Alaska Statutes
Article 2. Recidivism Reduction Program.
Sec. 47.38.100. Recidivism reduction program.

(a) The recidivism reduction program is established to promote the rehabilitation of persons on probation or parole or incarcerated for offenses and recently released from correctional facilities.
(b) The commissioner, in cooperation with the Alaska Criminal Justice Data Analysis Commission established in AS 44.19.641, may provide for programs that have, as a primary focus, rehabilitation and reduction of recidivism for persons on probation or parole or incarcerated for offenses and recently released from correctional facilities. The commissioner may enter into contracts to provide for programs under this section. An eligible program under this section must accomplish at least one of the following objectives:
(1) increasing access to evidence-based rehabilitation programs, including drug and alcohol treatment, mental health treatment, and cognitive behavioral programs; or
(2) supporting offenders' transition and re-entry from correctional facilities to the community, including transitional housing services, employment services, vocational training, educational support, counseling, and medical care.
(c) The commissioner and the commissioner of corrections shall prepare a joint annual report on the program provided under (a) of this section, and notify the legislature on or before January 15 of each year that the report is available. The report must include an analysis of the program's effects on recidivism for program participants.
(d) In this section, “evidenced-based” means a program or practice that offers a high level of research on effectiveness.