Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Recreational Mining Areas.
Sec. 41.23.610. Management and regulations.

(a) The commissioner is responsible for the management of the surface and subsurface estate within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area necessary to carry out the purposes of AS 41.23.600. The commissioner shall adopt and may revise a management plan and shall adopt regulations for the management, use, and development of the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area.
(b) The management plan, including any revisions, and regulations adopted by the commissioner shall be developed in consultation with the commissioner of fish and game and the commissioner of transportation and public facilities. The management plan and regulations shall address, but not be limited to,
(1) the methods of mining permitted within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area;
(2) the types of mining equipment that may be used within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area;
(3) the protection of habitat within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area; and
(4) other restrictions consistent with the purposes stated in AS 41.23.600.
(c) Except as provided in this subsection, the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area is open to recreational mining under AS 41.23.600 - 41.23.620. The commissioner of fish and game is responsible for the management of the fish and game resources and the public use of fish and wildlife resources within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area consistent with the purposes stated in AS 41.23.600. The commissioner of fish and game shall issue a general permit to the public authorizing recreational mining activities subject to seasonal restrictions on the mining activities within specified waterbody areas necessary to maintain fishery resources within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area.
(d) The Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area is closed to mineral entry under AS 38.05.185 - 38.05.275.
(e) The commissioner shall permit the construction and realignment of the Glenn Highway by the commissioner of transportation and public facilities within the Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area as follows:
(1) Township 20 North, Range 10 East, Seward Meridian
Section 29: The centerline of the realigned Glenn Highway is described as commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 29; thence on a state plane, Zone 4 bearing of North 2 degrees 09´55" West, along the West boundary of Section 29, 1481.55 feet to proposed centerline Station 692+58.19 and the True Point of Beginning; thence South 85 degrees 52´40" East, a distance of 3395.32 feet to proposed centerline Station 726+53.51; thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of 916.73 feet, through an arc of 121 degrees 37´14", a distance of 1945.93 feet to P.C.C. Station 745+99.44; thence along a compound curve to the left, having a radius of 1637.02 feet, through an arc of 30 degrees 01´50", a distance of 858.01 feet to Point of Tangent Station 754+57.45; thence North 57 degrees 31´44" West, a distance of 453.00 feet to P.C. Station 759+10.45; thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 996.45 feet, through an arc of 144 degrees 30´28", a distance of 2513.18 feet to Point of Tangent Station 784+23.63 BACK = 741+49.55 AHEAD; thence North 86 degrees 58´44" East, a distance of 1347.13 feet to Station 754+96.68, a point on the east boundary of Section 29, said point is South 2 degrees 09´55" East, a distance of 115.88 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 29;
(2) the right-of-way lines that cross Caribou Creek Recreational Mining Area extend varying distances from the centerline as follows:
(A) from Station 760+00 to Station 765+00 the right-of-way extends 300 feet on the left of centerline and 150 feet on the right;
(B) from Station 765+00 to Station 780+00, the right-of-way extends 300 feet on each side of the centerline;
(C) from Station 780+00 to P.T. Station 784+23.63 the right-of-way extends 300 feet on the left and 400 feet to the right of the centerline.