In AS 47.25.001 - 47.25.095,
(1) “child” means a person below 13 years of age, or a minor who has a developmental disability;
(2) “child care facility” means an establishment licensed as a child care facility under AS 47.32, including day care centers, family day care homes, and schools for preschool age children, that provides care for children not related by blood, marriage, or legal adoption to the owner, operator, or manager of the facility;
(3) “day care” means the care, supervision, and guidance of a child or children unaccompanied by a parent or legal guardian on a regular basis for periods of less than 24 hours a day;
(4) “day care facility” means a center or home licensed in accordance with the provisions of AS 47.32 as a child care facility or recognized by the federal government for the care of children;
(5) “department” means the Department of Health;
(6) “developmental disability” means a disability under which a person is incapable of self-care, as verified by a physician or licensed or certified psychologist who has examined the person;
(7) “electronic application” means an application for benefits or renewal of benefits electronically completed and submitted through the department's Internet website.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Article 1. Day Care Assistance and Child Care Grants.
Sec. 47.25.001. Powers and duties.
Sec. 47.25.011. Administrative costs of program contractors.
Sec. 47.25.021. Conditions of receipt of benefits.
Sec. 47.25.031. Eligibility of families for benefits.
Sec. 47.25.041. Contributions by parent or guardian.
Sec. 47.25.051. Placement; payment by state.
Sec. 47.25.071. Child care grant program.
Sec. 47.25.095. Definitions for day care assistance and child care grant programs.