(a) The Alaska drinking water administrative fund is established as a separate fund that is distinct from other money or funds in the state treasury. The fund is composed of two accounts, the
(1) Alaska drinking water administrative operating account; and
(2) Alaska drinking water administrative income account.
(b) The legislature may appropriate to the Alaska drinking water administrative operating account the annual balance of the Alaska drinking water administrative income account.
(c) The department shall administer the Alaska drinking water administrative fund.
(d) The Alaska drinking water administrative operating account may be used to pay for the department's operational and administrative costs necessary to manage the Alaska drinking water fund and the Alaska drinking water administrative fund and for such other purposes permitted by federal law.
(e) Money received in payment of fees charged by the department under the authority of AS 46.03.039 and earnings on the Alaska drinking water administrative fund shall be deposited in the Alaska drinking water administrative income account.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 46. Water, Air, Energy, and Environmental Conservation
Chapter 03. Environmental Conservation
Article 2. Department of Environmental Conservation.
Sec. 46.03.020. Powers of the department.
Sec. 46.03.022. Dental radiological equipment.
Sec. 46.03.024. Consideration in adopting pollution regulations.
Sec. 46.03.030. Water quality enhancement, water supply, sewage, and solid waste facilities grants.
Sec. 46.03.032. Alaska clean water fund.
Sec. 46.03.034. Alaska clean water administrative fund.
Sec. 46.03.035. Fees charged for loans made from the Alaska clean water fund.
Sec. 46.03.036. Alaska drinking water fund.
Sec. 46.03.038. Alaska drinking water administrative fund.
Sec. 46.03.039. Fees charged for loans made from the Alaska drinking water fund.
Sec. 46.03.040. Alaska environmental plan.
Sec. 46.03.045. Public recognition of pollution prevention efforts.