A bailee who, in good faith, has received goods and delivered or otherwise disposed of the goods according to the terms of a document of title or under this chapter is not liable for the goods even if the person
(1) from whom the bailee received the goods did not have authority to procure the document or to dispose of the goods; or
(2) to whom the bailee delivered the goods did not have authority to receive the goods.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 07. Warehouse Receipts, Bills of Lading, and Other Documents of Title
Article 4. Warehouse Receipts and Bills of Lading: General Obligations.
Sec. 45.07.401. Irregularities in issue of receipt or bill or conduct of issuer.
Sec. 45.07.402. Duplicate document of title; overissue.
Sec. 45.07.403. Obligation of bailee to deliver; excuse.
Sec. 45.07.404. No liability for good faith delivery under document of title.