Every person installing, operating, or maintaining a public service plant for the purpose of supplying the city or the inhabitants of the city with telephone service, water, power, lighterage, wharfage, dockage, storage, heat, or light, or rendering other kindred public service shall keep correct books of account in permanent convenient form showing in detail the volume of business done, the character of the business done, the quantity and kind of service rendered, rates charged, and all expenses incurred in connection with the operation of the enterprise, showing the items of expense in detail. The books shall be open to inspection by the mayor and the city council and by an accredited agent, auditor, or representative appointed by the mayor and city council.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 42. Public Utilities and Carriers and Energy Programs
Chapter 30. Miscellaneous Regulations Governing Public Utilities and Carriers
Article 1. Rights and Obligations of Public Utilities Operating in Cities.
Sec. 42.30.010. Use of streets and public places.
Sec. 42.30.020. Duty to serve without discrimination and adopt regulations.
Sec. 42.30.030. Books of account.