Alaska Statutes
Article 5. General Provisions.
Sec. 47.27.900. Definitions.

In this chapter,
(1) “Alaska Native family assistance grant” means a grant under AS 47.27.200;
(2) “Alaska Native family assistance program” means a program funded in part by a grant under AS 47.27.200;
(3) “cash assistance” means assistance for basic living expenses provided under the Alaska temporary assistance program; “cash assistance” includes cash, vouchers, or third-party vendor payments; “cash assistance” does not include a diversion payment under AS 47.27.026 or self-sufficiency services;
(4) “child care assistance” means payments made by the Department of Health or the Department of Education and Early Development to Alaska temporary assistance program participant families or to providers for the care of children of the participant families;
(5) “child support” includes court-ordered or administratively ordered child support, medical support, and spousal support;
(6) “child support services agency” means the child support services agency in the Department of Revenue;
(7) “commissioner” means the commissioner of health;
(8) “department” means the Department of Health;
(9) “dependent child” means an individual who
(A) has not attained
(i) 18 years of age; or
(ii) 19 years of age and is a full-time student in a secondary school or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training; and
(B) is not an applicant under AS 47.27.020;
(10) “diversion payment” means a diversion payment paid under AS 47.27.026;
(11) “federally approved tribal family assistance plan” means a plan that meets the requirements of 42 U.S.C. 612 and has been approved for financing through a tribal family assistance grant directly from the United States Department of Health and Human Services;
(12) “self-sufficiency services” means work-related services, community service work referrals, child care assistance, emergency assistance, service vouchers, equipment vouchers, work stipends, transportation assistance, wage subsidies, and other work supports and services determined by the department in regulation to promote family self-sufficiency;
(13) “work activities” includes job readiness assessments, on-the-job training, education and vocational training, job sampling, job search requirements, subsidized and unsubsidized work, and community work service.