A person may not, in connection with a sale of or an offer to sell a business opportunity subject to registration under this chapter, directly or indirectly make an untrue statement of material fact in the registration information required in or under AS 45.66.020 - 45.66.050 or in other written or oral communications, including the disclosure required by AS 45.66.080 and in advertising related to the sale or offer, or omit to state a material fact necessary, in light of the circumstances under which it is made, to avoid a statement's being misleading.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 66. Sale of Business Opportunities
Sec. 45.66.010. Registration required.
Sec. 45.66.020. Registration procedure.
Sec. 45.66.030. Renewal of registration.
Sec. 45.66.040. Registration and renewal fees.
Sec. 45.66.050. Material changes in registration information.
Sec. 45.66.060. Surety bond required.
Sec. 45.66.070. Location of offer and sale.
Sec. 45.66.080. Disclosure requirements.
Sec. 45.66.090. Written contract required.
Sec. 45.66.100. Restrictions on down payments.
Sec. 45.66.110. Escrow account requirements.
Sec. 45.66.120. Actions for claims against escrow account.
Sec. 45.66.130. Cancellation of contract.
Sec. 45.66.140. Prohibited representations.
Sec. 45.66.150. Untrue statements or omissions.
Sec. 45.66.160. Unwarranted conclusions.
Sec. 45.66.170. Waiver prohibited and void.
Sec. 45.66.180. Seller's records and files.
Sec. 45.66.190. Public records.
Sec. 45.66.200. Denial, suspension, or revocation of registration.
Sec. 45.66.210. Criminal penalties.