Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
Sec. 47.30.470. Powers and duties of department.

The department shall
(1) ascertain and keep current a list of all institutions in the state that have available facilities for the care and treatment of alcoholics and drug abusers;
(2) encourage the development and advancement of standards of treatment of alcoholics and drug abusers in institutions;
(3) promote and encourage educational activities to make the public aware of the effects of intemperate use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, and promote and encourage the education of the general public about scientific facts regarding alcoholism and drug abuse;
(4) identify and utilize whatever facilities and services are available or can be made available through community organization for carrying out the purposes of this section, including identification and utilization for detoxification of under-utilized hospital beds;
(5) engage in research and educational activities that will aid in the understanding of alcoholism and drug abuse and in the treatment of alcoholics and drug abusers;
(6) administer a community grant-in-aid program for alcoholism and drug abuse;
(7) submit an annual report concerning alcoholism and drug abuse in the state and the grant-in-aid program within 10 days after the convening of the legislature in each regular session;
(8) prepare that part of the plan for the integrated comprehensive mental health program under AS 44.25.290 that relates to the services and facilities that are necessary for the care and treatment of persons identified as chronic alcoholics suffering from psychoses, as defined in AS 44.25.290(b)(3) and (f); in preparing the plan of services for persons identified in this paragraph, the department shall coordinate with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and the Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse;
(9) use money awarded to the department by grant or contract from the mental health trust settlement income account established under AS 37.14.036 and appropriated from the general fund to provide the necessary services identified in (8) of this section and in accordance with AS 44.25.290.