Alaska Statutes
Article 2. Fiscal Responsibilities.
Sec. 43.05.140. Bond of commissioner.

Before taking office, the commissioner shall furnish a bond to the state. The bond shall be approved by the attorney general and filed with the Department of Administration, and a copy of it shall be filed in the attorney general's office. The bond shall be conditioned that the principal will faithfully discharge the duties of the office, keep a strict, true and correct account of all money disbursed, and that the principal will properly account for it and will pay over to a successor or other person entitled by law to receive it all money or property in the hands or possession of the principal, in accordance with law; or, in default, that the parties executing the bond will pay to the state and others injured all damages, costs, and expenses resulting from the default. The surety on the bond shall be a surety company authorized to transact business in the state. All premiums for the commissioner's bond shall be paid by the state. The amount of the bond shall be $200,000, but if the funds in the treasury of the state exceed the amount of the bond given by the commissioner, or if for any reason the governor and the Department of Administration consider the bond insufficient they shall notify the commissioner of that fact, and the commissioner shall give the additional bond with sufficient sureties, within the time and in the amount that the governor and the Department of Administration consider necessary for the safety of the state.