(a) A person may not sell, lease, loan, trade, or rent an individual's social security number to a third party.
(b) The prohibition in (a) of this section does not apply if the sale, lease, loan, trade, or rental is
(1) authorized by local, state, or federal law, including a regulation adopted under AS 45.48.470;
(2) by a person subject to or for a transaction regulated by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act for a purpose authorized by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act;
(3) by a person subject to or for a transaction regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act for a purpose authorized by the Fair Credit Reporting Act; or
(4) part of a report prepared by a consumer credit reporting agency in response to a request by a person and the person submits the social security number as part of the request to the consumer credit reporting agency for the preparation of the report.
(c) Nothing in this section prevents a business from transferring social security numbers to another person if the transfer is part of the sale or other transfer of the business to the other person.
(d) A transfer of an individual's social security number for the sole purpose of identifying a person about whom a report or database check is ordered, received, or provided is not a sale, lease, loan, trade, or rental of a social security number under this section.
(e) A person who knowingly violates (a) of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. In this subsection, “knowingly” has the meaning given in AS 11.81.900.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 48. Personal Information Protection Act
Article 3. Protection of Social Security Number.
Sec. 45.48.400. Use of social security number.
Sec. 45.48.410. Request and collection.
Sec. 45.48.420. Sale, lease, loan, trade, or rental.
Sec. 45.48.440. Interagency disclosure.
Sec. 45.48.450. Exception for employees, agents, and independent contractors.
Sec. 45.48.460. Employment-related exception.