(a) The department shall develop and implement a reporting and tracking system for newborns and infants screened for hearing loss in order to provide the department with information and data to effectively plan, establish, monitor, and evaluate the newborn and infant hearing screening, tracking, and intervention program. Evaluation of the program must include evaluation of the initial hearing screening, follow-up components, and the use and availability of the system of services for newborns and infants who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.
(b) A physician or other person attending the birth in the state, or a hospital on behalf of a physician or other person attending the birth, shall report information related to hearing screening required under (a) of this section as specified by the department. A person who provides audiological confirmatory evaluation and diagnostic services for newborns and infants whose hearing was screened under AS 47.20.310 shall report information as specified by the department in regulation.
(c) The information received under (b) of this section shall be compiled and maintained by the department in the tracking system. The information shall be kept confidential in accordance with the applicable provisions of 20 U.S.C. 1439 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), as amended by P.L. 105-17. Data collected by the department that was obtained from the medical records of the newborn or infant shall be for the confidential use of the department and are not public records subject to disclosure under AS 40.25.110. Aggregate statistical data without identifying information compiled from the information received is public information.
(d) A hospital or other health facility, clinical laboratory, audiologist, physician, registered or advanced practice registered nurse, certified direct-entry midwife, officer or employee of a health facility or clinical laboratory, or an employee of an audiologist, physician, or registered or advanced practice registered nurse is not criminally or civilly liable for furnishing information in good faith to the department or its designee under this section. The furnishing of information in accordance with this section is not a violation of AS 08 or AS 18 or regulations adopted under AS 08 or AS 18 for licensees under those statutes.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Chapter 20. Special Services for Certain Children
Article 2. Newborn and Infant Hearing Screening, Tracking, and Intervention Program.
Sec. 47.20.300. Department to implement program.
Sec. 47.20.310. Screening requirements.
Sec. 47.20.320. Reporting and tracking program.
Sec. 47.20.330. Intervention program.
Sec. 47.20.340. Outreach campaign.