Alaska Statutes
Article 4. Community Mental Health Services Act.
Sec. 47.30.530. Duties of department.

(a) The department shall administer the provisions of AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620 and shall
(1) define and develop standards for various levels and qualities of mental health care;
(2) provide fiscal and professional technical assistance in planning, organizing, developing, implementing, and administering local mental health services;
(3) develop budgets and receive and distribute state appropriations and funds in accordance with the provisions of AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620;
(4) establish standards of education and experience for professional, technical, and administrative personnel employed in community mental health services;
(5) assist the community in establishing the organization and operation of community mental health services;
(6) develop a standardized system for measuring and reporting to the department the types, quantities, and quality of services; and develop a cost accounting system that will demonstrate the cost of various levels and qualities of care;
(7) provide each local community planning and services delivery entity with statistics, reports, and other data relevant to development of indices indicating the need for mental health services, or relevant to evaluating the effectiveness of existing services;
(8) review each local community plan and require each plan to include
(A) an affirmative showing that the most effective and economic use will be made of all available public and private resources in the community including careful consideration of the most effective and economic alternative forms and patterns of services;
(B) a five-year projection of needs, services, and resources; and
(C) adequate provisions for review and evaluation of services provided in the local community;
(9) adopt regulations and establish priorities, after consultation with local communities affected and in conjunction with the Alaska Mental Health Board, that are necessary to carry out the purposes of AS 47.30.520 - 47.30.620.
(b) In performing its duties under (a) of this section, the department shall coordinate with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority established in AS 44.25.200.