-153 - Morale, welfare and recreational fund; sources of monies; exemptions

§ 26-154 - Organizational structure of national guard

§ 26-155 - Enlistment; appointment of officers

§ 26-156 - Pay of personnel

§ 26-157 - Officer's uniform allowances

§ 26-158 - State active duty; employment benefits; travel allowances

§ 26-159 - Powers of commanding officers; defense of officer to action based on act or omission

§ 26-160 - Oaths or affirmations

§ 26-161 - Retirement; retention of commission after withdrawal of federal recognition

§ 26-162 - Discharge of officer; grounds and procedure

§ 26-163 - Discharge of enlisted personnel; grounds; type of discharge

§ 26-165 - Service medals

§ 26-166 - Immunity of national guard members on active duty: arrest; civil actions; exemption from jury duty

§ 26-167 - Employment discrimination against national guard members prohibited; physical or economic duress to deter enlistment prohibited; violation; classification

§ 26-168 - Absence from employment for military duty; vacation and seniority rights; violation; classification; definition

§ 26-168.01 - Excused military absences; higher education: definition

§ 26-169 - Discrimination against uniformed national guard members by public businesses prohibited; violation; classification

§ 26-170 - Unauthorized wearing of uniform; rank insignia; violation; classification

§ 26-171 - National guard training; inspection by department of defense; camp or field duty ordered by governor

§ 26-172 - Emergency mobilization; requests by municipalities for aid of national guard; mobilization into United States service

§ 26-173 - Payment of mobilization expenses

§ 26-174 - Arizona state guard; establishment; purpose; appropriations

§ 26-175 - Active duty tours for volunteers during peace time

§ 26-176 - Premiums on bonds of national guard officers

§ 26-177 - Opinions of attorney general

§ 26-178 - Illegal possession of equipment; classification

§ 26-179 - Tuition and fees reimbursement; eligibility; exemption

§ 26-180 - Application for tuition and fees reimbursement; times

§ 26-181 - Evaluation of applications; payment of tuition and fees reimbursement; report

§ 26-182 - National guard counterdrug and demand reduction activities; volunteers; drug enforcement support; assistance agreements

§ 26-183 - National guard cyber-attack prevention, response and support activities; cyber response revolving fund; purpose; exemption

§ 26-203 - Actions or proceedings against members of military courts prohibited

§ 26-204 - Powers of military court; attendance of witnesses and production of documents; process to law enforcement officers; presumption of jurisdiction

§ 26-205 - Duty of civil officers to execute process of military court

§ 26-206 - Charges against members of militia; service of charges and specifications; abatement of action

§ 26-207 - Attendance of accused at trial; order to compel attendance; service; trial in absence of accused; apprehension and imprisonment of accused; limitation

§ 26-208 - Time and place of confinement; payment of fine and disposition

§ 26-209 - Commitment of accused for failure to pay fine; warrant; length of confinement; judgment by justice of the peace based on findings of court-martial; execution; classification

§ 26-231 - Acquisition of property by national guard; surplus property of municipalities; acquisition by eminent domain; purchase; rent or lease; armory property fund

§ 26-232 - Protection of property

§ 26-233 - Loss or destruction of property by national guard member; determination of responsibility; payment of federal claims or for replacement property

§ 26-234 - Property and disbursing officer; appointment; duties

§ 26-251 - Acquisition of lands by United States for military purposes

§ 26-252 - Exclusive jurisdiction of United States over lands acquired for military purposes; termination of jurisdiction

§ 26-253 - Power of state to serve process upon land ceded United States for military purposes

§ 26-261 - Military affairs commission; confidential discussions and information; definition

§ 26-262 - Military installation fund; rules; application review; award and use of monies; reporting requirements; definitions

§ 26-263 - Appropriations; purposes; exemption

§ 26-301 - Definitions

§ 26-302 - General powers of governor

§ 26-303 - Emergency powers of governor; termination; authorization for adjutant general; limitation; extension; report; notices; appeals

§ 26-304 - State emergency council; membership; powers and duties; definition

§ 26-305 - Division of emergency management; duties; director; term; qualifications; compensation; emergency management training fund

§ 26-305.01 - Nuclear emergency plan; duties of division and director

§ 26-305.03 - Electromagnetic pulse preparedness recommendations; posting; definition

§ 26-306 - Powers and duties of the director of emergency management

§ 26-306.01 - Assessment on commercial nuclear generating stations

§ 26-306.02 - Nuclear emergency management fund; exemption; appropriation reduction

§ 26-307 - Power of counties, cities, towns and state agencies designated by the governor to make orders, rules and regulations; procedure

§ 26-308 - Powers of local government; local emergency management establishment; organization

§ 26-309 - Mutual aid; responsibilities of agencies and officials; agreements; definition

§ 26-310 - Use of professional skills

§ 26-311 - Local emergencies; declaration by mayor or chairman of the board; power of political subdivisions; state agency assistance

§ 26-312 - Authority of executive officers and governing bodies to accept materials or funds

§ 26-313 - Reimbursement to state agencies; use of state agency resources

§ 26-314 - Immunity of state, political subdivisions and officers, agents, employees and emergency workers; limitation; rules; definitions

§ 26-315 - Political activities prohibited

§ 26-316 - Enforcement of orders, rules and regulations

§ 26-317 - Violation; classification

§ 26-318 - Exemption from payment of registration and weight fees for vehicles owned by a disaster assistance organization; procedure; form

§ 26-319 - Commercial nuclear generating station; emergency planning zone; recording

§ 26-320 - First informer broadcasters; training and certification; access; definitions

§ 26-321 - State of emergency; tolling; permit, license, approval or other authorization; extension; requirements; exceptions; definitions

§ 26-401 - Title

§ 26-402 - Compact

§ 26-403 - Emergency management assistance compact revolving fund; purpose; exemption

§ 26-404 - Deployment of private sector workers to affected states; liability protection; definition

§ 26-1001 - Definitions

§ 26-1002 - Persons subject to the code

§ 26-1003 - Jurisdiction to try personnel

§ 26-1004 - Dismissed officer's right to trial by court-martial

§ 26-1005 - Territorial applicability

§ 26-1006 - State judge advocate; staff judge advocates

§ 26-1007 - Apprehension

§ 26-1008 - Apprehension of deserters

§ 26-1009 - Authority to order arrest

§ 26-1010 - Restraint of persons charged with offenses

§ 26-1011 - Receiving of prisoners at civilian correction facility; statement

§ 26-1013 - Punishment before trial; prohibition

§ 26-1014 - Delivery of offenders to civil authorities

§ 26-1015 - Commanding officer; nonjudicial punishments; appeal

§ 26-1016 - Courts-martial; classifications

§ 26-1017 - Jurisdiction of courts-martial; in general

§ 26-1018 - Jurisdiction of general courts-martial

§ 26-1019 - Jurisdiction of special courts-martial

§ 26-1020 - Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial

§ 26-1021 - Jurisdiction of courts-martial not exclusive

§ 26-1022 - Convening of general courts-martial

§ 26-1023 - Convening of special courts-martial

§ 26-1024 - Convening of summary courts-martial

§ 26-1025 - Service on courts-martial

§ 26-1026 - Military judge of a general or special court-martial

§ 26-1027 - Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel

§ 26-1028 - Detail or employment of reporters and interpreters

§ 26-1029 - Absent and additional members

§ 26-1030 - Charges and specifications

§ 26-1031 - Compulsory self-incrimination; prohibition

§ 26-1033 - Forwarding of charges

§ 26-1034 - Advice of staff judge advocate; reference for trial

§ 26-1035 - Service of charges

§ 26-1036 - Governor's rule making authority

§ 26-1037 - Unlawfully influencing action of court

§ 26-1038 - Duties of trial counsel and defense counsel

§ 26-1039 - Sessions

§ 26-1040 - Continuances

§ 26-1041 - Challenges

§ 26-1042 - Oaths

§ 26-1043 - Statute of limitations

§ 26-1044 - Former jeopardy

§ 26-1045 - Pleas of the accused

§ 26-1046 - Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence

§ 26-1047 - Refusal to appear or testify

§ 26-1048 - Contempt

§ 26-1049 - Depositions

§ 26-1050 - Admissibility of records of courts of inquiry

§ 26-1051 - Voting and rulings

§ 26-1052 - Number of votes required

§ 26-1053 - Announcement of action

§ 26-1054 - Record of trial

§ 26-1055 - Sentences; reduction in enlisted grade on approval

§ 26-1056 - Maximum limits

§ 26-1057 - Effective date of sentences

§ 26-1058 - Execution of confinement

§ 26-1059 - Error of law; lesser included offense

§ 26-1060 - Action by the convening authority

§ 26-1061 - Withdrawal of appeal

§ 26-1062 - Appeal by the state

§ 26-1063 - Rehearings

§ 26-1064 - Review by judge advocate

§ 26-1065 - Disposition of records

§ 26-1067 - Court of military appeals; members; terms; compensation; duties; review; procedures

§ 26-1070 - Appellate counsel; civilian counsel

§ 26-1071 - Suspension of sentence

§ 26-1072 - Vacation of suspension

§ 26-1073 - Petition for a new trial

§ 26-1074 - Remission and suspension

§ 26-1075 - Restoration

§ 26-1076 - Finality of proceedings, findings and sentences

§ 26-1077 - Principals

§ 26-1078 - Accessory after the fact

§ 26-1079 - Conviction of lesser included offense

§ 26-1080 - Attempts

§ 26-1081 - Conspiracy

§ 26-1082 - Solicitation

§ 26-1083 - Fraudulent enlistment, appointment or separation

§ 26-1084 - Unlawful enlistment, appointment or separation

§ 26-1085 - Desertion

§ 26-1086 - Absence without leave

§ 26-1087 - Missing movement

§ 26-1088 - Contempt toward officials

§ 26-1089 - Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer

§ 26-1090 - Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer

§ 26-1091 - Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer or noncommissioned officer

§ 26-1092 - Failure to obey order or rule

§ 26-1093 - Cruelty and maltreatment

§ 26-1094 - Mutiny or sedition

§ 26-1095 - Resistance, breach of arrest and escape

§ 26-1096 - Releasing prisoner without proper authority

§ 26-1097 - Unlawful detention

§ 26-1098 - Noncompliance with procedural rules

§ 26-1099 - Misbehavior in time of public danger; definition

§ 26-1103 - Captured or abandoned property

§ 26-1107 - False official statements

§ 26-1108 - Military property; loss, damage, destruction or wrongful disposition

§ 26-1109 - Property other than military property; waste, spoilage or destruction

§ 26-1110 - Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft

§ 26-1111 - Drunken or reckless driving

§ 26-1112 - Drunk on duty

§ 26-1113 - Misbehavior of sentinel or lookout

§ 26-1114 - Dueling

§ 26-1115 - Malingering

§ 26-1116 - Riot or breach of peace

§ 26-1117 - Provoking speeches or gestures

§ 26-1118 - Wrongful use and possession of controlled substances

§ 26-1121 - Larceny and wrongful appropriation

§ 26-1123 - Forgery

§ 26-1124 - Making, drawing or uttering check, draft or order without sufficient monies; definition

§ 26-1127 - Extortion

§ 26-1128 - Assault

§ 26-1131 - Perjury

§ 26-1132 - Frauds against the United States

§ 26-1133 - Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman

§ 26-1134 - General misconduct

§ 26-1135 - Courts of inquiry

§ 26-1137 - Articles; explanation

§ 26-1138 - Complaints of wrongs

§ 26-1139 - Redress of injuries to property

§ 26-1140 - Delegation by the governor