The department shall
(1) review, inspect, and approve or disapprove for licensing proposed or established programs for runaway minors to ensure the health and safety of minors in the program;
(2) maintain a register of licensed programs for runaway minors;
(3) award nonprofit corporations or municipalities grants for the establishment or operation of licensed programs for runaway minors;
(4) adopt regulations for the administration of AS 47.10.300 - 47.10.390, including regulations providing for the coordination of services to be provided by licensed programs for runaway minors and by the department.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Chapter 10. Children in Need of Aid
Article 2. Programs for Runaway Minors.
Sec. 47.10.300. Powers and duties of the department.
Sec. 47.10.310. Licensing of programs for runaway minors.
Sec. 47.10.320. Residence in runaway minor program facilities.
Sec. 47.10.330. Notice to minor's legal custodian.
Sec. 47.10.340. Confidentiality of records.
Sec. 47.10.350. Immunity from liability.