Alaska Statutes
Article 6. Voluntary Admission for Treatment.
Sec. 47.30.690. Admission of minors under 18 years of age.

(a) A minor under the age of 18 may be admitted for 30 days of evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment at a designated treatment facility if the minor's parent or guardian signs the admission papers and if, in the opinion of the professional person in charge,
(1) the minor is gravely disabled or is suffering from mental illness and as a result is likely to cause serious harm to the minor or others;
(2) there is no less restrictive alternative available for the minor's treatment; and
(3) there is reason to believe that the minor's mental condition could be improved by the course of treatment or would deteriorate further if untreated.
(b) A guardian ad litem for a minor admitted under this section shall be appointed under AS 25.24.310 to monitor the best interests of the minor as soon as possible after the minor's admission. If the guardian ad litem finds that placement is not appropriate, the guardian ad litem may request that an attorney be appointed under AS 25.24.310 to represent the minor. The attorney may request a hearing on behalf of the minor during the 30-day admittance.
(c) The minor may be released by the treatment facility at any time if the professional person in charge or the minor's designated mental health professional determines the minor would no longer benefit from continued treatment and the minor is not dangerous. The minor's parents or guardian must be notified by the facility of the contemplated release.