A collecting bank or other intermediary known to be entrusted with documents of title on behalf of another or with collection of a draft or other claim against delivery of documents warrants by the delivery of the documents only its own good faith and authority even if the collecting bank or other intermediary has purchased or made advances against the claim or draft to be collected.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 07. Warehouse Receipts, Bills of Lading, and Other Documents of Title
Article 5. Warehouse Receipts and Bills of Lading: Negotiation and Transfer.
Sec. 45.07.501. Form of negotiation and requirements of due negotiation.
Sec. 45.07.502. Rights acquired by due negotiation.
Sec. 45.07.503. Document of title to goods defeated in certain cases.
Sec. 45.07.505. Endorser not guarantor for other parties.
Sec. 45.07.506. Delivery without endorsement; right to compel endorsement.
Sec. 45.07.507. Warranties on negotiation or delivery of document of title.
Sec. 45.07.508. Warranties of collecting bank as to documents of title.
Sec. 45.07.509. Adequate compliance with commercial contract.