Alaska Statutes
Chapter 23. Investment Pools for Public Entities
Sec. 37.23.070. Reports; disclosure statement.

(a) The manager of an investment pool shall provide to the participating public entities a monthly report on the allocation of income of investments of the pool and describing activities of the pool. At least annually, the manager of an investment pool shall provide a disclosure statement on the management and operation of the pool to each public entity participating in the pool. The disclosure statement must include a copy of the annual audit required under AS 37.23.080.
(b) A public entity participating in an investment pool that is an organization composed of political subdivisions of the state shall promptly provide a copy of each report or statement received under (a) of this section to its members who are participating in the investment pool.
(c) The manager of an investment pool shall provide to a prospective participant in the pool copies of monthly reports prepared under (a) of this section for the past year, and a copy of the most recent disclosure statement prepared under (a) of this section.