Alaska Statutes
Article 2. Conservation Surcharge on Oil.
Sec. 43.55.231. Surcharge not imposed.

(a) The surcharge authorized by AS 43.55.201 is not levied during any fiscal year for which
(1) the legislature does not, during the regular or a special legislative session preceding the first day of the fiscal year, appropriate at least an amount equal to the amount determined under (b) of this section from the general fund to the response account in the oil and hazardous substance release prevention and response fund; or
(2) the legislature, during the regular or a special legislative session preceding the first day of the fiscal year, appropriates at least the amount of money equal to the amount determined under (b) of this section from the general fund to the response account in the oil and hazardous substance release prevention and response fund and that appropriation is vetoed or reduced by the governor.
(b) The amount of money required to be appropriated from the general fund to the response account in the oil and hazardous substance release prevention and response fund by (a) of this section is the amount, determined for the last day of the preceding fiscal year, that is the sum of the actual or estimated balance of
(1) the account maintained under AS 37.05.142 to account for all proceeds of the surcharge that are deposited into the general fund; and
(2) the portion of the balance of the response mitigation account established by AS 46.08.025(b) that originated from the recovery of money described in AS 46.08.025(a)(3).