Alaska Statutes
Article 4. Adolescent Peer Counseling.
Sec. 47.18.200. Peer counselor program.

(a) The department shall develop and implement a continuing statewide program of technical support and assistance to encourage school districts, municipalities, and nonprofit corporations incorporated under AS 10.20 that initiate implementation, or that are considering implementation, of adolescent peer counseling groups under adult supervision for
(1) prevention of adolescent behavioral patterns that jeopardize physical and mental health and that hamper social, educational, and personal development; and
(2) spreading information about services that are available to adolescents to help them with their health needs.
(b) The program of technical support required under (a) of this section must include
(1) suggested methods for maintaining a high level of adolescent, parental, and community support for peer counseling groups;
(2) workshops, seminars, or other training opportunities for adolescent peer counselors and their adult leaders; this training must include sessions to
(A) develop interpersonal communications skills;
(B) teach accurate health information, emphasizing sexual development;
(C) provide information about services that are available in the peer counselors' areas and how those services can be obtained for pregnancy prevention, and prenatal care; and
(D) encourage adolescents to avoid major risk-taking behavior and to reinforce responsible behavior and self control;
(3) assistance in selecting appropriate resource materials for the groups;
(4) recommended mechanisms for effectively monitoring and evaluating the activities and accomplishments of the groups; and
(5) other similar services to assist and encourage school districts and municipalities in establishing and administering adolescent peer counseling groups.
(c) In developing the program of technical support and assistance required under (a) of this section, the department shall review and consider the activities and accomplishments in other states that have developed peer counseling networks. The department shall solicit contributions of money and expertise from the private sector that may be available for this type of program.