Alaska Statutes
Chapter 18. Alaska Tax Credit Certificate Bond Corporation
Sec. 37.18.190. Definitions.

In this chapter,
(1) “bond resolution” means the resolution or resolutions adopted by the corporation under AS 37.18.060 authorizing the issuance of bonds;
(2) “bonds” means the bonds authorized in this chapter;
(3) “corporation” means the Alaska Tax Credit Certificate Bond Corporation created in AS 37.18.010;
(4) “costs of issuance and administration” means all costs associated with issuance and administration of bonds and refunding bonds, including costs of bond printing, official statements, financial advisors, travel costs, rating agencies, bond insurance, letters and lines of credit for credit enhancement, underwriters, remarketing agents, legal services, paying agents, bonds registrars, bond and escrow trustees, arbitrage rebate, administrative costs, both direct and indirect, and all other costs;
(5) “reserve fund” means the Alaska Tax Credit Certificate Bond Corporation reserve fund established in AS 37.18.040.