In AS 44.21.256 - 44.21.290, unless the context otherwise requires,
(1) “commission” means the Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission;
(2) “public broadcasting” includes, but is not limited to, television and radio transmission by 2,500 megahertz, closed circuit or microwave video and audio programming, slow-scan television programming, programming via satellite, teletype or facsimile transmission, and distribution methods, when the transmission, programming, and distribution are intended to serve a noncommercial public purpose.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 21. Department of Administration
Article 3. Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission.
Sec. 44.21.256. Creation of Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission.
Sec. 44.21.258. Membership and term of office.
Sec. 44.21.260. Compensation and expenses.
Sec. 44.21.264. Purpose of the commission.
Sec. 44.21.266. Duties of the commission.
Sec. 44.21.268. Powers of the commission.
Sec. 44.21.270. Commercial broadcasting.
Sec. 44.21.290. Definitions.