Alaska Statutes
Article 3. General Provisions.
Sec. 47.65.290. Definitions.

In this chapter,
(1) “adult day care” means nonresidential care for a group of persons that offers supervision, custodial care, and other appropriate social, indoor and outdoor recreational, physical, medical, or psychological services for persons at risk of institutional placement;
(2) “at risk of institutional placement” means that a person is either already a resident of an adult foster home or is likely to need placement in a 24-hour care residential or nursing facility, not including a mental health hospital;
(3) “department” means the Department of Health;
(4) “family respite care” means intermittent and substitute care that provides relief for a family caregiver or adult foster home provider by providing intermittent care in the form of companionship, temporary supervision, and minor personal care to a person who is at risk of institutional placement; the service may be provided either in the home of the client or the caregiver, including in an adult foster care home if that is the client's residence;
(5) “home care services” means homemaker services, chore services, personal care services, home health care services, or similar services in or around the residence of an older Alaskan or of a frail older person or similarly disabled adult, as defined in AS 47.65.100;
(6) “older Alaskan” means a resident of Alaska who is 60 years of age and older;
(7) “service program” means the following general categories of services to older Alaskans, including reasonable costs of administration:
(A) nutritional programs;
(B) volunteer programs;
(C) adult day care programs and family respite care services;
(D) health services;
(E) housing services;
(F) legal services and assistance;
(G) home health and homemaker services;
(H) counseling;
(I) information and referral services;
(J) programs which train persons to work with or assist older Alaskans;
(K) transportation services;
(L) educational activities; and
(M) employment services;
(8) “sponsor” means the provider of one or more service programs or pilot projects for the benefit of older Alaskans, including
(A) a municipality of the state;
(B) a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the state; and
(C) an educational institution.