Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Alaska Longevity Bonus.
Sec. 47.45.070. Unqualified persons.

(a) An unqualified person is one who
(1) does not meet the age or residence requirements as provided for under AS 47.45.010 - 47.45.160;
(2) meets the age and residence requirements of AS 47.45.010 - 47.45.160 but either is confined in a state or federal mental health institution or facility and is certified by the state as unable to manage personal affairs, or resides in a nursing home as that term is defined in AS 08.70.180; however, if that person, at the time of commitment or commencement of residence, provided the principal support of a spouse, the commissioner of health may determine to pay the confined person's bonus to the person's spouse until the spouse is qualified for a bonus;
(3) is otherwise qualified but confined in a penal or correctional institution or facility; upon completion of sentence or upon the conferral of a pardon, parole, or probation, the person may make application; confinement outside the state shall be considered as residence in the state if a person was convicted and sentenced from a court in Alaska; revocation of parole or probation shall be cause for immediate disqualification until release from confinement is again effected;
(4) is permanently disqualified under AS 47.45.030(c);
(5) did not apply, under AS 47.45.010(a), before January 1, 1997, for qualification to receive a longevity bonus;
(6) was found qualified to receive a longevity bonus and was subsequently permanently disqualified under former AS 47.45.030(b) or former AS 47.45.045.
(b) Notwithstanding (a)(2) of this section, a person who meets the age and residence requirements of AS 47.45.010 - 47.45.160 qualifies for the bonus during any period of residence in a nursing home that does not exceed 90 consecutive days if the bonus is exempt from the determination of income eligibility under Supplemental Security Income in 42 U.S.C. 1382a (Sec. 1612(b)(2)(B), Social Security Act), as amended.
(c) Notwithstanding (a)(2) of this section, a person who resides in a nursing home who meets the age and residence requirements of AS 47.45.010 - 47.45.160 qualifies for the bonus if the costs of care of the person at the nursing home are paid for entirely from private sources, veterans' benefits, or a combination of private sources and veterans' benefits.