Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Inspection and Copying of Public Records.
Sec. 40.25.220. Definitions for AS 40.25.100 - 40.25.295.

In AS 40.25.100 - 40.25.295, unless the context otherwise requires,
(1) “electronic services and products” means computer-related services and products provided by a public agency, including
(A) electronic manipulation of the data contained in public records in order to tailor the data to the person's request or to develop a product that meets the person's request;
(B) duplicating public records in alternative formats not used by a public agency, providing periodic updates of an electronic file or data base, or duplicating an electronic file or data base from a geographic information system;
(C) providing online access to an electronic file or data base;
(D) providing information that cannot be retrieved or generated by the existing computer programs of the public agency;
(E) providing functional electronic access to the information system of the public agency; in this subparagraph, “functional access” includes the capability for alphanumeric query and printing, graphic query and plotting, nongraphic data input and analysis, and graphic data input and analysis;
(F) providing software developed by a public agency or developed by a private contractor for a public agency;
(G) generating maps or other standard or customized products from an electronic geographic information system;
(2) “public agency” means a political subdivision, department, institution, board, commission, division, authority, public corporation, council, committee, or other instrumentality of the state or a municipality; “public agency” includes the University of Alaska and the Alaska Railroad Corporation;
(3) “public records” means books, papers, files, accounts, writings, including drafts and memorializations of conversations, and other items, regardless of format or physical characteristics, that are developed or received by a public agency, or by a private contractor for a public agency, and that are preserved for their informational value or as evidence of the organization or operation of the public agency; “public records” does not include proprietary software programs.