Alaska Statutes
Chapter 08. Geological and Geophysical Surveys
Sec. 41.08.045. Fees for facilities, equipment, products, and services.

(a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, the division of geological and geophysical surveys may charge and collect a fee for facilities, equipment, products, or services that the division offers, including
(1) rental of space for confidential sample storage;
(2) rental of sample viewing facilities;
(3) retrieval, cutting, splitting, processing, or sampling of geological materials;
(4) use of equipment, including microscopes; and
(5) analyses, maps, reports, data, or products authorized by the division.
(b) The division of geological and geophysical surveys shall establish fees that may be charged and collected under (a) of this section by regulation. Before setting the fees, the division shall consider, at public hearings, the
(1) cost to the state of operating the facility or providing the service or equipment;
(2) normal fees charged for similar facilities, equipment, or services by governmental and nongovernmental entities;
(3) cost of administering a fee collection program for the facility, equipment, or service; and
(4) public interest.
(c) The division shall waive fees under this section for a student who uses facilities, equipment, products, or services for educational purposes.
(d) Fees collected under this section shall be separately accounted for under AS 37.05.142.