Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Salmon Fishery Assessment.
Sec. 43.76.270. Funding for qualified salmon fishery associations.

(a) The legislature may make appropriations of revenue collected under AS 43.76.260 to the Department of Fish and Game for funding of the qualified salmon fishery association for the fishery in which the assessment was collected. Funds received under this section by a qualified salmon fishery association may be expended in accordance with the annual operating plan developed under (b) of this section.
(b) The Department of Fish and Game may assist a salmon fishery association in developing an annual operating plan. The annual operating plan must describe the activities for which the association intends to expend the funding received under this section, including consolidation of the fishing fleet in the salmon fishery, financial assistance to permit holders in the fishery to promote consolidation of the fishing fleet for the fishery, and administrative activities of the association.
(c) A qualified salmon fishery association receiving funding under this section shall submit an annual report to the Department of Fish and Game and to the members of the association describing the activities of the association and how those activities are consistent with the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the association.
(d) This section does not establish a dedication of a state tax or license.
(e) This section does not restrict or qualify the authority of the Department of Fish and Game or the Board of Fisheries under AS 16.