Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Citizen Review Panel.
Sec. 47.14.215. Duties of the state panel.

(a) The state panel shall evaluate the extent to which the department is effectively discharging its child protection responsibilities under
(1) the state plan submitted to the United States Department of Health and Human Services under 42 U.S.C. 5106a(b);
(2) child protection standards under federal and state laws; and
(3) any other criteria that the panel considers important to ensuring the protection of children, including the level and efficiency of coordination of foster care and adoption programs in the state and a review of child fatalities and near fatalities.
(b) In carrying out the responsibilities under (a) of this section, the state panel shall examine the policies, procedures, and practices of the department, and, where appropriate, evaluate specific cases of child abuse or neglect.
(c) The commissioner shall, by regulation, establish policies and procedures necessary to carrying out the duties of the state panel under this section.