Alaska Statutes
Article 1. General Administrative Provisions.
Sec. 47.05.085. Subpoena power.

(a) The commissioner or the commissioner's designee at the director level may issue subpoenas to compel the production of books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, and other records considered necessary as evidence in connection with an investigation under or the administration of AS 47.07 (medical assistance), AS 47.08 (assistance for catastrophic illnesses and acute or chronic medical conditions), AS 47.25 (day care assistance, child care grants, general relief, adult public assistance, and food stamps), and AS 47.27 (Alaska temporary assistance program).
(b) In case of refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any person under (a) of this section, the superior court may, upon application by the department, issue an order requiring the person to appear before the department to produce evidence if ordered. Failure to obey the order of the court is punishable as contempt.
(c) A person who, without just cause, fails or refuses to produce books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, and other records, if it is in the person's power to do so, in obedience to a subpoena of the department or an authorized representative of it, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not more than $200, or by imprisonment for not more than 60 days, or by both. Each day the failure or refusal continues is a separate offense.