12-255. Private enterprise probation services
Nothing in this article prevents a presiding judge of the superior court in a county from entering into agreements with private enterprises to provide supervision and counseling services for persons placed on probation in the county.
Structure Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 12 - Courts and Civil Proceedings
§ 12-101 - Justices; number; term; election
§ 12-102.01 - Criminal case processing and enforcement improvement fund
§ 12-102.02 - State aid to the courts fund
§ 12-102.03 - Local courts assistance fund
§ 12-105 - Days for transaction of business
§ 12-107 - Publication of opinions
§ 12-108 - Reports of decisions; publication; distribution
§ 12-110 - Advisory board; objections to rules
§ 12-111 - Statutes as rules of court
§ 12-112 - Education program for justices and magistrates
§ 12-113 - Judicial collection enhancement fund; purpose; administration; report; definition
§ 12-114 - Surcharge on court authorized diversion programs for traffic offenses; deposit
§ 12-114.01 - Probation assessment; deposit
§ 12-115 - Additional filing, appearance and answer or response fees; deposit
§ 12-116.01 - Surcharges; remittance reports; fund deposits
§ 12-116.02 - Additional surcharges; fund deposits
§ 12-116.03 - Collection agencies
§ 12-116.05 - Address confidentiality program assessment
§ 12-116.06 - Assessment for family offenses, harassment and stalking
§ 12-116.07 - Assessments for dangerous crimes against children and sexual assault
§ 12-116.08 - Penalty assessment; victims' rights; fund deposits
§ 12-116.09 - Assessment; victims' rights enforcement
§ 12-116.10 - Assessment; peace officer training equipment fund
§ 12-116.11 - Assessment; drag racing prevention enforcement fund
§ 12-117 - Public defender training fund; appropriation
§ 12-118 - Use of credit cards by courts; definition
§ 12-119 - Facilities management
§ 12-119.01 - Supreme court fees; distribution
§ 12-119.02 - Electronic filing and access; fee
§ 12-119.03 - Performance audit; supreme court administration and programs; hearing
§ 12-119.04 - Evaluation of superior court commissioners
§ 12-119.05 - Post of duty; supreme court justice
§ 12-120 - Creation of court of appeals; court of record; composition; sessions
§ 12-120.01 - Qualifications of judges; terms; ballots; vacancies
§ 12-120.02 - Election of judges
§ 12-120.03 - Salary of judges
§ 12-120.04 - Chief judge; duties
§ 12-120.05 - Seal; affixing of seal
§ 12-120.06 - Days for transaction of business
§ 12-120.07 - Opinions; publication
§ 12-120.08 - Appointment of clerk; oath; compensation
§ 12-120.09 - Duties of clerk; records; certified copies
§ 12-120.21 - Jurisdiction and venue
§ 12-120.22 - Appeals; transfer of case, appeal or petition for a writ
§ 12-120.23 - Transfer of case and appeal by the supreme court
§ 12-120.24 - Rehearing review by supreme court; issuance of mandate
§ 12-120.31 - Fees and costs; distribution
§ 12-121 - Number of judges; petition for approval of additional judges; additional method
§ 12-122 - General power of superior court
§ 12-123 - Jurisdiction and powers
§ 12-124 - Appellate jurisdiction; issuance of writs
§ 12-125 - Procedure for appeal when not prescribed
§ 12-126 - Seal; affixing of seal
§ 12-127 - Days for transaction of business; exceptions
§ 12-128 - Salary of judges; payment by state and counties
§ 12-129 - Expenses of judge sitting in other county or supreme court
§ 12-130 - Place of holding court; accommodations
§ 12-132 - Regional mental health courts; establishment; authority to adjudicate
§ 12-135 - Alternative dispute resolution fund
§ 12-135.01 - Local alternative dispute resolution fund; report
§ 12-136 - Tribal courts; involuntary commitment orders; recognition
§ 12-137 - Civil case assignment
§ 12-141 - Appointment of judges pro tempore
§ 12-143 - Payment of salaries and other expenses; providing facilities; judicial employees
§ 12-144 - Limitations; term; reappointment; extension of duties; powers and duties
§ 12-145 - Appointment of judges pro tempore of the court of appeals
§ 12-147 - Limitations; term; reappointment; extension of duties; powers and duties
§ 12-161 - Definition of tax court
§ 12-162 - Administration of the tax court; principal office; travel expenses; facilities; employees
§ 12-163 - Assignment to tax court
§ 12-165 - Venue; change of judge
§ 12-166 - Commencement of proceedings
§ 12-167 - Filing fees; filing by mail
§ 12-169 - Rules of procedure; reporting
§ 12-170 - Decisions; judgment; appeal
§ 12-171 - Publication of decisions
§ 12-172 - Small claims procedures; election; judge
§ 12-173 - Notice; dismissal; removal
§ 12-174 - Hearing; representation; no appeal right
§ 12-201 - Oath; office; deputies
§ 12-202 - Duties; record of proceedings; certified copies
§ 12-202.01 - Preservation and destruction of records
§ 12-203 - Salary of clerk and deputy; administrative director
§ 12-211 - Appointment; qualifications and residence
§ 12-212 - Powers; compensation
§ 12-213 - Commissioners in certain counties; appointment; powers and duties; salary
§ 12-221 - Appointment and oath
§ 12-223 - Attendance at and report of proceedings; sale of transcripts
§ 12-224 - Salary; fees for transcripts; free transcripts; office supplies
§ 12-225 - Appointment of deputies; compensation
§ 12-231 - Appointment and duties
§ 12-241 - Appointment; court attendance
§ 12-242 - Interpreters for deaf persons; proceedings; definitions
§ 12-251 - Adult probation officers and support staff; appointment; qualifications
§ 12-252 - Salaries and expenses
§ 12-254 - Chief adult probation officer; duties; other officers' duties
§ 12-255 - Private enterprise probation services
§ 12-256 - Probation officers; enforcement of pretrial release conditions
§ 12-259 - Adult surveillance officers; appointment; qualifications; salaries; expenses
§ 12-259.01 - Powers and duties
§ 12-262 - Submission of plan; use of funds; report
§ 12-263 - Approval and revocation of plans
§ 12-264 - Continued allocation of funds
§ 12-265 - Allocation of funds; prohibition
§ 12-266 - Administrative personnel
§ 12-267 - Adult probation services fund; accounts; expenditure plan; use
§ 12-268 - Juvenile probation fund; use
§ 12-281 - Oath; bond; salary; annual increase; prohibition
§ 12-284.01 - Document and digital evidence storage and retrieval conversion fund; purposes
§ 12-284.03 - Distribution of fees
§ 12-285 - Refusal of clerk to disburse fine or forfeiture; classification
§ 12-286 - Investment of deposits; definition
§ 12-287 - Clerk of the superior court victim location fund; exemption from lapsing
§ 12-288 - Removal of debts from accounting system
§ 12-289 - Spousal maintenance enforcement enhancement fund; surcharge
§ 12-299.01 - Submission of plan; use of monies; prohibitions
§ 12-299.02 - Community punishment advisory committee; duties
§ 12-299.03 - Duties of the supreme court; evaluation
§ 12-299.05 - Administrative personnel
§ 12-299.10 - Court security officers; certification; powers and duties
§ 12-301 - Time of payment of fees; effect of failure to collect; alternative payment methods
§ 12-303 - Witness fees and mileage
§ 12-305 - County law library fund
§ 12-311 - Filing, appearance, judgment and decree fees
§ 12-312 - Fees for intervenors and new parties
§ 12-313 - Probate conservatorship, guardianship and fiduciary fees
§ 12-314 - Prohibition upon rule allowing tax, charge or allowance
§ 12-321 - Appeals or original applications
§ 12-322 - Notice of prepayment; effect of failure to pay
§ 12-331 - Taxable costs in supreme court
§ 12-332 - Taxable costs and jury fee in superior court
§ 12-333 - Disallowance as costs of charge for unrequired papers
§ 12-341.01 - Recovery of attorney fees
§ 12-341.02 - Recovery of legal document preparation fees
§ 12-343 - Costs of new trial, arrest of judgment or insufficient pleadings
§ 12-344 - Costs upon splitting of action
§ 12-346 - Statement of costs; service and objections
§ 12-347 - Inclusion of costs and interest in judgment
§ 12-348.01 - Recovery of attorney fees; governmental entities
§ 12-349 - Unjustified actions; attorney fees, expenses and double damages; exceptions; definition
§ 12-350 - Determination of award; reasons; factors
§ 12-352 - Medical malpractice judgments; payment of interest; definition
§ 12-353 - Recovery of costs; attorney discipline investigations; definition
§ 12-402 - Venue of actions commenced after organization of new county
§ 12-403 - Transfer of action to new county
§ 12-404 - Action brought in wrong county; jurisdiction; application for transfer; hearing
§ 12-405 - Change of venue by consent
§ 12-406 - Change of venue for cause; grounds; bond; appeal
§ 12-408 - Procedure for change of venue when county is a party
§ 12-409 - Change of judge; grounds; affidavit
§ 12-410 - Punishment for contempt for filing affidavit for change of judge prohibited
§ 12-411 - Limitation on changes of venue or judge; selection of county or judge
§ 12-501 - Effect of absence from state
§ 12-502 - Effect of minority or insanity
§ 12-503 - Tacking of disabilities prohibited
§ 12-505 - Effect of statute changing limitation
§ 12-506 - Action barred by foreign statute of limitation, bankruptcy or insolvency
§ 12-507 - Action against person removing to this state
§ 12-508 - Effect of acknowledgment upon barred action
§ 12-510 - Exemption of state from limitations
§ 12-511 - Civil action arising from criminal conduct; definitions
§ 12-512 - Punitive damages awards; illegal aliens
§ 12-513 - Civil action arising from unlawful mutilation; statute of limitation; treble damages
§ 12-522 - Real property claimed only by right of possession; two year limitation
§ 12-523 - Real property in adverse possession under title or color of title; three year limitation
§ 12-524 - City lot claimed under recorded deed; five year limitation
§ 12-527 - Effect of limitation on title
§ 12-528 - Persons under disability
§ 12-529 - Defenses available for certain actions by the state or person claiming through the state
§ 12-530 - Home inspector liability; four year limitation
§ 12-545 - Bond of personal representative or guardian; four year limitation
§ 12-546 - Specific performance of contract to convey realty; four year limitation
§ 12-547 - Failure to make return on execution; five year limitation
§ 12-548 - Contract in writing for debt; six year limitation; choice of law
§ 12-554 - Limited liability; baseball facilities; definitions
§ 12-555 - Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage; claims; time limits
§ 12-557 - Possessors of land; limited liability for trespasser harm
§ 12-558 - Liability release agreement; space flight activities; definitions
§ 12-558.02 - Limited liability; removing minor or confined animal from motor vehicle; definition
§ 12-559.01 - Asbestos-related actions; successor corporation liability; applicability
§ 12-559.02 - Establishing the fair market value of total gross assets
§ 12-559.03 - Adjustment of the fair market value of total gross assets
§ 12-562 - Medical malpractice actions; grounds
§ 12-563 - Necessary elements of proof
§ 12-564 - Qualified immunity; students; duty of care
§ 12-565 - Health care actions; collateral source evidence
§ 12-566 - Health care actions; complaint; specific amount of damages not to be stated
§ 12-567 - Civil fertility fraud; liability; statute of limitations; definitions
§ 12-568 - Review of attorneys' fees in health care actions; guidelines
§ 12-570 - Malpractice settlement or award reporting; civil penalty; definition
§ 12-572 - Burden of proof for treatment in emergency departments or rendered by on-call providers
§ 12-573 - Limited liability for treatment related to delivery of infants; exception; definition
§ 12-582 - Election of periodic payments
§ 12-584 - Special findings; future damages
§ 12-585 - Evidence of future damages
§ 12-586 - Entering a judgment for future damages
§ 12-587 - Funding judgments for periodic installments
§ 12-589 - Discounting future damages to present value
§ 12-590 - Effect of death on periodic installments
§ 12-591 - Assignment of periodic installments
§ 12-592 - Exemption of benefits
§ 12-594 - Arbitration and settlement agreements
§ 12-601 - Application; venue; judgment; sealing of record
§ 12-602 - Notice of application; effect of change on rights and obligations
§ 12-612 - Parties plaintiff; recovery; distribution; disqualification
§ 12-613 - Measure of damages; nonliability for debts of decedent
§ 12-621 - Procedure to establish identity of persons
§ 12-622 - Notice of hearing; effect of establishing identity
§ 12-632 - Unlawful motor vehicle subleasing; civil action; exemption
§ 12-641 - Persons who may maintain action for injury to child or ward
§ 12-651 - Uniform single publication act
§ 12-653.04 - Publication or broadcast of correction prior to demand
§ 12-661 - Liabilities of parents or legal guardians for malicious or wilful misconduct of minors
§ 12-683 - Affirmative defenses
§ 12-684 - Indemnification; tender of defense; execution
§ 12-685 - Contents of complaint; amount of recovery
§ 12-686 - Inadmissible evidence
§ 12-687 - Reasonable remedial measures; cause of action; punitive damages
§ 12-688 - Duty to warn; food products
§ 12-689 - Exemption from punitive or exemplary damages; applicability; definitions
§ 12-691 - Civil liability for shoplifting; adult; emancipated minor
§ 12-692 - Shoplifting by unemancipated minor; liability of parent or guardian; foster parents
§ 12-693 - Conviction for shoplifting; admissibility
§ 12-694 - Bringing action; court
§ 12-701 - Drugs; exemplary or punitive damages; definition
§ 12-711 - Affirmative defense; limitation
§ 12-712 - Affirmative defense; limitation; criminal act
§ 12-713 - Providers of emergency services; civil liability
§ 12-714 - Actions against firearm manufacturers; prohibition; findings; definitions
§ 12-716 - Injury during criminal acts; civil actions; presumptions; definitions
§ 12-717 - Liquefied petroleum gas provider; liability; definitions
§ 12-718 - Emergency aid involving liquefied petroleum gas; exemption from civil liability
§ 12-719 - Civil liability; wrongful birth or life claims; applicability
§ 12-720 - Nondisclosure agreements; applicability; use of public monies; definitions
§ 12-731 - Recovery of civil damages
§ 12-751 - Strategic actions against public participation; motion to dismiss or quash; definitions
§ 12-771 - Factual innocence; judicial determination; procedure; definition
§ 12-772 - Factual improper party status; judicial determination; procedure; definition
§ 12-773 - Factual innocence; factual improper party; other remedies
§ 12-781 - Transportation or storage of firearms; motor vehicles; applicability
§ 12-801 - General definitions
§ 12-802 - Abatement of certain nuisances
§ 12-803 - Parties and scope of action
§ 12-804 - Temporary injunction; affidavit and verified complaint
§ 12-807 - Application of proceeds of sale; sale of building to make up deficiency
§ 12-808 - Release of property; bond and conditions; exception
§ 12-809 - Contempt fine as lien on premises; execution
§ 12-810 - Violation as contempt; classification
§ 12-813 - Abatement of nuisance
§ 12-814 - Procedure in injunction action
§ 12-815 - Priority of action; evidence; costs
§ 12-816 - Content of judgment and order
§ 12-817 - Civil penalty; forfeiture; accounting
§ 12-818 - Petition by commercial operators or qualified electors for action
§ 12-820.01 - Absolute immunity
§ 12-820.02 - Qualified immunity
§ 12-820.03 - Affirmative defense; resolution by trial
§ 12-820.04 - Punitive and exemplary damages; immunity
§ 12-820.05 - Other immunities
§ 12-820.08 - Potable water systems; standard of care
§ 12-820.09 - Transportation, distribution or use of remediated water; definitions
§ 12-821 - General limitation; public employee
§ 12-821.01 - Authorization of claim against public entity, public school or public employee
§ 12-823 - Judgment for plaintiff; amount; interest and costs
§ 12-826 - Report of judgments to legislature by governor; payment
§ 12-861 - Criminal contempt defined
§ 12-862 - Order to show cause; service; return; attachment of person or sequestration of property
§ 12-863 - Trial; classification; appeal
§ 12-864 - Direct or constructive contempts; punishment
§ 12-864.01 - Proof of contempt of court
§ 12-881 - Conditions under which property escheats
§ 12-882 - Duty of department of revenue regarding escheats; complaint and parties
§ 12-883 - Summons; service and publication
§ 12-885 - Seizure and sale of escheated property; disposal of proceeds; exception
§ 12-886 - Claim by heir, devisee or owner of proceeds from sale of escheated property
§ 12-887 - Determination of claims; appeal
§ 12-888 - Concurrent authority of the department of revenue
§ 12-889 - Escheated property; rules and regulations; salary
§ 12-890 - Agreement to recover property
§ 12-903 - Power of supreme court to make procedural rules
§ 12-904 - Commencement of action; transmission of record
§ 12-905 - Jurisdiction and venue
§ 12-907 - Appearance of parties to the appeal
§ 12-909 - Pleadings and record on review
§ 12-911 - Powers of superior court
§ 12-931 - Proceeding in state court; stay, hearing and precedence of appeal
§ 12-942 - Disposal of property unclaimed for thirty days
§ 12-943 - Authorized dispositions
§ 12-944 - Owner receipt; publication of property valued at more than one hundred fifty dollars
§ 12-962 - Recovery of cost of medical care
§ 12-963 - Compromise or waiver of claim
§ 12-972 - Liability for emergency services
§ 12-982 - Qualified immunity; insurance coverage
§ 12-992 - Residential property nuisances; temporary restraining order; notice; hearing; costs
§ 12-993 - Precedence of action; resident actions; costs
§ 12-994 - Violation; classification
§ 12-995 - Recording notice of action; subsequent acquisition of property
§ 12-996 - Appointment of temporary receiver; term; duties; accounting
§ 12-997 - Closing orders; enforcement; notice; moving assistance; violation; classification
§ 12-998 - Nuisance; commercial buildings used for crime; action to abate and prevent
§ 12-999 - Commercial property nuisances; temporary restraining order; notice; hearing
§ 12-1011 - Liability for animal rescue costs
§ 12-1101 - Parties; claim; service on attorney general
§ 12-1111 - Purposes for which eminent domain may be exercised
§ 12-1112 - Prerequisites to taking property by condemnation
§ 12-1113 - Estates in land subject to condemnation
§ 12-1114 - Private property subject to condemnation
§ 12-1115 - Right of state to enter and survey property for public use
§ 12-1116 - Actions for condemnation; immediate possession; money deposit
§ 12-1118 - Joint or separate actions; consolidation
§ 12-1119 - Summons; contents; service
§ 12-1120 - Right to defend action
§ 12-1121 - Powers of court; precedence
§ 12-1122 - Ascertainment and assessment of value, damages and benefits
§ 12-1123 - Accrual of right to compensation and damages; limitation
§ 12-1124 - Payment of compensation; effect of failure to pay
§ 12-1125 - Payment of damages in proceedings by railroad
§ 12-1126 - Final order of condemnation; recording; vesting of property
§ 12-1128 - Costs and jury fees
§ 12-1129 - Dismissal of condemnation action; litigation expenses
§ 12-1130 - Fees and expenses; appraisal; relocation benefits; applicability
§ 12-1131 - Property may be taken only for public use consistent with this article
§ 12-1133 - Just compensation; slum clearance and redevelopment
§ 12-1134 - Diminution in value; just compensation
§ 12-1135 - Attorney fees and costs
§ 12-1144 - Inclusion of separate parcels in single action
§ 12-1145 - Notice of proceedings; effect of filing notice
§ 12-1147 - Special master; duties; qualifications; compensation; oath; limitation upon powers
§ 12-1148 - Notice of hearing by special master
§ 12-1149 - Hearing by special master
§ 12-1151 - Limitation on time for filing report of special master
§ 12-1152 - Notice of filing report and of hearing objections to report; waiver of right to object
§ 12-1154 - Filing certified copy of judgment
§ 12-1157 - Effect of vesting of title
§ 12-1158 - Effect of payment into court; security; disbursement
§ 12-1159 - Action to recover award paid to wrong person
§ 12-1160 - Appeal; stay of proceedings; bond
§ 12-1162 - Supplemental nature of article; procedure
§ 12-1171 - Acts which constitute forcible entry or detainer
§ 12-1172 - Definition of forcible entry
§ 12-1173 - Definition of forcible detainer; substitution of parties
§ 12-1173.01 - Additional definition of forcible detainer
§ 12-1174 - Immateriality of time possession obtained by tenant
§ 12-1175 - Complaint and answer; service and return; notice and pleading requirements
§ 12-1176 - Demand for jury; trial procedure
§ 12-1177 - Trial and issue; postponement of trial
§ 12-1178 - Judgment; writ of restitution; limitation on issuance; criminal violation; notice
§ 12-1179 - Appeal to superior court; notice; bond
§ 12-1180 - Stay of proceedings on judgment; record on appeal
§ 12-1181 - Trial and judgment on appeal; writ of restitution
§ 12-1182 - Appeal to supreme court; stay and bond
§ 12-1183 - Proceedings no bar to certain actions
§ 12-1201 - Private way of necessity defined
§ 12-1202 - Right to private way of necessity; limitation
§ 12-1203 - Violation; classification
§ 12-1211 - Compelling partition; complaint
§ 12-1212 - Unknown owner; notice and service by publication; protection of rights in decree
§ 12-1213 - Hearing and issues
§ 12-1214 - Abstract of title; inspection; cost
§ 12-1215 - Entry and contents of judgment; appointment of commissioners; surveyor
§ 12-1216 - Duties of commissioners
§ 12-1217 - Report of commissioners
§ 12-1219 - Objection to commissioner's report; hearing
§ 12-1220 - Partition involving future estates; title of property after partition
§ 12-1221 - Effect of judgment confirming report of commissioners
§ 12-1222 - Partition of personal property; parties
§ 12-1223 - Writ of possession or sale of personal property
§ 12-1224 - Proceedings not exclusive; rules of procedure
§ 12-1225 - Compensation of commissioners and surveyor
§ 12-1241 - Power of superior court to appoint receiver
§ 12-1251 - Right of recovery; procedure
§ 12-1252 - Title of plaintiff; joint owners; proof
§ 12-1253 - Defendant as tenant; substitution of landlord; notice of action
§ 12-1254 - Survey; order; service of order
§ 12-1256 - Damages; limitation; set-off
§ 12-1257 - Liability of tenant
§ 12-1258 - Allegation of growing crops; stay of execution; bond and conditions
§ 12-1259 - Judgment for plaintiff for rental value from time of judgment to delivery of possession
§ 12-1271 - Action to recover rent or to recover for use of real property
§ 12-1281 - Parties entitled to redeem property
§ 12-1282 - Time for redemption
§ 12-1283 - Redemption upon foreclosure
§ 12-1284 - Notice of redemption by subsequent lienholder
§ 12-1285 - Amounts payable upon redemption
§ 12-1286 - Execution and delivery of deed by sheriff
§ 12-1287 - Delivery and service of papers by redeeming creditor
§ 12-1288 - Right to rents and profits; accounting and action
§ 12-1289 - Restraint of waste during redemption period; acts not constituting waste
§ 12-1301 - Affidavit to obtain possession
§ 12-1302 - Order for taking property
§ 12-1303 - Bond; amount and conditions
§ 12-1304 - Execution of order for delivery to claimant; redelivery bond
§ 12-1306 - Defect in bond; retaking of property
§ 12-1307 - Verdicts in actions to recover specific personal property
§ 12-1308 - Finding for defendant; judgment; election to take value or property
§ 12-1309 - Finding for defendant; property not in possession of plaintiff; judgment
§ 12-1311 - Failure to deliver property; election by prevailing party
§ 12-1312 - Vesting of title to property
§ 12-1313 - Exoneration and liability of officer on bonds
§ 12-1314 - Execution issuable for delivery of property; procedure
§ 12-1331 - Claim of property levied upon; bond
§ 12-1332 - Conditions of bond
§ 12-1333 - Delivery of property to claimant; return of claim and bond
§ 12-1334 - Endorsement on writ and return
§ 12-1335 - Jurisdiction of trial; docketing of action
§ 12-1336 - Direction of issue
§ 12-1337 - Judgment by default
§ 12-1338 - Trial and burden of proof
§ 12-1339 - Judgment; limitation on time for issuance of execution
§ 12-1340 - Satisfaction of judgment by claimant
§ 12-1341 - Release of officer; other levies
§ 12-1365 - Notification; right to file a complaint with the registrar of contractors
§ 12-1366 - Applicability; claims and actions
§ 12-1501 - Validity of arbitration agreement
§ 12-1502 - Proceedings to compel or stay arbitration
§ 12-1503 - Appointment of arbitrators by court
§ 12-1504 - Majority action by arbitrators
§ 12-1506 - Representation by attorney
§ 12-1507 - Witnesses; subpoenas; depositions
§ 12-1509 - Change of award by arbitrators
§ 12-1510 - Fees and expenses of arbitration
§ 12-1511 - Confirmation of an award
§ 12-1512 - Opposition to an award
§ 12-1513 - Modification or correction of award
§ 12-1514 - Judgment or decree on award
§ 12-1515 - Applications to court
§ 12-1516 - Court; jurisdiction and venue
§ 12-1517 - Limited effect of article
§ 12-1518 - State and political subdivisions; use of arbitration
§ 12-1521 - Attachment of property of defendant
§ 12-1522 - Affidavit for issuance of writ of attachment
§ 12-1523 - Issuance of writ for debt or demand not due; affidavit; trial; judgment
§ 12-1524 - Attachment bond of plaintiff
§ 12-1525 - Quashing of writ; criteria of validity of affidavit and bond
§ 12-1526 - Issuance of writ; contents
§ 12-1528 - Issuance of writ to several counties; form of writ; delivery for service
§ 12-1529 - Execution of writ; indemnity bond for attaching officer
§ 12-1530 - Levy of writ; attachment of real or personal property
§ 12-1531 - Return of writ; duties of officer; further return
§ 12-1532 - Levy of attachment as lien on property; satisfaction of lien
§ 12-1533 - Attachment of perishable property; sale; procedure
§ 12-1534 - Disposition of proceeds of sale of perishable property; report of sale
§ 12-1535 - Preservation of personal property under attachment
§ 12-1536 - Replevin of attached property by defendant; bond
§ 12-1537 - Restoration of property or exoneration of bond; levy on exempt property
§ 12-1538 - Judgment where personal property replevied
§ 12-1539 - Veterans disability benefits; exemption from seizure
§ 12-1552 - Types of executions; form
§ 12-1555 - Return of execution
§ 12-1556 - Judgment requiring performance of other acts; service
§ 12-1557 - Issuance of writ to several counties
§ 12-1558 - Property subject to execution
§ 12-1560 - New trial after service by publication; superseding judgment
§ 12-1561 - Judgment creditor having prior lien
§ 12-1562 - Duties of officer in execution; disposition of proceeds; rights of judgment debtor
§ 12-1563 - Impeding recovery by action or judgment of personal property; classification
§ 12-1564 - Indemnification of officer for levy; recovery of costs
§ 12-1565 - Storage of levied property; costs
§ 12-1567 - Satisfaction of judgment; superior court; filing procedures; hearing; bond
§ 12-1570.01 - Scope of article
§ 12-1572 - Application for writ of garnishment for monies or property
§ 12-1573 - Bond amount and conditions
§ 12-1574 - Issuance, service and return of writ; notice to debtor
§ 12-1577 - Service of writ on branch of financial institution
§ 12-1578 - Limitations on transfers by garnishee after service; replevin by judgment debtor
§ 12-1578.01 - Time for answer
§ 12-1579 - Answer of garnishee
§ 12-1580 - Objection to garnishment or answer; hearing
§ 12-1581 - Discharge of garnishee
§ 12-1582 - Notice to garnishee of dismissal; hearing on costs and attorney's fee
§ 12-1583 - Judgment by default against garnishee
§ 12-1584 - Judgment against garnishee; objection; hearing
§ 12-1585 - Order regarding personal property subject to garnishment; objection; hearing
§ 12-1587 - Discharge of garnishee if judgment or order not obtained within ninety days; exceptions
§ 12-1588 - Answer disclosing shares of stock; judgment and sale
§ 12-1592 - Obedience of garnishee to judgment as bar
§ 12-1593 - Contempt proceedings
§ 12-1595 - Garnishment of bank account in names of two or more persons; bond of judgment creditor
§ 12-1597 - Mailing; receipt; presumptions
§ 12-1598.01 - Scope of article
§ 12-1598.02 - Grounds for issuance of writ of garnishment of earnings
§ 12-1598.03 - Application for writ of garnishment for earnings
§ 12-1598.06 - Time for answer
§ 12-1598.07 - Objection to garnishment, answer or nonexempt earnings statement; hearing
§ 12-1598.08 - Answer of garnishee to writ of garnishment of earnings; filing; delivery; notice
§ 12-1598.09 - Discharge of garnishee
§ 12-1598.10 - Continuing lien on earnings; order
§ 12-1598.11 - Continuing lien procedure; nonexempt earnings statement
§ 12-1598.12 - Reporting by judgment creditor
§ 12-1598.13 - Contempt proceedings; default of garnishee
§ 12-1598.17 - Mailing; receipt; presumptions
§ 12-1601 - Salaries subject to garnishment
§ 12-1602 - Service of writ and answer
§ 12-1604 - Liability of officer for failure to perform duties
§ 12-1612 - Renewal by affidavit
§ 12-1613 - Docketing and recording affidavit of renewal; effect
§ 12-1622 - Procedure in selling property under execution
§ 12-1623 - Postponement of sale
§ 12-1624 - Liability of bidder for failure to pay; resale and recovery of loss and costs
§ 12-1625 - Delivery of property and certificate of sale
§ 12-1631 - Order for appearance of debtor; limitation
§ 12-1632 - Disclosure of property; execution
§ 12-1633 - Payment to officer by third party; discharge; citation to third party
§ 12-1634 - Attendance of witnesses; application of property toward satisfaction of judgment
§ 12-1635 - Action by judgment creditors
§ 12-1641 - Action by creditor; failure to bring action and effect
§ 12-1643 - Subrogation of surety to rights of judgment creditor; execution against debtor
§ 12-1644 - Issuance of execution for repayment and contribution
§ 12-1645 - Issuance of execution against principal by officer paying judgment
§ 12-1646 - Extension of remedy
§ 12-1702 - Filing and status of foreign judgments
§ 12-1704 - Stay of enforcement of judgment
§ 12-1706 - Other rights of enforcement
§ 12-1707 - Uniformity of interpretation
§ 12-1721 - Monetary judgment awarded to prisoners; outstanding restitution and incarceration costs
§ 12-1801 - Granting of injunctions; grounds
§ 12-1802 - Prohibition upon granting injunctions for certain purposes
§ 12-1804 - Notice of hearing on injunction; service upon adverse party
§ 12-1805 - Limitations on injunction to stay judgment or proceedings at law
§ 12-1806 - Limitations on injunction to stay execution on judgments
§ 12-1809 - Injunction against harassment; petition; venue; fees; notices; enforcement; definition
§ 12-1810 - Injunction against workplace harassment; definitions
§ 12-1832 - Power to construe, etc.
§ 12-1834 - Personal representatives, etc.; declaration of rights
§ 12-1835 - Enumeration not exclusive
§ 12-1838 - Supplemental relief
§ 12-1841 - Parties; notice of claim of unconstitutionality
§ 12-1844 - Provisions severable
§ 12-1845 - Uniformity of interpretation
§ 12-1861 - Supreme court; questions of law certified by other courts
§ 12-1862 - Invocation of proceedings
§ 12-1863 - Certification order; contents
§ 12-1864 - Preparation and transmission of certification order
§ 12-1866 - Proceedings in the supreme court
§ 12-1867 - Opinion of supreme court
§ 12-1871 - Determination of maintainability
§ 12-2002 - Application for writ; grant of writ
§ 12-2004 - Stay of proceedings
§ 12-2007 - Denial of return to writ; hearing; transmittal of judgment; appeal
§ 12-2022 - Alternative or peremptory writ
§ 12-2023 - Application for writ; notice; hearing on default
§ 12-2025 - Trial; order; jury; place of trial; procedure
§ 12-2026 - Motion for new trial; retrial
§ 12-2027 - Determination of questions of law
§ 12-2028 - Writ of mandamus; service
§ 12-2029 - Disobedience of writ; classification
§ 12-2041 - Action by attorney general; venue
§ 12-2042 - Action by county attorney
§ 12-2043 - Failure of attorney general or county attorney to bring action for claimant of office
§ 12-2044 - Adjudication of office; damages; several claimants
§ 12-2045 - Judgment of usurpation; classification
§ 12-2101 - Judgments and orders that may be appealed
§ 12-2101.01 - Appeals from arbitration awards
§ 12-2102 - Scope of review by supreme court upon appeal from final judgment
§ 12-2104 - Remittitur or additur by supreme court
§ 12-2106 - Penalty for taking frivolous appeal or appeal for delay
§ 12-2107 - Filing fees on appeal; exception
§ 12-2108 - Preservation of right to appeal judgment without execution
§ 12-2201 - Persons who may be witnesses
§ 12-2202 - Persons who may not be witnesses
§ 12-2203 - Admissibility of expert opinion testimony
§ 12-2211 - Attendance of witnesses; punishment for failure to appear or testify
§ 12-2212 - Subpoena by public officer; contempt
§ 12-2213 - Privilege from arrest; exceptions
§ 12-2214 - Requirements for subpoena of media witnesses
§ 12-2221 - Manner of administering oath or affirmation; persons authorized to administer
§ 12-2222 - Officers authorized to administer oaths
§ 12-2223 - Persons authorized to administer oath or affirmation within or without United States
§ 12-2231 - Husband and wife; anti-marital fact
§ 12-2232 - Husband and wife; privileged communications; permissible examination
§ 12-2233 - Clergyman or priest and penitent
§ 12-2234 - Attorney and client
§ 12-2235 - Doctor and patient
§ 12-2236 - Waiver of privilege as to attorney or doctor
§ 12-2237 - Reporter and informant
§ 12-2238 - Mediation; privileged communications; exceptions; liability; definitions
§ 12-2239 - Domestic violence victim advocate; privilege; training; exception; definition
§ 12-2240 - Sexual assault victim advocate; privilege; exception; training; supervision; definition
§ 12-2261 - Instruments which may be acknowledged; receipt of acknowledged instruments in evidence
§ 12-2264 - Evidentiary value of birth and death certificates
§ 12-2292 - Confidentiality of medical records and payment records
§ 12-2294 - Release of medical records and payment records to third parties
§ 12-2294.01 - Release of medical records or payment records to third parties pursuant to subpoena
§ 12-2297 - Retention of records
§ 12-2302 - Admissibility of evidence of advance payment
§ 12-2311 - Definition of silent witness or crime stopper program
§ 12-2312 - Admissibility of silent witness or crime stopper program records
§ 12-2322 - Audit report; contents
§ 12-2324 - Waiver; exception; penalties
§ 12-2325 - Disclosure required by court or administrative hearing; appeals; sanctions
§ 12-2326 - Nonprivileged materials
§ 12-2327 - Review of privileged document by governmental authority
§ 12-2402 - Provisional remedies without notice; grounds for issuance
§ 12-2403 - Provisional remedies with notice; grounds
§ 12-2404 - Application for provisional remedy with notice
§ 12-2405 - Notice; form of notice
§ 12-2406 - Service of notice and application
§ 12-2407 - Time to request hearing date; form of request
§ 12-2409 - Judicial review of application; issuance of provisional remedies
§ 12-2410 - Hearing; procedure; issues
§ 12-2412 - Waiver of right to a hearing void
§ 12-2452 - Additional court orders
§ 12-2454 - Effect of emancipation
§ 12-2455 - Recognition of emancipation from another jurisdiction
§ 12-2456 - Emancipation administrative costs fund; purpose; report; collection of information
§ 12-2501 - Right to contribution; definition
§ 12-2504 - Release or covenant not to sue
§ 12-2505 - Comparative negligence; definition
§ 12-2507 - Treatment of counterclaims and cross claims
§ 12-2508 - Redetermination of contribution shares
§ 12-2509 - Scope of contribution and comparative negligence
§ 12-2602 - Preliminary expert opinion testimony; certification
§ 12-2604 - Expert witness qualifications; medical malpractice actions
§ 12-2605 - Evidence of admissions; civil proceedings; unanticipated outcomes; medical care
§ 12-2702 - Representation; definition
§ 12-2703 - Scope of remedies; violation; classification
§ 12-2704 - Unlawful practices; investigation
§ 12-2802 - Confidentiality of genetic testing results; disclosure
§ 12-2803 - Testing of minors; notice to parents; informed consent
§ 12-2902 - Payment rights; transfer conditions
§ 12-2903 - Jurisdiction: transfer approval
§ 12-3004 - Effect of agreement to arbitrate; nonwaivable provisions
§ 12-3005 - Application for judicial relief
§ 12-3006 - Validity of agreement to arbitrate
§ 12-3007 - Motion to compel or stay arbitration
§ 12-3009 - Initiation of arbitration; notice
§ 12-3010 - Consolidation of separate arbitration proceedings
§ 12-3011 - Appointment of arbitrator; service as a neutral arbitrator
§ 12-3012 - Disclosure by arbitrator
§ 12-3013 - Action by majority
§ 12-3014 - Immunity of arbitrator; competency to testify; attorney fees and litigation expenses
§ 12-3015 - Arbitration process
§ 12-3016 - Representation by lawyer
§ 12-3017 - Witnesses; subpoenas; depositions; discovery
§ 12-3018 - Judicial enforcement of preaward ruling by arbitrator
§ 12-3020 - Change of award by arbitrator
§ 12-3021 - Remedies; fees and expenses of arbitration proceeding
§ 12-3022 - Confirmation of award
§ 12-3024 - Modification or correction of award
§ 12-3025 - Judgment on award; attorney fees and litigation expenses
§ 12-3028 - Uniformity of application and construction
§ 12-3029 - Relationship to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act
§ 12-3101 - Definition of foreign law
§ 12-3103 - Prohibited enforcement of foreign law
§ 12-3151 - Nominations; commissions on trial and appellate court appointments; voting records
§ 12-3152 - Superior court; vacancies; fingerprinting; applicability
§ 12-3201 - Vexatious litigants; designation; definitions
§ 12-3252 - Applicability of chapter
§ 12-3253 - Recognition of foreign-country judgments; personal jurisdiction
§ 12-3301 - Private process servers; background investigation; fees