Alaska Statutes
Article 4. Requests for Information; Confidentiality; Disclosure of Information.
Sec. 43.82.310. Disclosure of information; confidentiality.

(a) An applicant may request confidential treatment of information that the applicant provides under AS 43.82.300 by clearly identifying the information and the reasons supporting the request for confidential treatment. The commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of natural resources, as appropriate, shall keep the information confidential until the commissioner determines whether the requirements of (b) of this section are met. If the commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of natural resources has not made a determination under (b) of this section within 14 days after receiving a request for confidential treatment, the request is considered denied. If the appropriate commissioner determines that the information does not meet the requirements of (b) of this section or if the commissioner fails to make a determination within 14 days, the commissioner shall return the information and any copies of it at the request of the applicant. If the commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of natural resources, as appropriate, returns information under this subsection, the commissioner shall cease review of the application or cease contract development under AS 43.82.200 - 43.82.270, as appropriate, unless the commissioner determines that the returned information is unnecessary to make a determination on the application or to develop contract terms under AS 43.82.200 - 43.82.270.
(b) If requested by the applicant, information provided to the commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of natural resources under AS 43.82.300 shall be kept confidential if the commissioner receiving the information determines, upon an adequate showing by the applicant, that the information
(1) is a trade secret or other proprietary research, development, or commercial information that the applicant treats as confidential;
(2) affects the applicant's competitive position; and
(3) has commercial value that may be significantly diminished by public disclosure or that public disclosure is not in the long-term fiscal interests of the state.
(c) Information determined to be confidential under (b) of this section is confidential under that subsection only so long as is necessary to protect the competitive position of the applicant, to prevent the significant diminution of the commercial value of the information, or to protect the long-term fiscal interests of the state. The commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of natural resources, as appropriate, may not release information that the commissioner has previously determined to be confidential under (b) of this section without providing the applicant notice and an opportunity to be heard.
(d) Notwithstanding the limitation in (c) of this section, the Department of Revenue and the Department of Natural Resources may provide to one another, to the Department of Law, to the legislature, and to the Office of the Governor any information provided under AS 43.82.300 relevant to the implementation of this chapter or to the enforcement of state or federal laws. Information that is exchanged under this subsection that was determined to be confidential under (b) of this section remains confidential except as provided in (c) of this section. The portions of the records and files of the Department of Revenue, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Law, the legislature, and the Office of the Governor that reflect, incorporate, or analyze information that is determined to be confidential under (b) of this section are not public records except as provided in (c) of this section.
(e) Notwithstanding the limitation in (c) of this section, information that is determined to be confidential under (b) of this section shall be disclosed on request by the commissioner of revenue, the commissioner of natural resources, or the attorney general to a legislator; to the legislative auditor; and, as directed by the chair or vice-chair of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, to the director of legislative finance, to the permanent employees of those divisions who are responsible for evaluating a contract under AS 43.82.020, and to agents or contractors of the legislative auditor or the director of legislative finance who are engaged to evaluate a contract under AS 43.82.020. Information that is determined to be confidential under (b) of this section may also be disclosed by the commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of natural resources to an independent contractor under AS 43.82.240 or to a municipal advisory group established under AS 43.82.510. Before confidential information is disclosed under this subsection, the person receiving the information must sign an appropriate confidentiality agreement.
(f) If the commissioner of revenue chooses to develop a contract under AS 43.82.020, the portions of the records and files of the Department of Revenue, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Law, and a municipal advisory group established under AS 43.82.510 that reflect, incorporate, or analyze information that is relevant to the development of the position or strategy of the commissioner of revenue, the commissioner of natural resources, or the attorney general with respect to a particular provision that may be incorporated into the contract are not public records until the commissioner of revenue gives public notice under AS 43.82.410 of the commissioner's preliminary findings and determination under AS 43.82.400. Nothing in this subsection
(1) makes a record or file of the Department of Revenue, the Department of Natural Resources, or the Department of Law a public record that otherwise would not be a public record under AS 40.25.100 - 40.25.220;
(2) affects the confidentiality provisions of (a) - (e) of this section; or
(3) abridges a privilege recognized under the laws of this state, whether at common law or by statute or by court rule.