Alaska Statutes
Chapter 68. Charitable Solicitations
Sec. 45.68.120. Exemptions from registration requirement.

(a) Registration is not required under AS 45.68.010 for
(1) a church or religious organization that is exempt from filing a federal annual information return under 26 U.S.C. 6033(a)(3)(A)
(2) a candidate for national, state, or local office, and a political party or other committee or group if the candidate, party, committee, or group is required to file financial information with the Alaska Public Offices Commission under AS 15.13 or with the Federal Election Commission under 2 U.S.C. 431 - 456 (Federal Election Campaign Act);
(3) a charitable organization that does not intend to raise or receive contributions, excluding government grants, in excess of $5,000 during a fiscal year of the charitable organization, or that does not intend to receive contributions from more than 10 persons during a fiscal year of the charitable organization if, in either situation,
(A) all of the organization's functions, including solicitation, are performed by persons who are not paid for their services; and
(B) an officer or member of the organization is not paid or does not otherwise receive all or a part of the assets or income of the charitable organization;
(4) a person or municipality who has a permit under AS 05.15.100.
(b) A person who qualifies for an exemption under (a)(3) of this section shall maintain for five years the records necessary to prove that the organization qualifies for the exemption.
(c) Notwithstanding (a)(3) of this section, if a charitable organization actually raises or receives more than $5,000 in contributions during a fiscal year of the charitable organization or receives contributions from more than 10 persons during the same fiscal year, the charitable organization shall, within 30 days after the earlier event, register with the department under AS 45.68.010.