Alaska Statutes
Chapter 77. Fishery Resource Landing Tax
Sec. 43.77.200. Definitions.

In this chapter,
(1) “community development quota” has the meaning given that term in a regulation adopted by the Office of the Governor, under authority granted by art. III, secs. 1 and 24, Constitution of the State of Alaska, to implement a program of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council to set aside fisheries resources for community development purposes in western Alaska;
(2) “engages or attempts to engage in a floating fishery business in the state” means conducting in the state an activity as part of an integrated mobile business involving the harvesting or taking, processing, transportation, or delivery of a fishery resource, including transfer of fishery resources or processed products, taking on and disembarking crew, taking on fuel or supplies, obtaining vessel or gear repairs, discharging wastes, seeking protection in sheltered waters, and any other related activity that makes a claim on the resources of the state;
(3) “fishery resource” means finfish, shellfish, and fish by-products, including salmon, halibut, herring, flounder, crab, clams, cod, shrimp, and pollock;
(4) “landing” means the act of unloading or transferring a fishery resource;
(5) “process”
(A) means any activity that modifies the physical condition of the resource, including butchering, freezing, salting, cooking, canning, dehydrating, or smoking;
(B) does not include decapitating shrimp, or gutting, gilling, sliming, washing, or icing a resource solely for the purpose of maintaining the quality of the fresh resource;
(6) “tax” means the fishery resource landing tax levied and collected under this chapter;
(7) “value” means the unprocessed value of the fishery resource based on the statewide average price paid for the fisheries resource as reported during the year to the Department of Fish and Game under AS 16.05.690.