Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 22 - Justice and Municipal Courts
§ 22-281 - Fees and deposits

22-281. Fees and deposits
A. Justices of the peace shall receive fees established and classified as follows in civil actions:
Class Description Fee
A Initial case filing fee
Civil filing fees $ 73.00
B Subsequent case filing fee
Civil filing fees defendant $ 40.00
C Initial case filing fee
Forcible entry and detainer filings $ 35.00
Small claims filing 25.00
D Subsequent case filing fee
Small claims answer $ 15.00
E Minimum clerk fee
Document and transcript transfer on appeal $ 28.00
Certification of any documents 28.00
Issuance of writs 28.00
Filing any paper or performing any act
for which a fee is not specifically
prescribed 28.00
Subpoena (civil) 28.00
Research in locating a document 28.00
Seal a court file 28.00
Reopen a sealed court file 28.00
Record duplication 28.00
F Per page fee
Copies of any documents per page $ 0.50
G Special fees
Small claims service by mail $ 8.00
B. This section does not deprive the parties to the action of the privilege of depositing amounts with the justice, in addition to those set forth in this section, for use in connection with the payment of constable's and sheriff's fees for service of process, levying of writs and other services for which fees are otherwise provided by law.
C. Excluding the monies that are kept by the court pursuant to subsection D of this section, justices of the peace shall transmit monthly to the county treasurer all monies collected pursuant to subsection A of this section. The county treasurer shall distribute or deposit all of the monies received pursuant to this subsection as follows:
1. To the state treasurer for deposit in the judicial collection enhancement fund established by section 12-113, in the following percentages:
(a) 14.80 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons.
(b) 16.23 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of five hundred thousand persons or less.
2. To the state treasurer for deposit in the alternative dispute resolution fund established by section 12-135, in the following percentages:
(a) 1.69 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons.
(b) 1.89 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of five hundred thousand persons or less.
3. To the elected officials' retirement plan fund established by section 38-802, either of the following percentages, which shall be distributed to the fund pursuant to section 38-810:
(a) 21.91 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons.
(b) 14.09 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of five hundred thousand persons or less.
4. To the county general fund, in the following percentages:
(a) 49.95 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons.
(b) 55.51 percent if the county treasurer is serving in a county with a population of five hundred thousand persons or less.
5. 6.00 percent to the elected officials' retirement plan fund established by section 38-802 for the purpose of funding a portion of the employers' contributions required pursuant to section 38-810.
D. In counties with a population of more than five hundred thousand persons, 5.65 percent of the monies transmitted pursuant to subsection C of this section shall be kept and used by the court collecting the fees in the same manner as the $7 of the time payment fee prescribed by section 12-116, subsection B.
E. In counties with a population of five hundred thousand persons or less, 6.28 percent of the monies transmitted pursuant to subsection C of this section shall be kept and used by the court collecting the fees in the same manner as the $7 of the time payment fee prescribed by section 12-116, subsection B.
F. The supreme court may increase the fees prescribed in subsection A of this section in an amount not to exceed the percent of change in the average consumer price index as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics between that figure for the latest calendar year and the calendar year in which the last fee increase occurred.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 22 - Justice and Municipal Courts

§ 22-101 - Justice precincts; formation, change or abolishment; jurisdiction

§ 22-102 - Officers and term of office

§ 22-103 - Presiding justice of the peace; selection

§ 22-104 - Presiding constable; associate presiding constable; selection; duties

§ 22-111 - Election; term of office

§ 22-112 - Powers and duties

§ 22-113 - Seal

§ 22-114 - Authority to act in other precincts within the county or adjoining precincts; expenses

§ 22-115 - Jurisdiction of successor in office

§ 22-116 - Funds in possession of justice of the peace; deposit with county treasurer; payment to claimants; disposition of unclaimed funds

§ 22-117 - Payment of compensation and expenses

§ 22-118 - Failure to disburse fines or forfeitures received; classification

§ 22-119 - Purchase of judgment; violation; classification

§ 22-120 - Forfeiture of and disqualification from office on conviction of certain crimes

§ 22-121 - Justices of the peace pro tempore; appointment; term; reappointment; extension of duties; powers and duties

§ 22-122 - Qualifications of justices of the peace pro tempore; residence; compensation

§ 22-123 - Payment of salaries and other expenses; providing facilities; judicial employees

§ 22-124 - Custody of records filed; purging; destruction

§ 22-125 - Justice of the peace compensation; judicial productivity credits; annual report; definitions

§ 22-131 - Constables; powers and duties; prohibited acts

§ 22-132 - Expenses

§ 22-133 - Failure to disburse fine or forfeiture received; classification

§ 22-134 - Purchase of judgment; violation; classification

§ 22-135 - Forfeiture of and disqualification from office on conviction of certain crimes

§ 22-136 - Constable ethics standards and training board

§ 22-137 - Constable ethics standards and training board; powers and duties; judicial review; constable training; definition

§ 22-138 - Constable ethics standards and training fund; budget

§ 22-201 - Jurisdiction of civil actions

§ 22-202 - Venue of civil actions

§ 22-203 - Venue when justice is unable to act

§ 22-204 - Change of venue; grounds

§ 22-205 - Procedure when justice disqualified; order and transmittal of papers

§ 22-206 - Virtual appearance; detainer actions

§ 22-211 - Procedure and practice

§ 22-212 - Civil court record

§ 22-215 - Oral pleadings

§ 22-216 - Allegations required to be made by written and signed pleading

§ 22-217 - Subpoena for attendance of witnesses; issuance; service

§ 22-219 - Confession of judgment without issuance or service of process

§ 22-220 - Appearance of defendant; demand or waiver of jury; time of trial; charging the jury

§ 22-223 - Forming jury; challenges

§ 22-224 - Oath of jury

§ 22-511 - Schedule of hearings

§ 22-512 - Parties; representation

§ 22-513 - Method of service

§ 22-514 - Time for answer

§ 22-515 - Setting of trials; failure to appear; continuances

§ 22-516 - Trial procedure

§ 22-517 - Counterclaims exceeding jurisdiction; procedures; sanctions for improper assertion

§ 22-518 - Jury trials prohibited

§ 22-519 - Appeals

§ 22-520 - Recording judgment

§ 22-521 - Court records

§ 22-522 - Fees

§ 22-523 - Notice to public

§ 22-524 - Debtor's examination

§ 22-525 - Satisfaction of judgment; filing procedures; transfer to justice court; hearing; bond

§ 22-241 - Announcement and recording of verdict or decision

§ 22-242 - Recording judgment

§ 22-243 - Judgment in replevin

§ 22-244 - Writ of execution

§ 22-245 - Certificate required with writ of execution sent to another county

§ 22-246 - Levy upon real property; limitation and procedure

§ 22-247 - Satisfaction of judgment; filing procedures; hearing; bond

§ 22-261 - Judgments that may be appealed

§ 22-262 - Appeals procedure

§ 22-263 - Defective bond

§ 22-264 - Transmittal of court record and papers

§ 22-265 - Notice to appellant for payment of fees

§ 22-281 - Fees and deposits

§ 22-283 - Costs on appeal

§ 22-284 - Electronic filing and access; fee; county judicial collection enhancement fund

§ 22-301 - Jurisdiction of criminal actions

§ 22-302 - Venue when justice unable to act

§ 22-303 - Change of venue; grounds

§ 22-304 - Transmittal of papers upon change of venue; trial

§ 22-311 - Commencement of action; arrest or summons; examination of witnesses

§ 22-312 - Criminal court record

§ 22-313 - Procedure

§ 22-314 - Bail; preparation of schedule; collection; civil deposits

§ 22-317 - Plea of not guilty

§ 22-320 - Trial by jury

§ 22-321 - Challenges to jury and jurors

§ 22-322 - Oath of jury

§ 22-323 - Trial before jury; charging jury on facts prohibited

§ 22-324 - Verdict of jury; officer in charge of jury during deliberation

§ 22-325 - Verdict; entry; several defendants; partial verdict

§ 22-326 - Discharge of jury; retrial of action

§ 22-327 - Acquittal; discharge of defendant; payment of costs by complainant when prosecution malicious

§ 22-352 - Judgment; imprisonment for fine; limitation; lien

§ 22-353 - Sentence of fine only; discharge of defendant

§ 22-354 - Sentence to pay fine; custody and release of defendant

§ 22-355 - Sentence of imprisonment; authority to enforce

§ 22-371 - Right of appeal; procedure for taking appeal; transcript

§ 22-371.01 - Disposition of appeal bonds

§ 22-372 - Bond on appeal; stay of sentence

§ 22-373 - Transmittal of papers on appeal

§ 22-373.01 - Dismissal of appeal; remand to court of origin

§ 22-374 - Superior court trial or determination of appeal

§ 22-375 - Limitation of appeal from superior court in action appealed from inferior court

§ 22-401 - Municipal court defined

§ 22-402 - Establishment and jurisdiction

§ 22-403 - Presiding officer of municipal court; appointment; compensation; justice of the peace as magistrate

§ 22-404 - Disposition of fines and forfeitures

§ 22-405 - Collection of fines

§ 22-406 - Civil action to recover penalty; procedure

§ 22-407 - Failure to make payment or disbursement of fines or forfeitures received; classification

§ 22-408 - Electronic filing and access; fee

§ 22-409 - Days for transaction of business

§ 22-421 - Commencement of action; arrest or summons; examination of witnesses

§ 22-422 - Court record

§ 22-423 - Procedure

§ 22-424 - Bail; preparation of schedule; collection; civil deposits

§ 22-425 - Jury trials and appeals in municipal courts

§ 22-427 - Authority of city or town magistrate

§ 22-428 - Custody of records filed; purging; destruction

§ 22-429 - Judgment; imprisonment for fine; limitation; lien

§ 22-501 - Definition

§ 22-502 - Establishment of small claims division

§ 22-503 - Jurisdiction; exceptions

§ 22-504 - Transfer to justice court

§ 22-505 - Venue of small claims actions; permissible motions; satisfaction of judgment

§ 22-506 - Hearing officers

§ 22-507 - Clerk of the small claims division

§ 22-601 - Homeless, veterans and mental health courts; establishment; eligibility for referral

§ 22-602 - Homeless, veterans and mental health courts jurisdiction; judicial officer's authority to adjudicate

§ 22-701 - Jurisdiction of civil marijuana violations

§ 22-702 - Commencement of civil marijuana violation actions; original citation changes